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‎GUARIGLIA Osvaldo Norberto‎

Reference : F105544


‎Quellenkritische und logische Untersuchungen zur Gegensatzlehre des Aristoteles‎

‎Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag 1978 131pp., in the series "Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie. Kleine Reihe" volume 4, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth, dustwrapper, very good condition, F105544‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )

‎Guthrie W. K. C‎

Reference : 100128022


‎A History of Greek Philosophy Vol 6: Aristotle: An Encounter: Volume 6 Aristotle: An Encounter‎

‎Cambridge University Press 1990 476 pages 15 2x3 2x22 6cm. 1990. Broché. 476 pages.‎

‎Très bon état dos insolé intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎GUY Alain‎

Reference : 4093


‎ Paris, Editions des Presses Universitaires de France / Privat, 1963, in8 broché, 203 pages, dos et 1er plat légèrement insolés, sinon bon exemplaire.‎

‎L'ambiguïté du mode de pensée péripatéticien jugé par le ratiovitalisme..... ‎

Phone number : 07 70 79 25 54

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )


Reference : F105494


‎Grund und Allgemeinheit. Untersuchungen zum aristotelischen Verständnis der ontologischen Gründe‎

‎Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain 1975 208pp., in the series "Monographien zur philosophischen Forschung" volume 135, 23cm., softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105494‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : F105501


‎Morals and Law. The Growth of Aristotle's Legal Theory‎

‎New York, Biblio & Tannen 1971 xxii + 191pp., new edition, 24cm., publihser's hardcover in red cloth, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105501‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎HAMELIN O. (& BARBOTIN Edmond, ed.)‎

Reference : F105423


‎La théorie de l'intellect d'après Aristote et ses commentateurs‎

‎Paris, Vrin 1953 xxvii + 95pp., dans la série "Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie", 23cm., brochure originale, bon état, F105423‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎HAMESSE Jacqueline (éd.)‎

Reference : F66440


‎Les Auctoritates Aristotelis. Un florilège médiéval. Etude historique et édition critique‎

‎Louvain / Paris, Publications universitaires / Vbéatrice-Nauwelaerts 1974 351pp., 26cm., dans la série "Philosophes médiévaux" vol.17, brochure originale, pages pour la plupart non coupées, bon état, [texte en latin, étude en français], F66440‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎HANSEN Heine & PAGUS John‎

Reference : F97927


‎John Pagus on Aristotle's categories. A study and edition of the "Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis"‎

‎Leuven, Leuven University Press 2012 158 + 311pp. (in 1 volume), 25cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth, in the series "Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion Centre" series I volume 45, study in English (158pp.) and critical text edition in Latin (275pp.), fine condition (as new), ISBN 978-90-5867-913-0, F97927‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )


Reference : F66641


‎Aristotle's ethical theory‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1988 xi + 448pp., 22cm., in the series "Clarendon Paperbacks", 2nd ed., softcover, stamp, VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )


Reference : F105598


‎Aristotle's Ethical Theory‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1968 ix 370pp., 22cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine (corners bit bumped, some wear at edges), dustwrapper worn and with some tears, text and interior clean and bright, F105598‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )


Reference : F105412


‎Substance, Body, and Soul. Aristotelian Investigations‎

‎Princeton, Princeton University Press 1977 xi + 292pp., publisher's hardcover in black cloth (spine slightly sunfaded), 23cm., text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105412‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : F105403


‎Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Rhetorik bei Platon und Aristoteles‎

‎Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1973 374pp., in the series "Hypomnemata. Untersuchungen zur Antike und zu ihrem Nachleben" volume 38, 24cm., softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105403‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : SPN-166


‎JACKIE : un mythe américain (Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis)‎

‎Paris : Robert Laffont, 1989. Broché 24x15,5, couverture illustrée en noir, 506 pages (cahier central de photos en noir).‎

Librairie Bois d'Encre - Moulins la Marche

Phone number : 02 33 24 76 09

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : F105437


‎Time and Neccessity. Studies in Aristotle's Theory of Modality‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1975 ix + 225pp., 2nd printing, 23cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper with few signs of wear, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105437‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )


Reference : F105763


‎Commentatio de vocis quae est PHYSIS VI atque usu praesertim in graecitate Aristotele anteriore‎

‎Groningen, Wolters [1955] 142pp., 24cm., softcover, good condition, F105763‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎HUGHES Gerard J.‎

Reference : F66599


‎Aristotle on ethics‎

‎London / New York, Routledge 2001 x + 238pp., 21cm., in the series "Routledge philosophy guidebooks", hardcover (cart.), VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎HUMBERT, Pierre.‎

Reference : 19127

‎Philosophes et savants.‎

‎Paris, Flammarion (« Bibliothèque de Philosophie scientifique »), 1953. in-8°, 224 pp, figures in-t., biblio, broche, couv.‎

‎Bon etat. [CA32-3] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎JOACHIM Harold H. (ed.)‎

Reference : F105594


‎Aristotle on coming-to-be and passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introduction and commentary‎

‎Hildesheim, Georg Olms 1970 XL + 303pp., Reprographic reprint of the Oxford 1922-edition, 22cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering, text and interio are clean and bright, good condition, F105594‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎J. Voilquin Aristote‎

Reference : DLE51AP


‎Ethique De Nicomaque‎

‎Garnier-Flammarion Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1968 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎KAPPES Matthias‎

Reference : F76880


‎Die Aristotelische Lehre über Begriff und Ursache der Kinesis. Eine naturphilosophische Studie‎

‎Bonn, Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi 1887 47pp., 21cm., bound in cloth, stamp on title page, good condition, (Inaugural-Dissertation), F76880‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎KENNY Anthony‎

Reference : F66609


‎Aristotle on the perfect life‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1992 ix + 173pp., 23cm., previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎KENNY Anthony‎

Reference : F66613


‎Essays on the Aristotelian tradition‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 2001 vii + 174pp., 23cm., hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎KERN Gualtero S.J.‎

Reference : F112988


‎Hegels Aristotelesvorlesungen‎

‎Pullach, 1957 25pp., 22cm., excerpt from a doctoral dissertation ("Excerpta ex dissertatione ad lauream in Facultate Philosophica Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae"), softcover, stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, F112988‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎KESSLER Matthias‎

Reference : F105497


‎Aristoteles' Lehre von der Einheit der Definition‎

‎München, Johannes Berchmans Verlag 1976 210pp., in the series "Epimeleia. Beiträge zur Philosophie" volume 26, 22cm., softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105497‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : F13916

‎Anamnesis en Anatote - gesprek met Plato en Aristoteles over het menselijk kennen‎

‎, Assen, Van Gorcum, 1962, 175pp. [proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor in de Letteren aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht op 2 nov.1962, promotor C.J. De Vogel], F13916‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR21.00 (€21.00 )
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