A Paris, chez Parent-Desbarres, 1836, 397 pp., 410 pp., relié, dos en cuir, un peu frotté avec étiquette sur le bas du dos, Tampon sur la page de titre, étiquette sur la deuxième de couverture, rousseurs, état correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
Wien, 1829. 2 cont.hcalf. w.gilt backs. XII, 338, IV, 324 pp. St.o.t. First edition.
Wien, Karl Schaumburg und Comp., 1811. Cont. hcalf. Gilt back. Titlelabel in leather on back. Top and bottom of spine worn. Some repairs to hinges. Rubbed. (8),564 pp. Some light browning, otherwise good.
First edition.
Uppsala, 1813. Cont.hcalf. Gilt back. (4), 564 pp.
Wien, Karl Schaumbur und Comp., 1811. Cont. marbled cardboard-bdg. w. a few traces of use. Clean copy. (12), 564 pp.
First edition.
Paris, Parent-Desbarres, 1838, gr. in-8°, 2 ff. + 384 p. / 2 ff. + 394 p., non rogné, papier en bonne condition, ex libris ms. ‘Albert de Mandrot 1863’, brochures originales imprimées, (tome 2 couverture de la broch. fatiguée).
Première édition française de la «Philosophie des Lebens» (1828), ouvrage de maturité du grand philosophe et historien allemand. Bihl/Epting 3447. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Med orig. foromslag i privat hldrbd. 441 pp.
Wien, Carl Schaumburg und Comp., 1828. Cont. marbled boards. Gilt back, titlelabel with gilt lettering. Slightly rubbed. (4),482,(2) pp. Slightly browned.
First edition.
Wien, Carl Schaumburg und Comp., 1830. Orig. printed yellow boards, spine renewed to style. Engraved portrait. VIII,320 pp. A stamp on titlepage. A few scattered brownspots, otherwise good. Portrait by Augusta von Buttlour.
First edition.
Paris, Seuil, 2003. 14 x 20, 142 pp., broché, très bon état.
Wien & München, R. Oldenbourg, 1966. 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. 156 pp.
First edition.
Bilingue allemand/français, Seuil, Points essais, 1999, 156 pp., poche, déchirure sur le bord latéral de la quatrième de couverture, état très correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
Kjøbenhavn, 1839. 8vo. Originalt bogtrykt papbind. Ryg slidt og samtidig håndskreven biblioteksnummerering på forperm. Indvendig ren og pæn. (4), 115 pp.
Den sjældne første danske udgave af Schleiermachers monologer, oversat af Christian Winther.
Berlin, G. Reimer 1835. Gross-8°. XXIV, 479 S., 1 S. Druckfehler. Halblederband der Zeit mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel.
"Sämmtliche Werke. Dritte Abtheilung. Zur Philosophie, Fünfter Band" und "Litterarischer Nachlass. Zur Philosophie. Dritter Band." - Erste Ausgabe - Mit einer Einführung des Herausgebers. - Rückenkanten leicht geplatzt.
Berlin, Im Verlage der Realschulbuchhandlung. 1803. Gross-8°. X, 489 S., 1 S. Druckfehler. Halblederband der Zeit mit 2 goldgeprägten Rückenschildern und etwas Rückenvergoldung.
Goedeke VI, 222, 8. - Borst 957. - Erste Ausgabe. - Durchgehend leicht gebräunt. Hinterer fliegender Vorsatz mit handschriftlichem Inhaltsverzeichnis. Rücken am oberen Kapital mit geklebter Fehlstelle.
Reutlingen : Enßlin, 1835, gr. in-8vo, zus. ca. 1600 S. Original-Pappband. Rotschnitt.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Berlin, 1806. 8vo. Contemporary half calf with gilt title-label and gilt decorations to spine. Old owner's names to front free end-paper. Ex-libris removed from verso of front free end-paper, leaving glue stains. Occasional brownspotting.
Second edition of on of the main works by the ""Father of Modern Liberal Theology"".
Berlin, G. Reimer, 1834, gr. in-8vo, 692 S., Original Halb-Lederband.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Leipzig, Meiner, 1910-1913, in-8vo, Front.Portr. (Schleiermacher nach der Büste von C. Rauch) + CXXVIII + 547 S. / XXX + 703 S. / XI + 748 S. / X + 680 S., hell-beige O.-Hlwd. mit goldgepr. Rückentitel und Rückenvergoldung in einer Jugendstilmanier, Rücken etwas verblasst, vereinzelt leicht stockfleckig.
Ansehliches Exemplar in der ersten Originalausgabe. Zweite, mit der ersten identische Ausgabe, die übrigens 1981 nachgedruckt wurde, ist 1927-1928 erschienen. Das Werk gliedert sich wie folgt: 1) Geleitwort von August Dorner / Vorwort / Einleitung von Otto Braun / Kritik der Sittenlehre / Akademieabhandlungen / Register / Zur Textbehandlung. - 2) Entwürfe zu einem System der Sittenlehre , nach den Handschriften Schleiermachers neu hrsg. und eingeleitet von Otto Braun. - 3) Vorbericht / Dialektik / Die christliche Sitte / Einleitung von D. Bauer. / Pregigten über den Hausstand / Zur Pädagogik / Die Lehre vom Staat / Der christliche Glaube / Register. - 4) Vorbericht / Psychologie / Ästhetik / Hermeneutik / Reden über die Religion / Monologen / Weihnachtsfeier / Universitäten im deutschen Sinne / Rezensionen / Register. Ziegenfuss II/456ff (erwähnt bloss EA, 1910/13).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
's-Gravenhage, Meinema 1990 206pp., 22cm., in de reeks "Sleutelteksten in godsdienst en theologie" vol.11, enkele stempeltjes, mooie staat, F73353
Les éditions ouvrières. 1956. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Coiffe en pied abîmée, Papier jauni. 110 pages. Rares rousseurs. Coiffe et tranche en pied tâchées. Couverture jaunie. Coins frottés.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
Préface de Henri Pourrat. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, (1963). 8vo. Publishers cloth with dust jacket. VII,140 pp. A fine and clean copy.
First edition. ""International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method"".
Berlin, Springer, 1918. Lex 8vo. Bound with the original printed wrappers in a nice brown half cloth w. gilt title and year to spine. A few underlinings in pencil, otherwise a very nice and clean copy. With the ownership signature of Jørgen Jørgensen to front wrapper. IX, (1), 346, (4, -advertisements) pp.
First edition of Schlick's main work, his ""General Theory of Knowledge"", a founding work of logical positivism. From the library of Jørgen Jørgensen, with his ownership signature to front wrapper. Jørgen Jørgensen (1894-1964) was a famous Danish philosopher and logician. He was a member of the Vienna Circle and an internationally known logical positivist. He corresponded with almost all famous logicians and analytic philosophers of the time and was a highly respected philosopher throughout the world. In the work Schlick argues against synthetic a priori knowledge, stating that the only truths that are self-evident to reason are statements that are true pr. definition, e.g. statements of formal logic and mathematics. All other statements must be deemed true with reference to empirical evidence. If a statement does not live up to one of the two criteria, Schlick defines it as ""metaphysical"" and thereby as meaningless, -a sentiment that became leading for the Vienna Circle and its members.""Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre"" (1918), his major work, examines a very wide range of problems and concepts relating to scientific knowledge. Schlick begins with the all-important concept of knowledge itself, the analysis of which sets the tone and determines the special character of the work as a whole. Despite the half century since its appearance, the work remains perhaps the most comprehensive and valuable treatment of the general theory of knowledge."" (DSB XII:178).Schlick here distinguishes between two ways of knowing, which he calls ""Erkenntnis"" (i.e. recognition or knowledge) and ""Kenntnis"" (based on experience). With this distinction he both denies the impossibility of possessing knowledge of that which is beyond the directly perceived as well as the idea that reality is only connected to the immediately given, i.e. the things that we perceive directly.Schlick sees knowledge as the true description of the relationship of classes, connections, laws of relationships etc, and thus it is by no means restricted to what can be directly perceived, -rather, the perceived provides us with the opportunity to receive knowledge of the laws that govern it. Thus, the object of science is to test and formulate hypotheses, and only form or structure can enter the field of knowledge, -the immediately perceived is more a matter of feeling, not of thought. But still, according to Schlick, matters of feelings are by no means of lesser value than those of thought.Moritz Schlick (1882-1936) is the founding father of the Vienna Circle and logical positivism in general. In 1922 Schlick was appointed Professor of Philosophy in Vienna, and here he organized regular meetings with the aim of discussing philosophy and science - an event that changed the face of modern philosophy. Some of the participants of this little group were: Rudolf Carnap, Kurt Gödel, Hans Hahn, Herbert Feigl, Otto Neurath and Friedrich Waissmann. The called themselves the Ernst Mach association, but for posterity they are remembered as the Vienna Circle. It is around the same time that Wittgenstein publishes his Tractatus Logico-Philosohicus, and the work became a topic for the Vienna Circle at almost every meeting they held. Schlick succeeded in meeting with Wittgenstein and discuss his book, and it is due to Schlick's influence that Wittgenstein was convinced into writing his second main work, the ""Philosophical Investigations.
Wien, 1948. Small 8vo. Orig. wrappers. 115, (1) pp.
First edition in bookform, fist separate edition., of this interesting work by the founding father of the Vienna Circle and of logical positivism. It is partly due to this giant of analytic philosophy that Wittgenstein began writing his ""Philosophical Investigations"".
Wien, Gerold & Co., 1948. Orig. printed wrappers. X,115 pp.
First edition.