Paris, Société d’Edition Les Belles Lettres 1931, 250x165mm, XV - 268pages, broché. Déchirures au dos.
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troisième édition,in 8 demi cuir foncé époque,titre,filets dorés, titre, LIX 462 pages,Michel Levy frères 1863,mors supérieur droit fragile,un petit manque à la coiffe supérieure
Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. 8vo. Orig. green hcloth w. gilt spine. Upper back hinge cracked and spine a bit crooked. Corners a bit bumped. A very nice copy w. only occasional minor brownspotting. Old owner's inscription to title-page. W. half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier""). (4), LIX, (1), 462, (2) pp.
True first edition of this seminal classic on the life of Jesus, which caused an immediate scandal when it appeared. Renan's masterpiece, which constitutes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind, but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholicism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scholar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Septième édition revue et corrigée. Paris. Michel Lévy. 1864. In-12 (118 x 181mm) dos veau gris souris à 5 nerfs, titre or, plats jaspés, gardes marbrées, 2ff., XVIII, 432, (1) pages. Tous petits défauts au dos de la reliure, rousseurs limitées aux tranches, sinon bon exemplaire.
Paris, Durand, 1852. Royal 8vo. Uncut in the orig. wrappers, back crudely repaired w. blank paper-strip, lacking upper part. Tears to edges of wrappers and lacking lower right corner of front wrapper and first free blank leaf (partly pasted down). Dampstaining and brownspotting throughout. W. half-title. (4), XII, 367 pp.
First edition of Renan's first book, -the seminal work that placed the study of Renaissance philosophy on the philosophical map and earned Renan a doctorate of letters. This work constitutes the first proper monograph on the great Islamic philosopher, Ibn Rush, also called Averroes, who is considered the greatest commentator on the works of Aristotle, and it is principally because of this work that the great philosopher and scientist is seriously appreciated in Europe today. Besides dealing with Averroes himself, Renan studies the development and different branches of Averroism, focusing on the Jewish, Scholastic and Paduan ones. His focus on the Paduan Averroism (16th century) in this work has meant that Renaissance philosophy was finally given a role of its own in the history of philosophy, -it is with this work that the philosophy of the Renaissance is taken seriously in the study of philosophy.""Memoirs on semitic languages and on the study of Greek in the Middle Ages were crowned by the Académie in 1848 and 1849 but do not seem to have been published. Renan's first book, published in 1852, was, in fact, ""Averroes et l'Averroïsme"" (see 24) which earned him a doctorate of letters."" (PMM 352). Renan has always been admired for his sharp mind, his great abilities and courage, but for the same reasons he was feared by many. ""Dés 1852 il signalait dans la préface de son Averroës comme le trait caractéristique du dix-neuvième siècle la substitution de la méthode historique dans toutes les études relatives à l'esprit humain. Cette substitution est légitime"" mais elle serait dangereuse si elle allait jusqu'à proscrire la théologie et la métaphysique... "" (N.B.G. (1862) 51:984). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1925. 14 x 23, 408 pp., reliure dos cuir à 5 nerfs, décoré de fleurons, très bon état.
1876 demi-reliure en basane havane in-octavo (half binding leather in-octavo), dos long légèrement insolé (spine without raised band - lightly faded) - titre frappé or (gilt title) - filets or en place des nerfs et en tête et en pied (gilt lines on the place of raised bands and top and at the foot of spine), papier imitation chagrin vert aux plats (paper imitation green shagreen on the cover), toutes tranches jaspées (all marbled edges), pages de garde peignées à motif "veiné sur fond caillouté" (painting endpapers - model on paved bottom), page de faux-titre avec des références bibliographiques sur son verso (bibliographical references on the back of half title page), sans illustration (no illustration), de naissances de rousseurs à rousseurs (of beginning of the redness marks in redness marks), sans mouillure (without scar of waterstain), XXI+335 pages, 1876 à Paris Michel Lévy Frères Libraires-Editeurs rue Vivienne 2 bis et Boulevard des Italiens 15 à la Libraire Nouvelle,
seconde édition (second edition) - bon état général malgré les petits défauts signalés (good condition in spite of the small defects indicated)
P., Nizet (Cahiers Renaniens, N°4), 1972, in 8° broché, 79pp.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
1934 MANCHESTER University Press - 1934 - In-12 - Broché - Frontispice & reproductions de 2 pages du manuscrit d' E. Renan - Préface et notes en anglais de Eugène Vinaver et T.B.L. Webster - 45 pages - Très propre
En partie en français - Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148
in-8, 2 pp., de Tréguier, 21 septembre 1868, adressée au Principal du collège où il a fait ses études avant de rentrer au séminaire ; "Je ne puis quitter Tréguier, où je suis venu raviver de vieux souvenirs, sans vous dire pourquoi je me suis abstenu d’aller rendre mes devoirs à un établissement auquel se rattachent les meilleurs de ces souvenirs. Je sais la délicatesse et la profondeur des convictions religieuses. Comme tous les sentiments exquis, cette délicatesse entraine parfois quelques susceptibilité. J’ai craint que ce qui n’est à mes yeux qu’un dissentiment n’empêchant en aucune manière la sympathie ne fut pour d’anciens amis un motif de me revoir sans joie. Voilà uniquement ce qui m’a fait me priver d’un des plaisirs les plus vifs que j’aurais eus, du plaisir de visiter une maison à laquelle je dois de précieuses leçons d’honnêteté et de sérieux, où j’eusse trouvé vivante la mémoire de maîtres vénérés et où j’eusse rencontré d’anciens condisciples auxquels n’a pas cessé de m’unir la plus vive amitié. Agréez, Monsieur le Principal, l’expression des sentiments infiniment distingués avec lesquels j’ai l’honneur d’être Votre tout dévoué serviteur. Ernest Renan".
Lettre fort intéressante qui nous montre l’attachement de Renan à ses origines, à son enfance et à sa jeunesse et la douleur qu’il eut à supporter les réactions très vives de l’Eglise et d’un grand nombre de catholiques lors du reniement de sa foi et de ses prises de position agnostiques ; on y voit aussi toute la délicatesse et le respect qu’il éprouvait pour ses anciens condisciples.
Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35
Proveta ,1976, in-8 de 320 pages ,broché ,Bon état , .(2 photos du livre sur mon site .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express
ECOLE ET COLLEGE. 1941. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, 2ème plat abîmé, Dos très frotté, Intérieur acceptable. 317 pages. Coins forttés et pliés. Ex-dono sur la page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
CHALET. 1975. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 147 pages. Page de titre et de faux titre frottées. Première page blanche coupée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 210-Philosophie et théorie
Classification Dewey : 210-Philosophie et théorie
1872 Paris, Dentu, 1872, in 12 broché, VI-131 pages ; cachets.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
BEAUCHESNE. 1971. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 102 pages. Marque d'adhésif sur la première et dernière page.. . . . Classification Dewey : 210-Philosophie et théorie
Classification Dewey : 210-Philosophie et théorie
Librairie Bloud & Gay, 1928, broché, 228p. bon état, 205x135 . (p3)
Phone number : 33 05 49 26 70 36
in 12 broché,titre,188 pages 4 pages de catalogue Germer-Baillière & Cie Bibliothèque utile LXVII
Paris, Librairie Félix Alcan, 1930 ; in-12, broché ; (3) ff. , II, 205, 2 pp. , couverture verte imprimée.
Exemplaire en bon état.
Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35
Louvain-la-Neuve, Centre Cerfaux-Lefort 240x160mm, XXI - 551pages, broché. Dos légèrement empoussièré, autrement bel exemplaire.
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, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 652 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):Italian, Greek, Latin. ISBN 9782503588643.
Summary La storia della filosofia tardo-antica, medievale e umanistica ha visto ricorrere con frequenza e continuit una peculiare struttura terminologico-concettuale di origine neoplatonica, definita dai termini essenza (????? - substantia o essentia) - potenza (??????? - virtus) - atto (???????? - operatio). Essa trova le sue prime attestazioni in Galeno e Giamblico, e sviluppi in Proclo, Damascio e Simplicio, sebbene il suo modello ontologico emergesse gi in Plotino. Talvolta assimilata allo schema aristotelico atto - potenza, questa triade comporta in realt una radicale rielaborazione dell'ontologia aristotelica - dalla cui base terminologica e concettuale prende peraltro le mosse -, attraverso la reintroduzione dell'elemento esemplaristico platonico, configurandosi cos come struttura causalistico-processionale. Essa venne ripresa dal pensiero cristiano patristico, e attraverso lo snodo fondamentale dello pseudo-Dionigi, conoscer una inesauribile fortuna nel Medioevo greco e latino, dove verr utilizzata per spiegare questioni di angelologia, di psicologia e di dottrina trinitaria. A Bisanzio la triade converge verso la teologia delle energie divine, venendo impiegata da autori quali Massimo il Confessore, Giovanni Damasceno e Gregorio Palamas. Nel Medioevo latino, essa viene utilizzata da autori come Eriugena, Ugo di San Vittore, Isacco della Stella, Egidio Romano, Enrico di Gand, Bonaventura, Alberto Magno, Tommaso d'Aquino e Dante, diffondendosi fino alle soglie dell'Et moderna (Ficino, Bruno). Attraverso le fonti neoplatoniche la triade conosce fortuna anche nella filosofia araba (Al-F?r?b?, Ibn S?n?). Questo volume mira a offrire una quanto pi possibile esaustiva identificazione e discussione delle occorrenze e delle trasformazioni concettuali (nonch , talvolta, delle metamorfosi lessicali) che la triade ha conosciuto nei contesti storico-filosofici qui presi in esame. TABLE OF CONTENTS Premessa Sigle e abbreviazioni La formazione e le ricezioni della triade ????? - ??????? - ????????. Una presentazione del problema storico e storiografico (Renato de Filippis & Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi) Significato e funzione della triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? nel neoplatonismo greco pagano (Michele Abbate) O????, ??????? ed ????????? nell'opera di Giamblico (Lucrezia Iris Martone) ???????, ???????, ???????? in relazione all'Unificato. La triade neoplatonica nel De primis principiis di Damascio (Ilaria Grimaldi) La triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? nel pensiero di Simplicio (Claudia Lo Casto) La triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? in Gregorio di Nissa e nei Cappadoci. Paralleli filosofici e ascendenze origeniane (Ilaria Ramelli) La triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? nel pensiero patristico-orientale e proto-bizantino (Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi) La triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? nella visione cosmica di Massimo il Confessore (John Gavin) La triade ????? - ??????? - ???????? nella riflessione teologica e filosofica di et medio e tardobizantina (Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi) La sostanza fra potenza e atto. Il pensiero di Mario Vittorino (Roberto Schiavolin) La triade dell'essere in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena (Renato de Filippis) La triade dell'essere da Eirico di Auxerre a Egidio Romano (Antonio Sordillo) Aes, sigillabilis, sigillantis. Una metamorfosi della triade dell'essere nelle Theologiae di Abelardo (Melissa Giannetta) Substantia, potentia e actus nella filosofia araba (Beate Ulrike La Sala) Sicut magnes attrahit ferrum. Tommaso d'Aquino, l'immaterialit dell'intelletto e il fondamento occulto delle virt naturali (Massimiliano Lenzi) Illa trinitas Dionysii (sostanza, virt e operazione) in Bonaventura (Andrea di Maio) Vede perfettamente ogne salute. La triade 'nascosta' in Dante, dalla Vita nova alla Monarchia (Giulio d'Onofrio) La triade substantia - virtus - operatio negli autori della scuola domenicana tedesca. Alberto Magno, Ulrico di Strasburgo, Teodorico di Freiberg e Bertoldo di Moosburg (Massimo Perrone) Res (essentia), esse essentiae (virtus), esse existentiae (operatio). Dall'essere di essenza all'essere intelligibile: Duns Scoto e Guglielmo di Alnwick (Davide Riserbato) La triade in Cusano (Pietro Secchi) La triade essentia - virtus - operatio nei platonici del Rinascimento (Roberto Melisi) Antitrinitarismo e triadicit in Giordano Bruno. Il ricorso alla triade substantia/essentia - potentia - actus nel De la causa, principio et uno (Giulio Gisondi) Abstracts - Summaries Indici (Vanni Claves - Giuseppe Donnarumma - Simone Luigi Migliaro - Antonio Sordillo)
Desclée de Brouwer / E.J. Brill 1969 in8. 1969. Broché. 2 volume(s). Ethica Nicomachea XXVI I-3 fasciculus secundus + tertius (2 volumes) - Aristoteles Latinus / Corpus philosophorum medii aevi academiarum consociatarum auspiciis et consilio editum / Union académique internationale
Bon état couvertures défraîchies bords frottés intérieurs propres pages non coupées
Librairie Hachette et Cie. 1873. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Quelques rousseurs. 357 pages. Gravure en noir et blanc en frontispice. Illustré de gravures en noir et blanc hors texte. Manques sur le dos. 2e plat détaché et comportant un manque. Signatures d'époque en pages de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 180-Philosophie antique, médiévale, orientale
'Bibliothèque des Merveilles', sous la dir. de Ed. Charton. Illustré de 15 gravures d'après les Maîtres par Paquier. Classification Dewey : 180-Philosophie antique, médiévale, orientale
Paris Gallimard, coll. "Leurs Figures" 1956 1 vol. relié in-8, demi-chagrin bordeaux, couverture illustrée conservée, 319 pp., index. Bel exemplaire, agréablement relié.
Droz 2000 19x2 8x12 2cm. 2000. Broché.
très bon état de conservation intérieur propre