P., Fayard ( collection "L'homme et son oeuvre"), 1942, in 12 relié demi-basane brune, dos lisse, 353 pages.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
P., Balland, 1988, in 8° broché, 385pp. ; bibliographie et index ; couverture illustrée en couleurs.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
U.G.E. (" 10/18 n° 210/211 "), 1964. Un volume in-16 broché.
Bon etat. [LP-6]
Reference : PHILO4674532441110821
ISBN : 9788882295615
Fasano, Schena Editore / Paris, Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2005, 16 x 24, 384 pages cousues sous couverture imprimée. Avec une bibliographie critique. Préface de Philippe Desan.
Très bon état.
Nouvelle édition, collationnée sur les meilleurs textes. Furne/de Bure, Paris, 1831. In-8 p. (mm. 235x149), p. pelle coeva, cornice dorata ai piatti, decoraz. e tit. oro su tassello al dorso (restaurato per mancanze), pp. (4),XIV,583, con un ritratto dell'A. inciso in rame, testo su due colonne. La prima edizione dei primi due libri degli Essais, l'opera più importante di Montaigne e capolavoro della letteratura mondiale è del 1530 e innumerevoli sono state le edizioni, corrette e aumentate, pubblicate nei secoli seguenti. Questa, in un volume, è citata anche da Brunet,III,1841.Pagina bianca iniziale interamente ms. da un possessore francese nel 1864; fioriture, arross. e aloni intercalati nel t. Esemplare da studio.
de gigord 1940 in12. 1940. Broché.
Bon état de conservation intérieur jauni
1968 P., NRF, Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Idées), 1968, in 8° broché, 441 pages ; quelques passages minutieusement soulignés au crayon.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Sans lieu, Edition de L'Aire, 2007. Gr. in-8°, 315p. Broché, couverture illustrée.
Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
Paris, Union Générale d'Editions/10-18, 1978. 11 x 18, 377 pp., broché, bon état.
Choix et présentation par Paul Galleret.
Paris, Au Club du Livre du Mois, 1957 - in-12 cartonné toilé avec rhodoïd, 276pp. - bon état -
P., Société des Amis de Montaigne, 1971, grand in 8° broché, 62 pages ; illustrations ; rousseurs à la couverture.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
P., Corrêa, 1939, in 12 broché, 234 pages.
PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Reference : PHILOSOP9190900624
ISBN : 9782852036079
Paris, Honoré Champion, "Etudes montaignistes" n° 26, 1996, 15,5 x 22,5, 220 pages sous cartonnage éditeur imprimé. Texte de 1641, avec les variantes des éditions de 1594, 1595, 1598, 1599, 1607, 1623, 1626, 1627, 1634. Edition établie et annotée par Jean-Claude Arnould.
Très bon état.
MONTAIGNE - Iconographie choisie et commentée par Jean Lacouture
Reference : 114202
2007 Editions Gallimard, Collection "Bibliothèque de la Pléiade" - 2007 - In-12, reliure pleine peau havane, dos lisse orné de titres et filets horizontaux dorés, sous jaquette Rhodoïd, sous étui cartonné illustré en couleurs - 284 p. - Iconographie en N&B et en couleurs
Bon état
P., Le Seuil, 1996, grand in 8° broché, 331 pages ; illustrations ; index ; couverture illustrée en couleurs.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Garnier Frères, 1885. "11 x 17, 2 volumes, 576 + 582 pages, reliure dos toilé, bon état (reliure état d'usage; rousseurs sur les tranches)."
P., Firmin-Didot, 1879, un volume grand in 8, 1 portrait, (2), 648pp., demi-chagrin vert, dos orné de fers dorés (reliure de l'époque).
---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Belle édition de Firmin-Didot des Essais de Montaigne avec des notes et commentaires par C. Coste, N. Naigeon, M. Amaury Duval, M. Eloy Johanneau, M. J.C. Le Clerc auxquels il a été ajouté à la fin du volume 10 lettres de Montaigne**3744/P3
P., Plon, 2002, in 8° broché, 204 pages.
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Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Librairie de Médicis (« Le Jardin du Luxembourg, 2 »), 1947. in-12, 137 pages, broche, couv. à rabats.
1 des 2000 exemplaires const. L'integralite du tirage, non coupé (traces de mouillure). [NV-1]
P., de Boccard, 1924, grand in 8° broché, XIV-94 pages ; des passages soulignés au crayon dans l'Introduction ; plat inférieur légèrement sali.
PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Bordas, 1948. 14 x 23, 187 pp., broché, bon état (papier jauni).
Paris, par la Société, 1725, 3 volumes in-4 de 288x220 mm environ, tome I. 1 f. blanc, faux-titre, 1 portrait gravé par Chéreau le jeune en frontispice, titre en rouge et noir, xcvi pp. (préface de Coste et epistre et préface de Melle de Gournay, vie de l'auteur, Jugements et Critiques), 3 feuillets (Avis des Libraires et Table des chapitres), 362 pages, 7 feuillets (Table des matières), 1 f. blanc - Tome II. 1 f. blanc, titre en rouge et noir, 540 pages (dont 1 f. de Table des chapitres après la page de titre), 8 feuillets (Table des matières, 1 f. blanc - Tome III. 1 f. blanc, titre en rouge et noir, 413 pages, 7 feuillets (Table et Corrections), plein veau granité brun, dos à nerfs portant titres et tomaisons dorés sur pièces en maroquin bordeaux, ornés de caissons à motifs dorés, coupes dorées, tranches mouchetées de rouge (reliure de l'époque), gardes marbrées. Des rousseurs et pages brunies, mouillures (tome III), deux déchirures sans atteinte au texte, coiffes ébréchées, coins émoussés ( restaurés), petits manques de cuir sur les pièces de titre et tomaison du tome III, frottements d'usage sur le cuir, trous de vers sur les mors avec début de fente.
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, seigneur de Montaigne, né le 28 février 1533 et mort le 13 septembre 1592 au château de Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne (Dordogne), est selon les traditions universitaires soit un philosophe et moraliste de la Renaissance, soit un écrivain érudit, précurseur et fondateur des « sciences humaines et historiques » en langue française. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Paris, Louis Conard, 1924-1926. 12 x 18, 4 volumes, 239 + 515 + 543 + 556 pages, pages en chiffres romains dans chaque livre, frontispice de Montaigne dans le tome 1, broché, bon état (sans rousseurs).
"Les 4 premiers volumes sur 6 des ""Essais""; Impression sur papier vergé; préfaces, études, commentaires et notes par A. Armaingaud."
Paris, J. & R. Wittmann 1947, 200x130mm, XXXV - 327pages, broché. Exemplaire sur papier vélin d’alfa, numéroté n.° 2002 / 2900. Bel exemplaire.
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Ferrara, Benedetto Mamarello, 1590. Small 8vo. Later half vellum with gilt title-label to spine. Marbbled paper over boards. A faint damp stain to the last few leaves, otherwise a nice and clean copy. Old ownership-signature to last leaf. Bookplate to inside of front board. Large woodcut device to title-page. Woodcut initials and headpieces at beginning. (8), 170, (5) pp.
The very scarce first edition of the first translation into any language of any part of Montaigne's Essays, namely Naselli's monumental first Italian translation, which came to pave the way for later translations of the work, among them Florio's first English from 1603. Montaigne's magnum opus was published in 1580, and in 1588, the final edition appeared, constituting the definitive text of the work and that on which all later editions were based. With his seminal work, Montaigne not only created a novel genre of writing, he also founded modern scepticism and the revival of ancient scepticism, and he paved the way for the modern philosophy and thought presented by Bacon, Decartes and Newton. ""Unlike anti-intellectuals like Erasmus, Montaigne developed his doubts through reasoning. Unlike his skeptical predecessors who presented mainly a series of reports on the variety of human opinions, Montaigne worked out his complete Pyrrhonism through a sequence of levels of doubt, culminating in some crucial philosophical difficulties... The occurrence of Montaigne's revitalization of the Pyrrhonism of Sextus Empiricus, coming at a time when the intellectual world of the 16th century was collapsing, made the ""nouveau Pyrrhonisme"" of Montaigne not the blind alley that historians like Copleston and Weber have portrayed, but one of the crucial forces in the formation of modern thought... It was also to be the womb of modern thought, in that it led to the attempt either to refute the new Pyrrhonism, or to find a way of living with it."" (Popkin, vol. II, 1960, pp. 54-55). There are many important aspects of Montaigne's groundbreaking work, which has been subject of an uncountable number of scholars throughout centuries. But one aspect which seems to have been forgotten in recent times is one that is emphasized by Naselli's extremely important first ever translation of the work. As the Italian title will reveal, the work was also widely viewed - and intended - as a political council book. Naselli bases his translation on Montaigne's own final edition from 1588 and publishes it merely two years later, including 42 of 94 chapters of the first two books. His translation is the one closest in time to the original appearance of the work and is the only one published in Montaigne's own life-time. It is thus in a unique position to tell us about contemporary views on the work and its use. ""One enormously important prose genre upon which Montaigne draws most heavily consists of political advice books for courtiers and princes that proliferated in great number and with great social and political impact in the late Renaissance. Montaigne's appropriation of the political counsel genre has gone largely unnoticed by contemporary scholars, and bringing it into focus has significant implications for our understanding of the ""Essais""... bringing it to the foreground allows us to challenge more robustly the common conclusion that Montaigne's unique project ""is not a political work.""Many in the first generation of Montaigne's reception appear to have seen the ""Essais"" principally as a contribution to the political contribution to the political counsel literature. For example, Girolamo Naselli's 1590 Italian translation of the ""Essais is titled ""Discorsi morali, politici e military"", while John Florio follows Naselli's lead in the title of his 1603 English translation, ""The Essayes or Morall, politike and militaire discourses"". And when Francis Bacon enthusiastically adopts Montaigne's novel ""Essai""-form for his own ends, he does so as a useful means of giving ""Councels Civill and Morall"", not simply musings personal and poetic."" (Thompson, Montaigne and the Tolerance of Politics, p. 21). As is mentioned on the title-page, this first translation also contains another, long ""questione"". ""In this deliberative discourse, very different in kind from anything a modern reader would associate with ""Essais"", and apparently composed soon after the winter 1576-7 Estates General of Blois, the author argues methodically and resolutely against those at the assembly who in a public ""ragionamento"" demonstrated the employment of foreigners in a republic to be universally undesirable, and who nearly succeeded in having this position passed into law."" (Boutcher: The Scool of Montaigne in Early Modern Europe, vol. 2, p. 136).