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Lignes. 2012. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 104 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
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Collection les petits Platons - illustré par Ghislaine Herbéra. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
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Paris Editions La Découverte 1994 in 8 (22x13,5) 1 volume broché, 399 pages [1]. Collection '' Textes à l'appui / Série aventure intellectuelle du XXe siècle ''. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
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Editions du Seuil , La Couleur des Idées Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur, illustrée d'une photographie de dunes dans le désert In-8 1 vol. - 283 pages
1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Avertissement et introduction générale - 1. En apparence, il ne se passe rien : Attrait du vide et retour des éléments - Les passions du désert - Utopie fluviale et désert des passions publiques - 2. Esquisse d'une cartographie des passions : On ne vit pas dans le désert : Contagion et vertige des passions privées, ou le règne de la grande famille - Glissements géographiques des passions politiques - 3. Sortir de la peur : Ebranlement du vide et mouvement de l'histoire : Se mettre à l'eau : Palombella rossa de Nanni Moretti - Traversée du vide et cours des passions privées - L'histoire sans fin, actualité du bien et du mal - Conclusion générale : Vers un nouveau civisme : La victime et le citoyen - En guise d'épilogue : L'oiseau et l'enfant couverture tres legerement jaunie, avec d'infimes pliures aux coins, sinon bon état, intérieur frais et propre - nb : Grand format de la premiere édition, il ne s'agit pas de l'édition en poche
Paris, Seuil (« La Couleur des Idées »), 1991. in-12°, 276 pages, broché.
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Paris Seuil 1994 in 8 (20,5x13,5) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, 263 pages [4], avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. Collection ''Les contemporains''. Bel exemplaire
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Paris, Seuil (« Les Contemporains, 17 »), 1994. in-8°, 263 pages, ill. in-t. n&b., broche, couverture illustrée à rabats.
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, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xxii + 445 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503589091.
Summary The proceedings of the SIEPM Colloquium at Nijmegen published in this volume bring together new evidence for how the corpus of late-medieval commentaries on the Sentences, especially from the second half of the fourteenth century, contributed to the development of philosophical psychology within the discipline of theology. The relation among the faculties of the soul, the limits of knowledge, hylomorphism and the union of soul and body, intuitive and abstractive cognition, the immortality of the soul, the experience of the beatific vision, divine foreknowledge and the knowability of species are some of the topics involving psychological issues that are examined in this volume. The wealth of new information presented in this volume results from the interpretation of previously unexplored sources. The essays in this volume demonstrate that the various parts and Books of Peter Lombard's Sentences, the standard textbook of theology in the Middle Ages, provided lecturers and commentators with a variety of loci for the discussion of philosophical topics, from the principia (Denys of Montina), the Prologue (Alfonsus Vargas of Toledo, Hugolino of Orvieto, John Regis, Francis Toti of Perugia), Book I (Gregory of Rimini, John of Mirecourt, Pierre Ceffons, Hugolino of Orvieto, Pierre d'Ailly, Peter of Candia, the Vienna Group, John Capreolus, Henry of Gorkum, Denys the Carthusian), Book II (Pierre Ceffons, Peter of Candia, Guillaume de Vaurouillon, Gabriel Biel, Denys the Carthusian), and Book III (Heymericus de Campo). This diversity, within large works on theology conceived broadly, constitutes a tradition parallel to that found in commentaries on Aristotle's De anima in the late Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Monica BR NZEI, Introduction Christopher D. SCHABEL, Note on the Vernacular Name of Richardus de Mediavilla : of 'Menneville', Not 'Middleton' I. HUMAN COGNITION Amos CORBINI, Notitia intuitiva and complexe significabile at Paris in the 1340s: From Alphonsus Vargas Toletanus to Peter Ceffons Aur lien ROBERT, The Possibility of Cognizing Material Substances. The Evolution of a Philosophical Problem in Late-Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences Jeffrey C. WITT, Peter Plaoul and Intuitive Knowledge II. THE HUMAN SOUL Maarten J.F.M. HOENEN, Heymericus de Campo (?1460) Reads Peter Lombard: Late-Medieval Abbreviations of the Libri Sententiarum Thomas JESCHKE, Unum antiquum problema: Denys the Carthusian and John Capreolus on the Question Whether the Soul's Essence Is Distinct from Its Potencies. A Late-Medieval Starting Point William DUBA and Olivier RIBORDY, The Human Soul: Definitions and Differentiae in Late-Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences Kent EMERY, Jr., Denys the Carthusian's Sentential Teachings on the Nature and Operations of the Soul III. THEOLOGICAL ISSUES John T. SLOTEMAKER, Pierre d'Ailly and the Imago Trinitatis: The Sources of His Trinitarian Theology Severin KITANOV, Freedom in Heaven: Peter of Candia's Treatment of the Necessity or Contingency of Beatific Enjoyment Christopher D. SCHABEL, Henry of Langenstein, Henry Totting of Oyta, Nicholas of Dinkelsb hl and the Vienna Group on Reconciling Human Free Will with Divine Foreknowledge Monica BR NZEI, Epilogue: Commentaries on the Sentences in Paris around 1370 Index of Manuscripts Index of Ancient and Medieval Names Index of Modern and Contemporary Authors
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xxii + 360 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 tables b/w., Language(s):English, German. ISBN 9782503606064.
Summary The Philosopher, the Master of Those Who Know, was the dominant pagan authority in all four of the main traditions of medieval philosophy: Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. Yet we now know that a number of works attributed to Aristotle were in fact spurious, authored by others who claimed to be, or whom others claimed to be, the Stagirite, for example, the Secretum secretorum, the Liber de causis, De mundo, De proprietatibus elementorum, De pomo, and De plantis. These writings strongly impacted medieval thought in various and fascinating ways, both in the original language, be it Arabic, Greek, Hebrew or Latin, and in translation. The mechanisms of their production, dissemination, and translation are themselves worthy of attention. Many of these works spawned commentary traditions of their own, parallel to those involving the classic texts of Peripatetic philosophy. Apparent contradictions between ideas expressed in these treatises and those found in what we consider to be authentic works, for instance ideas that appeared to derive more from the Academy than from the Lyceum, provoked questions about authenticity and about the possible evolution of Aristotle's thought. Finally, these texts were employed in one way or another in many genres of philosophical literature in the Middle Ages, including metaphysics, natural and moral philosophy, theology, and even more exotic disciplines like chiromancy and alchemy. This volume aims to shed new light on various aspects of the history of Pseudo-Aristotelian texts in the Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Pieter De Leemans (?) and Lisa Devriese, Translating and Reading Pseudo-Aristotle in the Latin West William Duba, Balancing Authority on a Column of Fire: The Secret of Secrets and the Salvation of Aristotle Ant nio Rocha Martins, The Secretum secretorum and the Idea of Political Happiness in the Latin Middle Ages Pavl na Cermanov , Greek and Arabic Inspirations for Organizing Medieval Banquets: The Pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum secretorum as a Source and a Model for Medieval Advice Literature Julie Loveland Swanstrom, Secondary Causes in the Liber de Causis and the Work of Thomas Aquinas Henryk Anzulewicz, Der Liber de causis als Quelle der Intellektlehre des Albertus Magnus Beate Ulrike La Sala, The Arabic Islamic Reception of the Arabic Plotinus and Maimonides' Theory of Emanation Marilena Panarelli, Spiritus and Plant Formation: Albert the Great's Rrestatement of the Pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis Evelina Miteva, From Pseudo-Aristotle to Pseudo-Albert: The Emancipation of Natural Philosophy Pavel Brazek, Iste liber videtur esse factus ab Aristotile: Bartholomew of Bruges and the Medieval Reception of the De Inundatione Nili Abraham Melamed, The Medieval Hebrew De pomo and the Myth of the Jewish Aristotle Ioana Curu?, The Medieval Latin Reception of Liber de Pomo in Questions De intentione Aristotelis on the Eternity of the World (Available in Open Access) Andrei Marinca, The Pseudo-Aristotelian De mundo and Fourteenth-Century Theologians (Available in Open Access) Index of Manuscripts Index of Names
, vantilt uitgeverij, 2018 paperback, 13,5 x 21,5 cm, 288 pagina?s. ISBN 9789460043680.
Waar ben je als je onder narcose bent? Lig je gewoon op de operatietafel, tijdelijk buiten bewustzijn, of is de ?echte? jij daar helemaal niet bij? Om die vraag te beantwoorden, moet je weten wie je uiteindelijk bent: wie of wat is de ?echte? jij? Veel mensen vinden psychologische kenmerken belangrijker voor hun identiteit dan lichamelijke eigenschappen ? ze zijn eerder hun geest dan hun lichaam. In Waar was ik toen ik er niet was? laat Monica Meijsing zien waar zulke intuities vandaan komen, maar ook dat ze niet juist zijn. Wij zijn uiteindelijk levende organismen ? gevalsbeschrijvingen van mensen met ingrijpende neurologische beperkingen maken dat duidelijk ?, maar juist organismen kunnen bewustzijn en zelfbewustzijn hebben. Of we ook personen zijn, hebben we niet zelf in de hand. Alleen als we worden opgenomen in een bestaande menselijke gemeenschap kunnen we een persoon worden. Je bent slechts persoon in relaties met andere personen.
In-12, broché., 93 p. Paris, Ed. Pelletan, 1911.
Vulgarisation de la doctrine d'Auguste Comte.
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Edouard Pelletan , Bibliothèque Sociale et Philosophique Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1911 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché petit In-4 1 vol. - 88 pages
nouvelle revue et augmentée Contents, Chapitres : méthode positive - sciences positives - sociologie - morale