Louvain, Librairie Universitaire, 1928 Broche, couverture papier, impression du titre en noir et rouge, 160 x 250mm., 230pp.
Receuil de travaux publies par les membres des Conferences d'Histoire et de Philologie 2me serie, 15me fascicule. Bon etat.
In-8 Broché, petite déchirure sur le mor du plat de devant, trace d'usure, intérieur petitement jaunie uniformément, état général : bon.
Paris, Durand, 1852. 8vo. Contemporary half calf with of wear. Spine worn, lacking parts of capitals, and back hinge very weak. Usual brownspotting due to the paper quality. (4), XII, 367 pp.
First edition of Renan's first book, -the seminal work that placed the study of Renaissance philosophy on the philosophical map and earned Renan a doctorate of letters. This work constitutes the first proper monograph on the great Islamic philosopher, Ibn Rush, also called Averroes, who is considered the greatest commentator on the works of Aristotle, and it is principally because of this work that the great philosopher and scientist is seriously appreciated in Europe today. Besides dealing with Averroes himself, Renan studies the development and different branches of Averroism, focusing on the Jewish, Scholastic and Paduan ones. His focus on the Paduan Averroism (16th century) in this work has meant that Renaissance philosophy was finally given a role of its own in the history of philosophy, -it is with this work that the philosophy of the Renaissance is taken seriously in the study of philosophy.""Memoirs on semitic languages and on the study of Greek in the Middle Ages were crowned by the Académie in 1848 and 1849 but do not seem to have been published. Renan's first book, published in 1852, was, in fact, ""Averroes et l'Averroïsme"" which earned him a doctorate of letters."" (PMM 352). Renan has always been admired for his sharp mind, his great abilities and courage, but for the same reasons he was feared by many. ""Dés 1852 il signalait dans la préface de son Averroës comme le trait caractéristique du dix-neuvième siècle la substitution de la méthode historique dans toutes les études relatives à l'esprit humain. Cette substitution est légitime"" mais elle serait dangereuse si elle allait jusqu'à proscrire la théologie et la métaphysique... "" (N.B.G. (1862) 51:984). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Calmann Lévy, Editeur Paris 1878 In-8 ( 240 X 155 mm ) de 95 pages, demi-maroquin chocolat à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste avec date dorée en queue, tête dorée, couvertures conservées. ( Reliure signée de PAGNANT ). EDITION ORIGINALE. Quelques rousseurs en début et fin d'ouvrage, très bel exemplaire, bien relié. De la bibliothèque Emmanuel RODOCANACHI ( Ex-libris ).
In-12. Broché. Petite tache d'encre page 260 et 264. Couverture fendue petitement sur le haut avant. Ex-libris sur page de garde. Intérieur jaunie, bon état général.
Paris, Les Editions du Cerf, 2009. In-8, rel. moderne demi-chagrin bleu marine, dos à nerfs titré, plats et gardes flammés, couverture et dors de la couv. d'origine conservés, tranches mouchetées, 785pp, édition originale, table des matières.
En 1848, l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letres couronne une étude d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) répondant à la question inscrite au concours sur "l'étude de la langue grecque en Occident du Ve au XIVe siècle". Repéré il y a quelques années par P. Vidal-Naquet, le manuscrit de Renan n'a jamais été utilisé jusqu'à ce jour alors que son auteur exerça sur le XIXe siècle français une véritable "royauté intellectuelle". Superbe exemplaire. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Calmann Lévy, Editeur Paris 1886 In-8 ( 240 X 155 mm ) de VI-110 pages, demi-maroquin chocolat à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste avec date dorée en queue, tête dorée, couvertures conservées. ( Reliure signée de PAGNANT ). EDITION ORIGINALE. Rousseurs sans gravité, bel exemplaire, bien relié. De la bibliothèque Emmanuel RODOCANACHI ( Ex-libris ).
Calmann Lévy, Editeur Paris 1881 In-8 ( 230 X 160 mm ) de VIII-135 pages, demi-maroquin chocolat à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste avec date dorée en queue, tête dorée, couvertures conservées. ( Reliure signée de PAGNANT ). EDITION ORIGINALE. Très bel exemplaire, bien relié. De la bibliothèque Emmanuel RODOCANACHI ( Ex-libris ).
Calmann Lévy, Editeur Paris 1886 In-8 ( 230 X 160 mm ) de XIV-134 pages, demi-maroquin chocolat à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste avec date dorée en queue, tête dorée, couvertures conservées. ( Reliure signée de PAGNANT ). EDITION ORIGINALE. Quelques rousseurs sur les couvertures, très bel exemplaire, bien relié. De la bibliothèque Emmanuel RODOCANACHI ( Ex-libris ).
Paris, Calman Lévy, 1882. Royal 8vo. A little later grey full cloth w. a few stains to back. Internally nice and clean w. only occational brownspotting. No half-title. (2), LXIV, 388 pp.
This work constitutes the second volume of Renan's ""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme"", of which his famous ""Vie de Jésus"" is the first. It was originally printed in 1866.Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Calmann Levy, 1898. Royal 8vo. Uncut in the orig. printed wrappers. A bit of wear to capitals, internally fine. (4), 408 pp.
Renan's closest confidante was his sister, Henriette, who helped him quit the clerical carrier. They helped eachother financially, travelled together (e.g. on archaeological expeditions) and lived together for many years of their lives. His widely famous work, ""Vie de Jésus"" is dedicated to her, and their correspondence is very interesting and catching.Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris Calmann Lévy éditeur 1898 1 vol. in - 8 ( 22,5 x 14 cm ) Fx.t. , t. , XIV, 530 pp. . Contient : Préface , De la part des peuples sémitiques dans l' histoire , L' ancienne Egypte , Vingt jours en Sicile , La découverte de Ninive , Le Schahnameh , Les Césars , Examens de quelques faits relatifs à l' impératrice Faustine , Les origines de la langue française , L' art du moyen âge et les cause de sa décadence , Les Prairies d' or de Maçoudi , L' Espagne musulmane , Ibn-Batoutah , Le désert et le Soudan , La société berbère , Histoire de l' instruction publique en Chine , Histoire de la philologie classique dans l' Antiquité , Les Congrès philologiques en Allemagne , Les grammairiens grecs , La primitive grammaire de l' Inde , Joseph-Victor Le Clerc , Discours prononcé à la séance publique de l' Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres , Lettre sur la liberté de l' enseignement supérieur . Table . Demi- chagrin rouge . Dos à cinq faux nerfs , nom de l' auteur et titre dorés . Plats papier marbré à dominante rouge . Gardes papier marbré ombré . Couvertures conservées . Bon état . Au dos , qqs petits trous dus à un vers et trace d' un choc . Rares rousseurs claires .
Phone number : 05 53 48 62 96
Calmann Lévy, Editeur Paris 1878 In-8 ( 230 X 145 mm ) de XIV-530 pages, demi-maroquin chocolat à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste avec date dorée en queue, tête dorée, couvertures conservées. ( Reliure signée de PAGNANT ). EDITION ORIGINALE. Très bel exemplaire, bien relié. De la bibliothèque Emmanuel RODOCANACHI ( Ex-libris ).
P., Calmann-Lévy, 1904, fort in 8° relié demi-chagrin rouge, dos lisse orné, tête dorée, couverture conservée, II-395 pages ; mention de deuxième édition sur la couverture ; petits frottis, un mors très légèrement fendu, coins émoussés.
Bel exemplaire, très bien relié. PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Calmann Levy, 1883. Royal 8vo. Cont. hcalf w. gilt back. Back and cornes w. traces of use. Old owner's names to t-p. Some brownspotting. (2), XXIII, 411, (3) pp.
Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
troisième édition,in 8 demi cuir foncé époque,titre,filets dorés, titre, LIX 462 pages,Michel Levy frères 1863,mors supérieur droit fragile,un petit manque à la coiffe supérieure
Berlin, Jul. Springer, 1863. 8vo. nice cont. twotoned hcalf w. gilt back. Internally only occational minor brownspotting. Old owner's name to front free endpaper (""Madme Rothe née Roux""). (4), XLII, 327 pp.
The Berlin-edition of the seminal work, which was immensely influential on European thought, philosophy, history and religion from the date of its appearance. The first edition appeared in Paris in the same year, and the Berlin-edition appeared about simultaneously.The work caused an immediate scandal when it appeared. Renan's masterpiece, which constitudes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholocism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. Royal 8vo. Nice cont. solid black hcalf w. five raised bands and gilt title to back. Half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier"") browned, otherwise only occational brownspotting. A nice and solid copy.. (4), LIX, 459, (2) pp. + (1) leaf (colophon).
Printed the same year as the first edition (also Paris, Michel Lévy Frères). The work caused immediate scandal when it appeared. Renan's masterpiece, which constitudes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholocism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. Bound totally uncut w. the orig. wrappers, also the back, in a near cont. green marbled cardboardbdg. w. red gilt title- and tome-labels to back. Capitals w. traces of use and back a bit faded, but otherwise nice and solid. Wrappers lightly soiled. Woodcut portrait of Renan inserted as frontispiece (not called for). W. half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier""). A very nice and clean copy, -only a couple of leaves w. very minor brownspotting. (4), LIX, 462 pp. + (1) leaf (colophon).
True first edition of this seminal classic on the life of Jesus, which caused an immediate scandal when it appeared. Rare with the original wrappers. Renan's masterpiece, which constitutes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind, but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholicism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scholar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. Royal 8vo. Bound in a nice contemporary red halfcalf with five raised bands to spine, with blindstamped borders to compartments. A very nice copy, also with the often lacking half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier""). (4), LIX, 462 pp. + (1) leaf (colophon).
True first edition of this seminal classic on the life of Jesus, which caused an immediate scandal when it appeared. Renan's masterpiece, which constitudes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholocism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Calmann Levy, 1891. Royal 8vo. Uncut in the orig. wrappers. Back a bit worn, tears to hinges. A bit loose. Internally fine. (4), XIV, (2), 210, (2) pp.
Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Durand, 1852. Royal 8vo. Uncut in the orig. wrappers, back crudely repaired w. blank paper-strip, lacking upper part. Tears to edges of wrappers and lacking lower right corner of front wrapper and first free blank leaf (partly pasted down). Dampstaining and brownspotting throughout. W. half-title. (4), XII, 367 pp.
First edition of Renan's first book, -the seminal work that placed the study of Renaissance philosophy on the philosophical map and earned Renan a doctorate of letters. This work constitutes the first proper monograph on the great Islamic philosopher, Ibn Rush, also called Averroes, who is considered the greatest commentator on the works of Aristotle, and it is principally because of this work that the great philosopher and scientist is seriously appreciated in Europe today. Besides dealing with Averroes himself, Renan studies the development and different branches of Averroism, focusing on the Jewish, Scholastic and Paduan ones. His focus on the Paduan Averroism (16th century) in this work has meant that Renaissance philosophy was finally given a role of its own in the history of philosophy, -it is with this work that the philosophy of the Renaissance is taken seriously in the study of philosophy.""Memoirs on semitic languages and on the study of Greek in the Middle Ages were crowned by the Académie in 1848 and 1849 but do not seem to have been published. Renan's first book, published in 1852, was, in fact, ""Averroes et l'Averroïsme"" (see 24) which earned him a doctorate of letters."" (PMM 352). Renan has always been admired for his sharp mind, his great abilities and courage, but for the same reasons he was feared by many. ""Dés 1852 il signalait dans la préface de son Averroës comme le trait caractéristique du dix-neuvième siècle la substitution de la méthode historique dans toutes les études relatives à l'esprit humain. Cette substitution est légitime"" mais elle serait dangereuse si elle allait jusqu'à proscrire la théologie et la métaphysique... "" (N.B.G. (1862) 51:984). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.
Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1896 + 1923. Both copies are uncut, numbered and on extra fine paper. They are bound w. all the orig. wrappers in two private very beautiful uniform half leather bindings of darker orange (like the wrappers) morocco w. single gilt line-frames and gilt titles on back. Flat capitals and top-edges gilt (Anker Kysters Eftf. 1977, -handsigned underneth the bookbinder-stamp by the particular bookbinder - ""Mogens Dickow Lund""). Small tear to corner of back wrapper of""Lettres Intimes"", otherwise a mint set.
First edition, numbered copies, of both works. The ""Lettres Intimes"" is number 5 of fifteen copies printed on Japan-paper: ""Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage quinze exemplaires sur papier Impérial du Japon. Tous numérotés. No. 5."" ""Nouvelles Lettres Intimes"" is number four of 50 copies on Holland-paper: ""Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage cinquante exemplaires sur papier de Hollande numérotés. No. 4.""Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scolar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer. Renan's closest confidante was his sister, Henriette, who helped him quit the clerical carrier. They helped eachother financially, travelled together (e.g. on archaeological expeditions) and lived together for many years of their lives. His widely famous work, ""Vie de Jésus"" is dedicated to her, and their correspondence is very interesting and catching.
s.l., 1926 [232] pp. + une carte topographique dépliante, 25cm., jolie reliure cart. Moderne avec titre doré au dos, extrait du Bull. de la Soc. De Litt. Wall. (t.61), texte frais, très bon état, B111150
Paris, Edouard Champion 1979, 190x120mm, XXIX- 231pages, broché. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
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