Leuven, Peeters 1997 568pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Studia Patristica, vol.XXXI, Papers presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1995", very good condition, R115091
Pallinada, SARAS 1998 605pp. with bl/w illustrations in text + some plates in colour out of text, text printed in 2 columns, 30cm., publisher's hardcover in bordeaux cloth, dustwrapper, very good, weight: 2.4kg., X114459
Atene [Athens], Fondazione Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerche bizantine 2008 213pp., 24cm., softcover, contains contributions in Italian and in Greek (of which some or bilingual), very good condition, G104049
Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh 1983 306pp., 24cm., in the series "Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums. Neue Folge. 2.Reihe: Forschungen zu Gregor von Nazianz" volume 2, softcover, good condition, R106043
Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh 1983 306pp., 24cm., in the series "Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums. Neue Folge. 2.Reihe: Forschungen zu Gregor von Nazianz" volume 2, bound in hardcover in green cloth with gilt lettering on spine, original softcover preserved and bound in, copy from the personal collection of the editor (the Belgian prof. and byzantinist Justin Mossay, specialised in Gregory of Nazianzus), very good condition, R106050
Romae [Rome], Sacra Rituum Congregatione 1933 59 + xix + 444 + 40 + 9 + 5 + 54pp., bound in one physical volume, solid modern hardcover binding (marbled boards, spine in green cloth), 2 stamps on title page, text and interior are clean and bright, texts are in Italian and some in Latin, good condition, weight: 1.6kg., [On the beatification of Galileo Nicolini (1882-1897), an Italian novice of the Passionists, containing several parts: Informatio super dubio, Tabella testium, Summarium super dubio, Litterae postulatoriae, Animadversiones r.p. promotoris generalis fidei super dubio, Summarium ex officio & Responsio ad animadversiones], R107356
Romae [Rome], Sacra Rituum Congregatione 1933 59 + xix + 444 + 40pp., in one physical volume, blind wrappers, stamp on title page, text and interior are clean and bright, texts are in Italian and some in Latin, good condition, weight: 1.2kg., [On the beatification of Galileo Nicolini (1882-1897), an Italian novice of the Passionists, containing several parts: Informatio super dubio, Tabella testium, Summarium super dubio & Litterae postulatoriae], H108458
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2012 274pp., with some ills., in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 276, 30cm., original softcover, contains contributions in various languages, very good condition, weight: 1.1kg., R104555
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2012 240pp., with some ills., in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 276, 30cm., original softcover, contains contributions in German and English, very good condition, R104556
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2012 214pp., with ills., in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 276, 30cm., original softcover, contains contributions in various languages, good condition, R104557
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2012 294pp., with ills., in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 276, 30cm., original softcover, contains contributions in various languages, dog ear at last pages, else in very good condition, R104558
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2007 vi + 328pp., with illustrations in colour, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-1, 30cm., original softcover, library stamp, vague stain of removed label on frontcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1.1kg., R107618
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2008 xii + 224pp., with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-3, 30cm., original softcover, library stamp, vague stain of removed label on frontcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, R107619
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2008 iv + 224pp., with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-4, 30cm., original softcover, library stamp, vague stain of removed label on frontcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, R107620
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2008 190pp., with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-5, 30cm., original softcover, vague stain of removed label on frontcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, R107621
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2008 216pp., with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-6, 30cm., original softcover, library stamp, vague stain of removed label on frontcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, R107622
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2007 vi + 328pp., with illustrations in colour, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 210-1, 30cm., original softcover, text is clean and bright, very good condition, weight: 1.1kg., R117546
Parisiis [Paris], V. Palmé 1870-1873 Complete series of 20 volumes, bound in 20 physical volumes, together over 10.000 pages, 2nd edition "Nova editio correcta" (the first edition was published in 1631-1712), 25cm., nice contemporary uniform hardcover bindings with spine in leather and gilt title, marbled boards, some corners bit bumped, marbled endpapers, title in red and black, text printed in 2 columns, stamp on title page, text in Latin, text is clean and bright (except for few occasional foxing), good condition, [This work was compiled by a group of Discalced Carmelites of the College of St. Elias in Salamanca (Spain) known as the Salmanticenses. The principal authors were Antonio de la Madre de Dios, Domingo de Santa Teresa and Juan de la Anunciacion. Content: volume 1: De principio individuationis substantiae materialis, et accidentium ejus, De Visione Dei, De sciencia Dei, v.2: De voluntate Dei. De Praedestinatione, v.3: De sacrosantissimo mysterio Trinitatis, v.4: De angelis, v.5: De ultimo fine, De beatitudine, De voluntario et involuntario, v.6: De bonitate et malitia humanorum actuum, De virtutibus, Arbor praedicamentalis virtutum, v.7-8: De vitiis et peccatis, v.9: De Gratia Dei, v.10: De gratia Dei. De justificatione impii. De Merito, v.11: De Fide. De Spe, v.12: De Charitate. De statu religioso, v.13-16: De incarnatione, v.17: De sacramentis in communi, v.18: De eucharistia, v.19-20: De poenitentia], weight: 23kg., R118515
Phone number : +32476917667
Urbana, The University of Illinois Press 1943 566pp. + 4pp. of addenda & corrigenda, 27cm., publisher's hardcover in bordeaux cloth (corners slightly bumped), copy from the collection of the belgian byzantinist prof. Justin Mossay (with ex-libris and stamp), text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1.5kg., [Contains a study on the latin manuscript tradition and greek versions of St. Jerome's Vita Sancti Pauli, Vita Sancti Hilarionis & Vita Sancti Malchi], R106026
Thessalonike [Thessaloniki], Idruma meleton Chersonesou tou Haimou (Institute ofr Balkan Studies) 1988 449pp.with illustrations, 24cm., softcover, in the series "Institute for Balkan Studies" vol.217, [text in Greek], Good condition, G77675
Roma, Centro Studi S. Anselmo 1997 788pp. + frontispiece (portrait), 23cm., in the series "Studia Anselmiana" volume 124, bound in a solid hardcover (original frontcover preserved), text is clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1.5 kg., R117268
Roma, Centro Studi S. Anselmo 1997 788pp. + frontispiece (portrait), 23cm., in the series "Studia Anselmiana" volume 124, original softcover, text is clean and bright, very good condition, weight: 1.5 kg., R118951
Leiden, Brill 1965 xiv + 186pp., in the series "International studies in sociology and social anthropology" volume 3, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering, stamp at verso fo title page, good condition, [contains 12 contributions in English], G94479
Various authors (POPPE Nikolaus, POSCH Udo, DOERFER Gerhard, e.a.)
Reference : X71594
Leiden, Brill 1964 vii + 296pp., 25cm., in the series "Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten" vol.5, softcover, good condition, X71594
Various authors (POPPE Nikolaus, POSCH Udo, DOERFER Gerhard, e.a.)
Reference : X100154
Leiden, Brill 1964 vii + 296pp., 25cm., in the series "Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten" vol.5, softcover, pages still uncut, good condition, X100154