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‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84101


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus VI (6, 1930, complete)‎

‎Tongerlo, Typis Abbatiae 1930 463pp.+ some plates out-of-text, bound with: PAAS Th.: "Beschlüsse der Kölner Provinzial-Kapitel für die Westfälische Zirkarie Ord.Praem. 1665-1717 codex Knechtstedensis Hs. E.2 im Kölner Erzbistumsarchiv Tp.1 p.126" (88pp., 1930), 25cm., hardcover (half-cloth, original wrappers bound in), very good condition, [contains articles in French, German and Dutch], R84101‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R81107


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus VII (1931)‎

‎Tongerlo, Typis Abbatiae 1931 Volume 7 complete: 381 + 41pp., 24cm., hardcover (marbled plates, spine in brown cloth with gilt lettering), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R81107‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R85965


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus X (10, 1934, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1934 Volume 10 complete: 343pp., 24cm., hardcover, [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], few foxing mainly at upper edges, good condition, R85965‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84105


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus X (10, 1934), fascicules 1 to 4 (complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1934 Volume 10 complete in 4 fascs.: 343pp., with the supplement: GRASSL Bas.: "Der Prämonstratenserorden seine Geschichte und seine Ausbreitung bis zur Gegenwart" (129pp.), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84105‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84107


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XIII & XIV (13-14, 1937-1938, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1937-1938 Volumes 13 & 14 complete, bound together: 176 + 272pp., with the supplements: VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Een Premonstratenzerabdij in het begin der zestiende eeuw [Averbode]" (vervolg: pp.129-271, 1937) & LEFEVRE Pl. O.Praem. "Une enquete sur l'observance disciplinaire et liturgique à l'abbaye d'Averbode au début du XVIIe siècle" (58pp., 1938) & LEFEVRE pL. "126 Chartes d'Abbecourt. Abbaye de l'Ordre de Prémontré, chartes et documents. Deuxième série 1254-1435" (42pp., 1938), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84107‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84106


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XI & XII (11-12, 1935-1936, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1935-1936 Volumes 11 & 12 complete, bound together: 256 + 216pp., with the supplements: HARDICK Else "Praemonstratenserbauten des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts im Rheinland. Ihr Verhältnis zu den französischen und belgischen Vorstufen" (127pp., 1935) & VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Een Premonstratenzerabdij in het begin der zestiende eeuw [Averbode]" (pp.1-128, 1936), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84106‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84110


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XIX & XX (19-20, 1943-1944/45, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1943-1945 Volumes 19 & 20 complete, bound together: 115 + 231pp., with the supplements: VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Réponse à François Perrucelli 1563 de Jean Despruets" (51pp., 1943) & STEYNEN Jan Ev. O.Praem. "Capitula Provincialia Circariae Brabantiae o.Praem. 1620-1643" (suite: pp.147-217, 1944-45), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84110‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84119


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XLVII & XLVIII (47-48, 1971-1972, complete)‎

‎Averbode, Abbatia Averbodiensis 1971-1972 Volumes 47-48 complete and bound together: 330 + 428pp., with the supplement: VALVEKENS J.B. & DOLISTA K.: "Acta et decreta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Praemonstratensis II. 1501-1530" (pp.193-368, 1971-1972), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch & Spanish], good condition, R84119‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84109


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XVII & XVIII (17-18, 1941-1942, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1941-1942 Volumes 17 & 18 complete, bound together: 196 + 200pp., with the supplement: STEYNEN Jan Ev. O.Praem. "Capitula Provincialia Circariae Brabantiae o.Praem. 1620-1643" (vii + 145pp., 1941-1942), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84109‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84108


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XV & XVI (15-16, 1939-1940, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1939-1940 Volumes 15 & 16 complete, bound together: 200 + 184pp., with the supplements: LEFEVRE Pl. "126 Chartes d'Abbecourt. Abbaye de l'Ordre de Prémontré, chartes et documents. Deuxième série 1254-1435" (pp.43-79, 1939) & VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Les Chapitres Généraux de l'Abbé-Général Jean Despruets 1572-1596" (xii + 66pp., 1940), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84108‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84111


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXII-XXIII & XXIV (22-24, 1946-1948, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1946-1948 Volumes 22-23 & 24 complete, bound together: 204 + 200pp., with the supplement: VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Les visites canoniques des abbayes prémontrées au XVIe siècle (111pp., 1946-48), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], very good condition, R84111‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84113


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXVII, XXVIII & XXIX (volumes 27 to 29, 1951-1953, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis S.Norberti 1951-1953 Volumes 27-28-29 complete and bound together: 180 + 219 + 320pp., with the supplements: LENAERTS P. O.Praem. "Chronique d'un prélat du XVIIIe siècle" (suite: pp.97-130, 1951) & SANTIFALLER L. "Nikolaus Liebental und seine Chronik der Aebte des Breslauer St. Vinzenzstiftes (suite: pp.105-203, 1951), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84113‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84112


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXV & XXVI (25-26, 1949-1950, complete)‎

‎Tongerloo, Typis Abbatiae 1949-1950 Volumes 25 & 26 complete, bound together: 223 + 187pp., with the supplements: VALVEKENS E. O.Praem. "Les visites canoniques des abbayes prémontrées au XVIe siècle (suite: pp.113-182, 1949) & LENAERTS P. O.Praem. "Chronique d'un prélat du XVIIIe siècle" (96pp., 1949-1950) & SANTIFALLER L. "Nikolaus Liebental und seine Chronik der Aebte des Breslauer St. Vinzenzstiftes (104pp., 1949-1950), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84112‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84115


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XXXIII, XXXIV & XXXV (33 to 35, 1957-1959, complete)‎

‎Averbode, Abbatia Averbodiensis 1957-1959 Volumes 33-34-35 complete and bound together: 384 + 384 + 384pp., 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84115‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84117


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXXIX, XL & XLI (39 to 41, 1963-1965, complete)‎

‎Averbode, Abbatia Averbodiensis 1963-1965 Volumes 39-40-41 complete and bound together: 392 + 391 + 388pp., with the supplement: VALVEKENS J.B. "Capitula Provinciae Bohemiae, Moraviae, Austriae ac Silesiae" (pp.161-352, 1963-1965), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch, Spanish and Italian], good condition, R84117‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84116


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXXVI, XXXVII & XXXVIII (36 to 38, 1960-1962, complete)‎

‎Averbode, Abbatia Averbodiensis 1960-1962 Volumes 36-37-38 complete and bound together: 376 + 376 + 380pp., with the supplement: VALVEKENS J.B. "Capitula Provinciae Bohemiae, Moraviae, Austriae ac Silesiae" (160pp., 1960-1962), 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84116‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Various authors [Commissio historica ordinis Praemonstratensis]‎

Reference : R84114


‎Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XXX, XXXI, XXXII (30 to 32, 1954-1956, complete)‎

‎Averbode, Abbatia Averbodiensis 1954-1956 Volumes 30-31-32 complete and bound together: 320 + 384 + 384pp., 24cm., hardcover (half-cloth binding, original wrappers bound in, few small stamps), [contains articles in German, French and Dutch], good condition, R84114‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Various authors (CORI Berardo & MEINI Monica, eds.)‎

Reference : X114342


‎L'Armenia : un'isola nella montagna‎

‎Milano, FrancoAngeli ca. 2000 171pp., original softcover, text in Italian, 23cm., good condition, X114342‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Various authors (CROSS F.L., ed.)‎

Reference : R82501


Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Various authors (CUTLER Anthony & FRANKLIN Simon, eds.)‎

Reference : X92893


‎Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Forty-Six (46) 1992. Homo Byzantinus, Papers in honor of Alexander Kazhdan‎

‎Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection 1992 viii + 329pp. illustrated with plates out of text, 30cm., editor's hardcover in cloth, copy from the collection of the Belgian specialist in Byzantine Studies prof. Justin Mossay (with ex-libris at title page), very good condition, X92893‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎Various authors (& DE BAERE Bart, ed.)‎

Reference : S108133


‎A Story of The Image : Old & New Masters from Antwerp‎

‎Antwerp, Non Profit Associations of the Museums and Heritage Antwerp 2009 431pp., with numerous ills., softcover, 24cm., bilingual: English-Chinese, VG, weight: 1.3kg., [Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Shangai Art Musem (1-5 till 21-06 2009) & the National Museum of Singapore (14-08 till 4-10 2009)], S108133‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Various authors (DE BOER P.A.H., ed.)‎

Reference : R96088


‎Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume 10‎

‎Leiden, Brill 1954 256pp., with 6 contributions (in English and French), 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume X, very good condition, R96088‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Various authors (DE BOER P.A.H., ed.)‎

Reference : R96089


‎Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume 9‎

‎Leiden, Brill 1951 189pp., with 8 contributions in various languages, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume IX, very good condition, R96089‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Various authors (DE BOER P.A.H., ed.)‎

Reference : R96104


‎Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume I‎

‎Leiden, Brill 1942 300pp., 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume I, good condition, [contains 6 contributions, most of them in English. A.o.: EERDMANS B.D., Essays on masoretic Psalms (pp.105-296)], R96104‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Various authors (DE BOER P.A.H., ed.)‎

Reference : R96103


‎Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume II (2)‎

‎Leiden, Brill 1943 196pp.+ frontispiece (portrait of B.D. Eerdmans), contains articles in various languages, this volume is dedicated to prof. B.D. Eerdmans on the occasion of his 75th birthday, 25cm., publisher's hardcover, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume II, good condition, R96103‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )
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