Turnhout, Brepols 1999 576pp., 25cm., softcover, 2 ex-libris stamps on frontcover, few small spots on upper edges, else very good, [most of the contributions are in French, English or German], weight: 1kg., R106302
Citta del Vaticano, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 1969 323 + [1] pp., with bl/w illustrations in text, 27cm., softcover, in the series "Studi di antichita cristiana" volume XXVIII (28), good condition, R118627
Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini / Istituto di Storia dell'Arte 2008 356pp.with ills., 31cm., cart.cover, dustwrapper, fine condition [texts in Italian]
Kiøbenhavn, Gyldendals Forlag, 1789 - 1790. 8vo. Uniformly bound in three contemporary full calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. All edges coloured in red. Light wear to extremities. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-papers. WIth light occassional brownspotting, otherwise a nice and clean set. (4), 572 pp. + 1 plate (4), 616 pp. + 3 plates (4), 512 pp.
First edition of the first three volumes of this compilation of travelogues containing detailed accounts of various countries and peoples, covering topics such as: Religion, government and political structures, trade and commerce, customs and traditions and natural history. Biblioteca Danica III, 400.
Leuven, Peeters 2023 x + 385pp., 25cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensum" volume 336, softcover, dustwrapper, New condition, ISBN 978-90-429-5185-3, R116386
Roma, Analecta Augustiniana 1959 Volume 2 (of 2): 549pp., 25cm., original softcover, pages partly still uncut, good condition, rare, [contains contributions in various languages], R80761
Argentina, Comision nacional ley 13.661 1950 255pp.+ some platezs out-of-text, 26cm., illustrated cover with some traces of use, text in Spanish, good, G98421
Napoli, L'Arte Tipografica 1965 300pp.with some figures in text + 18 plates out of text, 24cm., softcover, few foxing (mainly at edges), good condition, text in Italian, G79339
Milano, Vita e Pensiero 1954 x + 198pp.+ frontispice, 25cm., nice solid hardcover, in the series "Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del S.Cuore" Nuova Serie Vol.46, [contains 10 artt.in French & Italian], H117723
Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck 1976 ix + 268pp.with illustrations in bl/w + 1 page of errata, hardcover (editor's green cloth), illustrated dustwrapper, 27cm., in the series "Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. Netherlands Yearbook for history of Art" volume 26 (1975), good condition, [Contains 6 articles, in English, German and French], S84554
Trieste, 2005 511pp.wityh illustrations in text + 1 large folding plan of Aquileia ("pianta archeologica"), 24cm., softcover, dustwrapper, very good condition, G85756
(New York), American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1964. 8vo. Volume XLIII, September, No. 4, Part 1 and 2, 1964 of ""The Bell System Technical Journal"". In the original printed blue wrappers. Previous owner's stamp to front wrapper, and very light brownspotting to spine, otherwise a near mint copy. Pp. 1155-1479 + two folded plates, one loosely inserted.
First publication of AT&T's first submarine telephone cable across the pacific. It went from Japan to Hawaii, where it connected to two cables linking Hawaii with the mainland. This brought the same improvements to trans-Pacific service that the TAT-1 had brought to trans-Atlantic service in 1956. (See link below). Since the trans-Atlantic service opened in 1927, calls had traveled across the ocean via radio waves. But cables provide much higher signal quality, avoid atmospheric interference and offer greater capacity and security.Due to uncertainties in global politics, the economic involvement by the US government in the project was minimal. Papers contained in the present issue:1. Ehrbar, R.D." Fraser, J.M. Kelley, R.A. Morris, L.H. Mottram, E.T. Rounds, P.W. The SD Submarine Cable System. Pp. 1155-1184.2. Bowker, M.W. Nutt, W.G. Riley, R.M. Design of Armorless Ocean Cable. Pp. 1185-1208.3. Lerch, B.W. Phelps, J.W.Armorless Cable Manufacture. Pp. 1209-1242.4. Brewer, S.T. Dickinson, F.R. Von Roesgen, C.A. Repeaters and Equalizers for the SD Submarine Cable System. Pp. 1243-1273.5. Johansson, S.G.Manufacture of Rigid Repeaters and Ocean-Block Equalizers. Pp. 1275-1310.6. Holdaway, V.L. Van Haste, W. Walsh, E.J. Electron Tubes for the SD Submarine Cable System. Pp. 1311-1338.7. Bishop, J.D. Mottel, S.Cable Power Facility. Pp. 1339-1366.8. Ehrbar, R.D. A Cable Laying Facility. Pp. 1367-1372.9. Grismore, O.D.Cable and Repeater Handling System. Pp. 1373-1394.10. Gretter, R.W.Cable Payout System. Pp. 1395-1434.11. Butler, J.H. Altenburg, C.J. McSweeney, R.J." Sutton, L.E. Design and Powering of Cable Ship ""Long Lines"". Pp. 1435-1459.
Trier, Paulinus-Druckerei 1912 Complete in 3 parts, bound in one volume, 208,[8] + 323,[3] + 345,[3] pp., illustrated with frontispieces and few plates out-of-text, nice cart. hardcover, marbled boards, spine in brown leather with title in gilt, 24cm., good condition, R92175
Stuttgart, Cornetto-Verlag 1996 Complete in 4 volumes (one for each voice: Bassus, Tenor, Altus, Discantus): [94] + [88] + [102] + [94] pp. with music scores for chant and text in Latin, in oblong (15x20cm.), publisher's cart. hardcovers, in cart. slipcase, in the series "Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz" volume 8, good condition, M95222
Augustae Vindelicorum [Augsburg], Sumptibus Matthaei Rieger 1754 [viii] + 400pp., "Editio prima in Germania, post Genuensem correctior et auctior", text in Latin, 19cm., original blind wrappers (d'epoque), library stamp on recto and verso of title page, occasional foxing, good condition, R79547
Moskva [Moscow], Nauka 1965 361pp. + folding plate, 22cm., copy from the collection of Jacques Ryckmans, cart.cover (spine in cloth, some use), text and interior G, [text in Russian in Cyrillic script], OCLC 314900859, X72597
Leuven, Leuven University Press 1995 326pp., 25cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, in the series "Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis" Series A vol.17, 2 stamps at verso of title page, else VG, T116099
München, Hirmer 1994 613 + lxxiv pp.with numerous ills. in bl/w and in colour, 30cm., editor's hardcover, dusstwrapper, very good, S86147
London, Hali publications 1996 228pp., with numerous colour illustrations, 33cm., publisher's hardcover in green cloth, illustrated dustwrapper, good condition, [Deals with different kinds of objects such as tapestry, porcelain, gold, textiles, jade, etc.], S96954
, A.E.S.C. s.d. [1962] 127pp., 26cm., softcover, good, B103824
Taranto, Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia 1981 457pp.with some figures in text + 78 plates out of text, 24cm., softcover, some foxing on edges, good condition, most articles are in Italian, G79320
Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1973 xvi + 906pp. with 1001 illustrations in and out of text (of which some in colour), 25cm., text in Polish, editor's hardcover in cloth, dustwrapper, few foxing on edges, good condition, rare, [Biographical dictionary on Polish theatre, 1765-1965], T92929
Stuttgart/Berlin/Kôln/Mainz, Kohlhammer s.d.[+/-1967] 354pp.
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1983 315pp. + frontispiece (portrait of Leuschner), 24cm., publisher hardcover in blue cloth, text clean and bright, few small spots on blanco endpapers, else in very good condition, G98510
, Stuttgart, Awag verlag Max Kurz 1955, 150pp.richly ill., in the series "Wirtschafts-Monographien" vol.10, hardcover (editor's orange cloth), good condition, S21669