Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 1960 Coplete in 2 volumes: 464pp. + 21pp. (indices), in the series "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei" anno CCCLVII (1960) quaderno n.48, 27cm., original softcover, text of contributions in various languages, good condition, C99690
Ankara, 2007 471pp., 24cm., softcover, VG, [contributions in English and Turkish], ISBN 978-975-16-1919-8, X77479
Thessaloniki, Institute for Balkan Studies 1991 209pp.with illustrations, 24cm., softcover, in the series "Institute for Balkan Studies" vol.216, Good condition, [Articles in English, German and French], G77676
Copenhagen, Teleteknik, 1957. Royal8vo. In the original light yellow printed wrappers. Spine with light sunning and lower left corner of back wrapper slightly bumped. Otherwise a very fine and clean copy. 130 pp.
First printing of the report on the first international congress on the theory of probability in telephone engineering. ""The ""First International Congress on the application of the theory of probability in telephone engineering and administration"" was held in Copenhagen, at the suggestion of Arne Jensen. The choice of Copenhagen was meant to honor Agner K. Erlang who produced his seminal queuing theory research while working for the Copenhagen Telephone Company. The proceedings of this conference were influential in establishing probability theory as the pre-eminent methodology in analyzing telephone traffic problems.""
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1993 128pp., 23cm., texts in various languages, softcover, published by the "Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België & Internationale Gesellschaft für Urheberrecht Intergu", very good condition, J94080
Oxford, Archaeopress 2009 386pp.with bl/w illustrations, 26cm., softcover, good condition, X85961
Hamilton, Spectator Printing Company 1877 58pp., 21cm., original softcover, good condition, rare, G87410
Stockholm/ Leiden, Almqvist & Wiksell/ Brill 1975 216pp., 24cm., softcover, 2 stamps on title page, good condition, X79391
Leuven, Leuven University Press 1990 18 parts in 5 vols.: 247 & ii,135 + ii,143 + iv,161 + i,110 & ii,137 + i,100 + ii,120 + ii,146 & i,136 + i,136 + i,95 + i,58 + ii,118 & ii,137 + i,138 + ii,124 + ii,115 pp.with ills., 25cm., in the series "Studies in social and economic history" vol.3-4-8-12-17, cloth, dustwrapper, [contains: A-sessions: Debates and controversies in economic history // Session B-1: Economic effects of the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars + Session B-2: Structures and dynamics of agricultural exploitations: ownership, occupation, investment, credit, markets + Session B-3: Economic and demographic development in rice producing societies: some aspects of East Asian economic history (1500-1900) + Session B-4: Economic planning in the post-1945 period // Session B-5: Ethnic minority groups in town and countryside and their effects on economic development (1850-1940) + Session B-6: Metropolitan cities and their hinterlands in early modern Europe + Session B-7: Shipping and trade (1750-1950) + Session B-8: Women in the labour force: comparative studies on labour market and organization of work since the 18th century // Session B-9: Unemployment and underemployment in historical perspective + Session B-10: Growth and stagnation in the Mediterranean World in the 19th and 20th centuries + Session B-11: Models of regional economies in Antiquity and the Middle Ages tot the 11th century + Session B-12a: methodological problems + Session B-12b: Historical information systems // Session B-13: Liberalism and paternalism in the 19th century + Session B-14: Production, marketing and consumption of alcoholic beverages since the late Middle Ages + Session B-15: Textiles of the low countries in European economic history + Session B-16: The town as regional economic centre in the Ancient Near East // Complete except for part D: "Recent doctoral research in economic history"], E72055
Leiden, Brill 1984 139pp., contains 7 papers (most of them in English) read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference held at Woudschoten 1982, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume XXIII, very good condition, R96095
Wien, Verlag der österreichisches Akademie der Wissenschaften 1995 140pp., 30cm., in the series "Veroffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzanistik" Band I/1-12 Add., softcover, 2 ex-libris stamps on title pages, good condition, text and interior clean and bright and in very good condition, ISBN 3-7001-2201-2, X103532
Brindisi, 1988 276pp.with ills. in text, 24cm., softcover, text in italian, good condition, G85973
Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1973 xxxiii + 627pp.with 142 illustrations in texte + 51 plates out-of-text, 2nd edition, editor's hardcover, dustwrapper, 25cm, good condition, G85967
Roma, Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica della Societa Italiana del Flauto Dolce 1991 283pp., 24cm., softcover, good condition, [contains 8 scholarly articles of which some in English and some in Italian], M95151
Pavia, Monaci Cistercensi della Certosa di Pavia/ Torchio de Ricci 1996 228pp., with numerous colour illustrations, publisher's hardcover with gilt lettering, in cart. slipcase, in 4 languages: Italian-English-French-Japanese, very good condition, [deals with the art treasures of the Carthusian monastery of Pavia], R97244
Manchester / New York, Manchester University Press 2002 x + 239pp.with ills., 24cm., in the series "Studies in early modern European history", hardcover (cloth), VG
Leuven, Leuven University Press 2005 535pp.with some ills., 24cm., softcover, Very good condition, in the series "Kadoc Studies on religion, culture and society" vol.3, ISBN 90-5867-497-5, R77589
Leiden/ Köln, E.J. Brill 1961 xii + 554pp., 25cm., softcover, pages still uncut, in the series "Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten, Achter Band: Religion" 2e abschnitt, very good, X99965
Brescia/ Roma, Istituto Paolo VI/ Studium 1995 viii + 202pp., 27cm., in the series "Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI" volume 16, softcover, text in English, very good, R95583
Tielt, Lannoo 193pp., with illustrations, 25cm., publisher's hardcover, fine condition (as new), G111806
Vatican, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana 1984 xxix + 448pp.with 256 illustrations and some folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, pages still uncut, very good condition, most texts in Italian, G79298
Vatican, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana 1988 xxiv + 205pp.with 80 illustrations + 1 folding plate out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79290
Vatican, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana 1986 xxiv + 251pp.with 126 illustrations + 10 plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79300
Vatican, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana 1989 xxv + 283pp.with 157 illustrations + 10 folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, most texts in Italian, G79291
Vatican, Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana 1990 xxiii + 385pp.with 255 illustrations and some folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79296