Roma, Pontificia Universita Gregoriana 1935 Complete in 2 volumes, xxix,454 + 406 pp., 24cm., original softcovers, published in the series "Analeca Gregoriana" vol.IX-X, pages of vol.2 still uncut, good condition, [contains articles in various languages], R104458
Tervuren, Musée royal du Congo Belge 1954 585pp. + frontispiece (portrait), illustrated with figures maps and pictures in text, 33cm., in the series "Annales du Musée royal du Congo Belge (Tervuren, Belgique). Nouvelle série in-4. Sciences zoologiques" volume 1, original softcover, 2 stamps, good condition, weight: 2.8kg., [Contains numerous contributions, in various languages], C99905
Montserrat, Abadia de Montserrat 1964 458pp. + frontispiece (portrait), 25cm., softcover, some foxing at upper edges, text and interior are clean and bright, most pages are still uncut, good condition, R117047
Freiburg, Rombach 1960 186pp., in the series "Politik", softcover, good condition, G41035
Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie 1980 317pp. with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, 30cm., illustrated softcover, trilingual: English-German-Dutch, good condition, [Exhibition catalogue ; Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1980-1981], S94824
Tokyo, The Tokyo Shimbun 1987 237pp. with illustrations in colour and in bl/w, text in ENGLISH, 27cm., illustrated softcover, good condition, [Exhibition catalogue 1987, Japan], S94822
Bloomington, Indiana University 1978 111pp. + portrait, 23cm., this volume is dedicated to Professor Nicholas Poppe, softcover, G, [contains among others: JACKENDOFF Harry, "The Uriangqai Connection", Some social study and textual analysis of the secret history, pp.5-38 & VALLIANT Robert B., Inner Mongolia, 1912: The failure of independence, pp.56-92], X71593
Ulaanbaatar [Ulanbator], 1965 169pp. with some bl/w ills., 22cm., softcover, text in Russian in cyrillic script, in the series "Studia Mongolica Instituti Linguae et Litterarum Academiae Scientiarum Reipublicae Populi Mongoli" tomus 5 fasc.2-7, [contains 6 articles regarding Mongolica], X91510
Galatina, Congedo Editore 1989 272pp.+ 4OO plates out of text (of which some folding plans), 27cm., editor's hardcover, illustrated dustwrapper, text in Italian, in the series "Universita de Lecche. Spiartimento di Scienze dell'antichita, settore storico-archeologico. Collana del Dipartimento" volume 3, ISBN 88-7786-322-6, good condition, G79090
Brescia/ Roma, Istituto Paolo VI/ Studium 2000 xi + 283pp., 27cm., in the series "Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto Paolo VI" volume 22, softcover, with contributions in Italian and in French, small inscription on blanco endpaper, else very good, R95586
Rome, Institutum Historicum FF. Praedicatorum ad S. Sabinae 1935 vii + 434pp., 25cm., in the series "Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum historica" volume XVI (16), nice and solid hardcover binding, stamp on title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, R118485
Assisi, Societa Internazionale di studi Francescani 1980 381pp., 23cm., softcover, good condition, [contains contributions in various langauges, by various authors], R94183
Roma, Universita degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Missione Archeologica a Mozia 2005 596pp., with bl/w ills., in the series "Quaderni di archeologia fenicio-punica" volume 2, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering, dustwrapper, very good condition, [Rapporto preliminare delle campagne di scavi XXIII e XXIV (2003-2004)], weight: 2.3kg., G104602
Milano, Electa 1984 455pp., with numerous illustrations in colour and in bl/w, publisher's hardcover in blue cloth, dustwrapper (some traces of use), text in Italian, 25cm., ex-libris on blanco endpaper, good condition, S96813
Bydgoszcz, 1988 1129pp., 24cm., softcover, very good, rare, [contains scholarly articles on music history, in various languages], M95176
Bydgoszcz, 1985 756pp., 24cm., softcover, some annotations in first article, good condition, rare, [contains scholarly articles on music history, in various languages], M95177
Bydgoszcz, 1982 905 + [7] pp., 24cm., softcover, very good, rare, [contains scholarly articles in various languages, most of them dealing with eastern European medieval and classical music], M95175
Vitoria, Editorial Eset 1993 480pp.+ portrait, 24cm., illustrated softcover, in the series "Victoriensia. Publicaciones del seminario de Vitoria" volume 60, Good condition, R79552
Berlin, 1989 180pp.with numerous ills. in bl/w + 8 plates in colour, 24cm., softcover, Exhibition catalogue (Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum, I.Oktober 1989 - 31.Januar 1990], very good, S86359
Frankfurt am Main, 1985 600pp.with bl/w ills., 28cm., Exhibition catalouge (Liebighaus, Museum alter Plastik, Frankfurt am Main, 5. Dezember 1985 bis 2. Marz 1986), very good, S85394
Taranto, Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia 1986 611pp.with some figures in text + 64 plates out of text, 24cm., softcover, few foxing and spot on upper edges, interior and text in very good condition, [contains articles in various languages], G79317
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998 628pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68370
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1997 625pp.with ills., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68371
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1996 631pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68372
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1995 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68373