Münster Westfalen, Aschendorff Verlag 2005 220pp. + 3 plates out-of-text, 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper, text and interior are clean and bright (looks unread), very good condition, R107280
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1963 201pp. With some illustrations in text + 11 plates out-of-text, 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, R65553
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1964 194pp. with some illustrations in text + 22 plates out-of-text, 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper with some traces of use, 2 small stamps, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, R107243
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1965 184pp. with some illustrations in text + 11 plates out-of-text, 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper with some traces of use, 2 small stamps, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, R107244
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1967 282pp. with some illustrations in text + 23 plates out-of-text & frontispiece, 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper with some traces of use, 2 stamps, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, R107245
Istanbul, Edebiyat fakultesi basimevi 1965 xxxi + 497pp. + frontispiece & 46 bl/w plates out of text, 25cm., softcover, pages still uncut, good condition, [Contains contributions in various languages], X113938
Tokyo, 1988 410pp., 31cm., softcover, most of the text is in Japanese (description of the objects is bilingual though: Japanese-French), text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1.9kg., [Contains an illustration and a description of 452 art objects], S113858
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1982 xx + 250pp. + 20 bl/w plates out-of-text & frontispiece, in the series "Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum" Erganzungsband 9 (1982), 28cm., publisher's hardcover binding in blue cloth, dustwrapper (few spots), ex-libris stamp on title page, text and interior are clean and bright and in good condition, weight: 1kg., R107286
Lausanne, International Association of Buddhist Studies 2003 195pp., 23cm., softcover, VG, X71736
s.l., 1982 199pp.with bl/w illustrations + 4 plates out of text in colour, 27cm., hardcover, offprint from "Westphalen" vol.60 part 1, contains catalogue raisonné, very good condition, S85074
Tokyo, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 2010 212pp., softcover, 21cm., very good condition, [text in Engish], X78876
London / Oxford / Bristol / Lancaster, The Pali Text Society 1978 & 1981-2007 complete series from I-XXIX: together +/-7000pp., 23cm., vol.1-8: facsimile reprint of the 1882-1927, cloth, VG, [vol.1 & 28: out-of-print], X71857
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press for the Royal Asiatic Society 1997 pp.189-354, 25cm., softcover, good condition, X76786
, Kleve, 1969, 160pp.with ills. + 16pp.ills.out-of-text
, Kleve, 1971, 176pp.with ills. + 24pp.ills.out-of text & 24pp.(Beiheft)
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2007 175pp., with numerous illustrations, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 207, 30cm., original softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, [Länderübergreifender internationaler Kongress für Kartäuserforschung, Aggsbach, 30.08-31.08 und Brno/Brünn, 1.9-4.9.2005, Volume 3 out of 3], R104545
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2006 206pp., with numerous illustrations, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 207, 30cm., original softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, [Länderübergreifender internationaler Kongress für Kartäuserforschung, Aggsbach, 30.08-31.08 und Brno/Brünn, 1.9-4.9. 2005, Volume 2 out of 3], R117818
Leuven, Peeters 2023 xcii + 387pp., 25cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensum" volume 333, softcover, dustwrapper, New condition, ISBN 978-90-429-5048-1, R116393
Bielefeld, Luther-Verlag 1985 323pp., 23cm., cloth, dustwrapper (some use), else VG, R70626
Amsterdam, Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 1953 471pp. with some music examples in text and some plates out of text, 23cm., softcover, good condition, [Contains articles in various languages], M94863
We Lwowie [Lwow], nakl. Towarzystwa dla Popierania Nauki Polskiej z Funduszu Boleslawa Orzechowicza 1916 Complete in 2 volumes, xxvii,544 + 661 pp., with illustrations out of text, original softcovers (some foxing and small stains), pages are still uncut, text is clean and bright, text in Polish, [Commemorative book for Boleslaw Orzechowicz (1847-1927), a Polish art collector and mecenas], weight: 2.4kg., S114018
Frankfurt, Schirn Kunsthalle 1992 638pp.with numerous illustrations in colour and in bl.w, 29cm., softcover, Exhibition catalogue (Schirn Kunsthalle, 5. September - 8.November 1992), very good, S85336
Ankara, 2002 29 + [7] + 604pp., nice publisher's hardcover in red simili-leather with gilt lettering, 25cm., in the series "Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi Yayinlari" vol.86A, text of the Quran in Arab with translation and some comments in Turkish, ISBN 975-389-081-8, very good, X113717
Münster Westfalen, Aschendorff 1973 complete in 2 vols.: together [16] + [6] + 972pp.with frontispice + 13 ills. and 9 plates out-of-text, 28cm., 2nd ed., cloth, few stamps, else VG, R69443
Cayri [Cairo, Le Caire], Scribae Aegyptiaci Editio [Editions du Scribe Egyptien] 1947 xix + 457 + 136 pp., with some illustrations, 26cm., most pages still uncut, softcover, with contributions in French and Italian, and with 135pp. of Arabic text, good condition, [Published by the Seminarium Franciscale Orientale, at Ghizae], H99361