Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1964 305pp., 26cm., bound in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges, text is clean and bright, good condition, [Includes a.o.: Index generalis voluminum I-XX (1945-1964), Index alphabeticus auctorum & Index recensionum (pp.289-305)], R117076
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1961 307pp., 26cm., bound in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and on pages, else in good condition, R117077
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1963 301pp., 26cm., bound in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and few occasional foxing on pages, good condition, R117078
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1965 301pp., 26cm., bound in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges, text is clean and bright, good condition, R117079
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1954 Volume 10 complete in 4 fasc.: 315pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, [Contains a.o. KRENIG Ernst G., Mittelalterliche Frauenklöster nach den Konstitutionen von Cîteaux unter besonderer Berücksichtigung fränkischer Nonnenkonvente (pp.1-105) & TALBOT C.H., Notes from the library of Pontigny (pp.106-168), etc.], R117857
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1947 Volume 3 complete in 4 fasc.: 159 + iv,159 pp. + frontispieces, 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117858
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1960 Volume 16 complete in 4 fasc.: 332pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117859
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1945-1946 Two volumes in one physical volume, 95 + 148pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117860
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1949-1950 Two volumes in one physical volume, 120 + 181pp., with some illustrations out of text, 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, [Contains a.o.: RAUL Bernardus S.O.Cist., De Kalendario Cisterciensi eiusque revisione instituenda (pp.1-80) & NOSCHITZKA Canisius S.O.Cist., Codex manuscriptus 31 Bibliothecae Universitatis Labacensis (pp.1-124)], R117861
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1959 Volume 16 complete in 4 fasc.: 320pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117862
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1957 Volume 13 complete in 4 fasc.: 331pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117863
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1955 Volume 11 complete in 4 fasc.: 325pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117864
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1951 Volume 7 complete in 4 fasc.: 363pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117865
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1958 Volume 14 complete in 4 fasc.: 346pp. + added in rear pocket: large loose folding map of "Morimond et son empire", with some bl/w illustrations out of text, 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, weight: 1kg., [contains a.o.: EYDOUX Henri-Paul, L'église abbatilae de Morimond (pp.3-111), DIMIER Anselme, Liste alphabétique des monastères de la filiation de Morimond avec références pour les situer sur la carte (ajoutée) etc. (pp.112-117)], R117866
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1956 Volume 12 complete in 4 fasc.: 327pp., 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, R117867
Roma, Editiones Cistercienses 1953 Volume 9 complete : 247 + 334pp. + a large folding map, 26cm., bound together in a solid black hardcover, some foxing on edges and some occasional foxing on pages, else in good condition, weight: 1.4 kg., [Thematic volume to commemorate the 8th centenary of the death of Bernardus of Clairvaux (1090-1153)], R117868
London, The British Institute at Ankara 2008 iv + 218pp., with bl/w illustrations, 30cm., softcover, very good condition, X85877
London, The British Institute at Ankara 2009 181pp., with illustrations in bl/w and some in colour, 30cm., softcover, very good condition, X85878
Louvain [Leuven], Peeters 2014 363pp., with some ills., 27cm., softcover, texts in English, fine condition, X98760
Louvain [Leuven], Peeters 2015 343pp., with some ills., 27cm., softcover, texts in English, fine condition, X98759
Louvain [Leuven], Peeters 2016 322pp., with some ills., 27cm., softcover, texts in English, fine condition, X98758
Louvain [Leuven], Peeters 2007 162pp., with some ills., 24cm., softcover, texts in English, fine condition, X98935
Leuven, Peeters 1979 325pp., 24cm., original softcover, very good condition, ["Ancient Society" is an annual journal, with contributions in various languages. Its main objective is the study of the society of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman world in all its aspects, including the relations with peripheral peoples and cultures], G98920
Leuven, Peeters 1981 409pp., 24cm., original softcover, very good condition, ["Ancient Society" is an annual journal, with contributions in various languages. Its main objective is the study of the society of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman world in all its aspects, including the relations with peripheral peoples and cultures], G98919
Leuven, Peeters 1970 249pp., 24cm., original softcover, very good condition (unread), ["Ancient Society" is an annual journal, with contributions in various languages. Its main objective is the study of the society of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman world in all its aspects, including the relations with peripheral peoples and cultures], G98929