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‎L'expert automobile.‎

Reference : 4450

‎L'expert automobile n° 44 : BMW jubilé 1600-2...‎

‎ Broché, 27X21 cm, illustrations (photos et dessins), n° 44, mai 1969, revue mensuelle d'information des experts et techniciens automobile. Quelques petites marques d'usage sans gravité, bon état.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎L'expert automobile.‎

Reference : 21909

‎L'expert automobile n° 67 : Chrysler 160 - 160 GT - 180...‎

‎ Broché, 27X21 cm, illustrations (photos et dessins), n° 67, juin 1971, revue mensuelle d'information des experts et techniciens automobile. Marques mineures, bon état.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎L'expert automobile.‎

Reference : 4417

‎L'expert automobile n° 8 : Alfa-roméo 1600TI et GT...‎

‎ Broché, 27X21 cm, illustrations (photos et dessins), n° 8, février 1966, revue mensuelle d'information des experts et techniciens automobile. Très bon état.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎L'expert automobile.‎

Reference : 21911

‎L'expert automobile n° 93 : Skoda 100 et 110.‎

‎ Broché, 27X21 cm, illustrations (photos et dessins), n° 93, novembre 1973, revue mensuelle d'information des experts et techniciens automobile. Marques mineures, bon état.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎L'expert automobile.‎

Reference : 4418

‎L'expert automobile n° 9 : Mercedes 220-230-250 S/SE...‎

‎ Broché, 27X21 cm, illustrations (photos et dessins), n° 9, mars 1966, revue mensuelle d'information des experts et techniciens automobile. Bon état.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎L' Expert Automobile‎

Reference : 018278


‎Mensuel N°283 - Février 1991 - Renault Clio‎

‎ Société D' Édition De l' Expertise Automobile broché Bristol illustré 1991 291 pages en format 20 - 27.5 cm - nombreuses illustrations ‎

‎Bon État ‎

Phone number : 0032476413494

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )


Reference : ROD0034098


‎Peugeot 305, modèles 1982‎

‎Chez l'auteur. 1982. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 174p. Illustrations en noir et en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎L'EXPERT AUTOMOBILE N° 59. 0ctobre 1970‎

Reference : ROD0033486


‎Citroën / Diane 4 - 6 / Salon 1970‎

‎Chez l'auteur. 1970. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 113p. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎

‎Etude technique automobile. Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Libman Pierre‎

Reference : RO30355389

‎"Connaissez votre auto pour mieux la conduire, la dépanner, l'entretenir- Les sélections de Sytème ""D"" n°93"‎

‎Société parisienne d'édition. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Agrafes rouillées, Papier jauni. 80 pages. Dos frottés. Nombreuses rousseurs. Texte sur deux colonnes. Nombreux schémas en noir et blanc, in texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎LIENARD Gabriel ‎

Reference : 4067


‎ Agendas Dunod - ParisA l'usage desConstructeurs d'automobiles et d'aéroplanesIngénieurs et Chefs d'ateliersVol. cartonné - Couverture gaufrée - Prés de 500 pages au format 15 cm x 10 cm - GrafiquesTrés bel état‎

‎bon etat Ray AA12* ‎

Phone number : 06 12 23 97 16

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎LIENHARD, Gabriel.‎

Reference : 48515

‎Automobile. A l’usage des constructeurs d’automobiles et d’aéroplanes, ingénieurs et chefs d’ateliers. 12e édition. Agendas Dunod.‎

‎ Paris, Dunod 1924, 155x100mm, XVII - 547pages, broché. Bon état. ‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF45.00 (€48.23 )

‎Liepins E.‎

Reference : RO30335643


‎AAK Retroauto‎

‎. 1985. In-12. En feuillets. Bon état, Coins frottés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. 18 planches illustrées en couleurs. Texte en anglais, russe et en letton. Pliures et déchirures sur la couverture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Liepins E.‎

Reference : RO30335642


‎Automobila vestures lappuses‎

‎"Izdevnieciba ""Zinatne"". 1983. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos frotté, Papier jauni. 76 pages. Salissures. Texte en letton. Partiellement désolidarisé. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc, in et hors texte.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile"‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 54452

‎Garage Rock' De triviale rol van de auto in de rockgeschiedenis‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT editions, 2020 Hardcover, 30 x 30cm, 228 pagies, met prachtige illustraties in kleur en zwart-wit. ISBN 9789082357295.‎

‎Garage Rock gaat over de triviale rol van de auto in de rockgeschiedenis. Een grappig, luchtig boek vol interessante weetjes, foto's van Rock-vedetten en hun auto's, QR-codes die doorschakelen naar de muziekvideo's en illustraties van Londens Graffiti-kunstenaar Ryan Roadkill. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 54453

‎Garage Rock' The trivial role of the car in rock history‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT editions, 2020 Hardcover, 30 x 30cm, 228 pages, with beautiful illustrations in color and black and white. Text in English. ISBN 9789082357295.‎

‎Garage Rock is about the trivial role of the car in rock history. A funny, light-hearted book full of interesting tidbits, photos of Rock stars and their cars, QR codes that lead to the music videos and illustrations by London Graffiti artist Ryan Roadkill. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 57813

‎Inside Valkyrie. collector's item offers a fascinating read about the fights, worries, challenges, financial issues and politics occurring when a traditional sports car brand and a leading Formula 1 team join forces to engineer the first genuine road legal Formula 1 car.‎

‎Antwerpen -, WAFT Gallery, 2021 4 hardcover books in a luxury slipcase, 30 x 30 x 10 cm, 770 pages, fine set! Strictly limited to 300 numbered copies. 35 35 14 cm : 9.5kg. ***THE PRESS SAYS BEST BOOK EVER!!!! .‎

‎It's not a Valkyrie, but it's as close as you can get? The past five years, WAFT was granted unlimited access to the development of the Aston Martin Valkyrie, spending countless hours with Adrian Newey and all other key people, to produce a compound, totally open and honest book This set of four books covers the beginning of the marriage between Aston Martin and Red Bull, yet also the entire design process, the complete engineering and all of the testing. This collector's item offers a fascinating read about the fights, worries, challenges, financial issues and politics occurring when a traditional sports car brand and a leading Formula 1 team join forces to engineer the first genuine road legal Formula 1 car. Strictly limited to 300 numbered copies. Vijf jaar lang hebben Bart Lenaerts en Lies de Mol van de Belgische boekenreeks WAFT de ontwikkeling van de Aston Martin Valkyrie gevolgd. Een bizarre hypercar die in samenwerking met Red Bull Racing wordt gemaakt. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR950.00 (€950.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 64001

‎Restomods 2. More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2024 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English FINE. ISBN 9789464590050.‎

‎Restomods 2 - More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are another 13 of today?s best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 64067

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. 1 + Restomods 2. More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. 2 VOLS‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2023-2024 Hardcovers, 30 x 30 cm, 504 pages, English FINE. 2 volumes 1+2 ISBN 9789464590050.‎

‎Restomods 1 Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today's best restomods + +++ Restomods 2 - More fabulous cars. More fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are another 13 of today?s best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 60164

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. / LIMITED EDITION and 13 gorgeous art prints!!!!‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2022 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English. LIMITED EDITION This version comes with a bespoke cover and 13 gorgeous art prints on luxury paper (50 x 70 centimetre). ISBN 9789464590029.‎

‎ This limited edition is numbered and restricted to 250 numbered copies only. !!!! Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today?s best restomods. LIMITED EDITION . This version comes with a bespoke cover and 13 gorgeous art prints on luxury paper (50 x 70 centimetre). ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR190.00 (€190.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 60163

‎Restomods Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. volume 1.‎

‎Antwerp., WAFT Gallery, 2022 Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 252 pages, English. ISBN 9789464590029.‎

‎Fabulous cars. Fantastic stories. Much more passionate men and women, all with their own recipe to make iconic cars better, faster, cooler. These are 13 of today's best restomods.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 62594

‎Ruf, it's a family affair. ‎

‎, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, 30x30 cm, 312 pages, illustrated , English. ISBN 9789464590043.‎

‎This books tells the heart-warming story of Alois Ruf, his family, his dying love for Porsche, the cars he created, the friends he made along the way. This book is a reduced, more affordable version of our previous 2-part book on Ruf. / Ruf Automobile is a family- owned car manufacturer based in the heart of Bavaria, Germany. Ruf is not only the family name of the founder Alois Ruf Sr. who founded the company in 1939, but it is also a name that stands for engineering excellence, authenticity, passion and raw driving. The family business does not only stand out due to their in-house manufactured high performance and elegant vehicles, yet also due to the attention to detail and craftsmanship that is embodied in each and every Ruf car that leaves Pfaffenhausen. In addition to the headquarters of Ruf Automobile GmbH and its subsidiary Ruf Service Center in Pfaffenhausen, the company is also represented in Canada, Chile, Great Britain, China, Thailand and Japan.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 65735

‎Spoilers, foxtails and mullets. German Tuners from the ?80s. ‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2024 Hardcover, 30 x 30cm, 336 pages, English. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. Collector item!.‎

‎Cool as Snoop Dog, fascinating as nature: German tuners were hot in the wild ?80s, and they?re again hotter than ever. From Abt to Zender, from SGS to Alpina, from Golfs to Ferraris: Foxtails, spoilers and mullets describes all the highs and lows ? yet mainly the extreme width ? of this most peculiar, highly colourful phenomenon which hardly knew any limits. Often funny, sometimes weird, always mesmerising: this book describes all the mayor players of German tuning in the ?80s ? how they began, how far they went, how only few survived. ** Abt, Alpina, AMG, Arden, Brabus, Buchmann & Buchmann, Carlsson, DP Motorsport, Gemballa, Hartge, Irmscher, Kamei, Koenig Specials, Mattig, Nothelle, Oettinger, Rieger, Ruf, Schacht, Schulz, SGS, Strosek, Treser, Zender‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 63881

‎Tomaso. ---- De Tomaso. The Archive Edition ---- Rise and fall. The De Tomaso Automobili A timeless tribute‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, Cloth. 30x30 centimetres, 276 pages, illustrated. English *** ONLY 250 NUMBERD COPIES !!! ISBN 9789464590012.‎

‎The tantalising story of Alejandro de Tomaso. His earliest years, his racing endeavours, his complicated character, his lavish cravings, his beautiful automobiles, his many successes, his numerous defeats, his daring adventures, his mergers and acquisitions, his countless friends, his uncountable enemies, his rise and fall yet mainly all the nuances. Researched and written by professor Paolo Tumminelli, illustrated with an abundance of archive pictures. ****** This book de Tomaso. Rise and fall won the first prize at the highly regarded Motorworld Buchpreis in Munic !!!!! De Tomaso. The Archive Edition The archive edition comes in a luxury box, limited to 250 numbered copies only. Aside from the book, this box includes a folder with 5 genuine documents from the de Tomaso archive ? invoices, telexes, internal notes, engine adjustment notes,?. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Lies De Mol, Bart Lenaerts.‎

Reference : 62664

‎Tomaso. Rise and fall. The De Tomaso Automobili A timeless tribute‎

‎Antwerp, WAFT Gallery, 2023 Hardcover, Cloth. 30x30 centimetres, 276 pages, illustrated. English . FINE! ISBN 9789464590012.‎

‎The tantalising story of Alejandro de Tomaso. His earliest years, his racing endeavours, his complicated character, his lavish cravings, his beautiful automobiles, his many successes, his numerous defeats, his daring adventures, his mergers and acquisitions, his countless friends, his uncountable enemies, his rise and fall yet mainly all the nuances. Researched and written by professor Paolo Tumminelli, illustrated with an abundance of archive pictures. ****** This book ?de Tomaso. Rise and fall? won the first prize at the highly regarded Motorworld Buchpreis in Munic !!!!! ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 17365


‎Cours d'automobile théorique et pratique (Service Automobile de l'Armée).‎

‎ 1916 Librairie Delagrave, 1916, 184 pages + 67 figures +26 planches hors texte + 4 planches en couleurs, in 8 reliure éditeur cartonnée et toilée, état d'usage, papier jauni, coins et coiffes frottés et écrasés, quelques usures et fottements, couverture tachée.‎

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )
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