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Reference : 476

‎De la suggestion et de ses applications à la thérapeutique -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎P., Doin, 1886, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, (reliure de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs), (2), 3pp., 428pp., figures dans le texte, 16pp. (catalogue de l'éditeur)‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Bernheim, a professor in the Faculté de médecine at Nancy, began studying hypnotism, suggestion and hysteria after observing Liébeault's method of treatment by induced sleep. After two years of working closely with Liébeault, Bernheim published the present work in which he stated that hypnosis was not a pathological state based on physiological processes, as Charcot claimed, but a purely psychological state closely connected with suggestion. Bernheim was the first to state that the stages of hypnosis posited by Charcot were actually artifacts produced by suggestion ; he also demonstrated that Charcot's "four-phase hysteria" was not an illness but a psychoneurotic reaction caused by suggestion, and curable by the same process. He believed that suggestibility was limited to hysterics but extended to the entire human race, and used the study of suggestibility to gain insight into human behavior. Historically this conception of Bernheim's should be considered the first known attempt to evolve a general understanding of human behavior and its motivation on the basis of the study of psychopathology rather than on the basis of philosophical systems". (Zilboorg p. 368) ---- CRABTREE N° 1127 : "The first part of this work is a republication of Bernheim's De la suggestion dans l'état hypnotique et dans l'état de veille... In the second part of the book, Bernheim discusses suggestion as a therapeutic agent. Beginning with a look at the traditional role of the imagination in healing through the ages, Bernheim places modern suggestive therapeutics in that historical stream. This introduction is followed by a long section on cases of specific illnesses Bernheim treated through hypnotic suggestion or through waking suggestion (Bernheim insists that the hypnotic state is not essential for effective treatment through suggestion). The book concludes with a chapter on the dangers to be guarded against in the use of hypnotism and suggestion. This work became the basic text used by the adherents of the Nancy School and holds a unique place in the history of hypnotism" ---- DSB II - Hunter & Macalpine p. 907 - Ellenberger - Postel & Quetel p. 583 - NORMAN N° 211**476/ARM2A‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 477

‎Hypnotisme et suggestion. Hystérie - Psychonévroses - Neurasthénie - Psychothérapie -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE -- Troisième édition REVUE, CORRIGEE et AUGMENTEE‎

‎P., Doin, 1910, un volume in 8, broché couverture imprimée, 40pp., 755pp.‎

‎---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Troisième édition REVUE, CORRIGEE et AUGMENTEE : "Cette nouvelle édition contient mes idées actuelles sur le neurasthénie et les psychonévroses telles que leur étude prolongée par la suggestion les a imposées à mon esprit... Le mot hystérie, d'après sa signification traditionnelle s'applique à une psychonévrose spéciale caractérisée par les crises que tout le monde désigne de ce nom ; elle ne doit pas s'appliquer à toutes les psychonévroses, comme le propose Babinski... Je réserve le mot d'hystérie aux seules crises, dites hystériques, qui sont des réactions émotives psychodynamiques qui sont une variété de psychonévroses... Telle est la conception qui sera amplement développée dans ce livre". (Préface de Bernheim) ---- "Bernheim, a professor in the Faculté de médecine at Nancy, began studying hypnotism, suggestion and hysteria after observing Liébeault's method of treatment by induced sleep. After two years of working closely with Liébeault, Bernheim published the present work in which he stated that hypnosis was not a pathological state based on physiological processes, as Charcot claimed, but a purely psychological state closely connected with suggestion. Bernheim was the first to state that the stages of hypnosis posited by Charcot were actually artifacts produced by suggestion ; he also demonstrated that Charcot's "four-phase hysteria" was not an illness but a psychoneurotic reaction caused by suggestion, and curable by the same process. He believed that suggestibility was limited to hysterics but extended to the entire human race, and used the study of suggestibility to gain insight into human behavior. Historically this conception of Bernheim's should be considered the first known attempt to evolve a general understanding of human behavior and its motivation on the basis of the study of psychopathology rather than on the basis of philosophical systems". (Zilboorg p. 368) ---- CRABTREE N° 1284 (1891 ed.) : "In this work, Bernheim places an even greater emphasis on the importance of suggestion than he did in his earlier writings. After an historical review of the use of suggestion in healing among the Egyptians and the Hebrews, Bernheim notes that successful treatment by suggestion can be carried out in the waking state and need not involve hypnotism at all. He follows this with important observations on hallucinations and amnesia and discusses the problem of the moral responsibility of a subject in the hypnotic state. The final section, the largest of the book, presents observations on the treatment by suggestion of a variety of illnesses ranging from organically based conditions to hysteria" ---- NORMAN N° 214 1st ed. : "A companion volume to De la Suggestion et de ses applications à la thérapeutique..." ---- DSB II - Hunter & Macalpine p. 907 - Ellenberger - Postel & Quetel p. 583**477/F3‎

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EUR240.00 (€240.00 )


Reference : 1488

‎La méthode psychanalytique et la doctrine freudienne. Préface du Professeur Henri Claude‎

‎P., Desclée de Brouwer, 1949; 2 volumes in 8, brochés, couvertures imprimées, (petite déchirure sans manque de papier en bordure du premier plat de couverture au tome 1), T.1 : 9pp., 656pp., T.2 : (2), 528pp.‎

‎---- Deuxième édition ---- Ellenberger p. 421 ---- La psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne - Le rêve - La théorie de la sexualité - Théorie générale des névroses - Les diverses névroses - Les psychoses - La sublimation, l'art et la religion - La structure de l'appareil psychique - L'inconscient - Le dynamisme psychique - Les méthodes d'exploration de l'inconscient - Examen de la sexologie freudienne - La causalité psychique morbide - La psychanalyse et la vie de l'esprit**1488/F4-1489/ARB‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎FEDERN (P.) - MENG (H.)‎

Reference : 2051

‎Das psychoanalytische volksbuch. Allegemeine teil zur einfuhrung in die grundlagen der psychoanalyse -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎Stuttgart, Huber, 1957; un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, (2), 448pp. ‎

‎---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- ---- Postel & Quetel p. 624 - Ellenberger pp. 686 & 702**2051/F5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎FEDERN (P.) - MENG (H.)‎

Reference : 2050

‎Psychoanalyse und alltag unter mitarbeit zahlreicher fachgelehrter -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMLAIRE‎

‎Stuttgart, Huber Bern, 1964; un volume in 8 relié en peline toile éditeur, 300pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Postel & Quetel p. 624 - Ellenberger pp. 686 & 702**2050/F5AR‎

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 2055

‎Further contributions to the theory and technique of psycho-analysis compiled by John Rickman -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎London, Hogargh Presse, 1950; un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 480pp.‎

‎---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "On doit à Férenczi divers travaux sur la psychologie de l'enfant tels que Les stades du développement du sens de la réalité ou L'analyse des enfants à travers l'analyse des adultes. C'est lui, qui en 1909, a proposé le terme d'introjection pour désigner un mécanisme de défense du Moi". (Postel & Quetel p. 625/626) ---- Zilboorg pp. 279, 493 - Ellenberger ---- Nosology - Technique - Sexual theory - From the nursery ; short papers - Dreams - Symbolism ; short papers - Applied psycho-analysis - Medical jurisprudence and religion - Bibliography of Ferenczi's writings to end of 1933**2055/F5AR‎

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EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 8049

‎Normality and pathology in Childhood. Assessments of development -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎London, The Hogarth Press and the Institute of psycho-analysis, 1966, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur,12pp., 273pp.‎


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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 2464

‎Psychoanalytische schriften zur literatur und kunst. Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von E.R. Von Diersburg -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎Wiesbaden, Limes, 1964; un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 338pp., 8 planches, cartonnage éditeur.‎

‎---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Ellenberger p. 844 - Postel & Quetel pp. 642/643**2464/F4‎

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎JUNG (C.G.)‎

Reference : 2887

‎PARACELSICA -- Zwei Vorlesungen uber den Arzt und Philosophen Theophrastus -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎Zurich, Rascher, 1942, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, 188pp., figures dans le texte, 3 planches hors texte‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "During World War II there was a renewed interest in Switzerland in the celebrated mystical physician and philosopher, Paracelsus. Jung considered him a pioneer of the psychology of the unconscious and of psychotherapy. He also found in him a good instance of the turning of life : Paracelsus'philosophy was transformed after the thirty-eighth year of his life". (Ellenberger p. 720) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 654/655 - Zilboorg - Hunter & Macalpine - Grégory "Le cerveau, un inconnu"**2887/F3‎

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EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎LACAN (J.)‎

Reference : 2978

‎Le séminaire. Livre XX. Encore. 1972-1973 -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎P., Ed. du Seuil, 1975; un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, 133pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- De la jouissance - A Jakobson - La fonction de l'écrit - L'amour et le signifiant - Aristote et Freud : l'autre satisfaction - Le savoir et la vérité - ETC**2978/F4‎

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 3296

‎The fallacy of understanding. An inquiry into the changing structure of psychoanalysis ---- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎N.Y., Basic books inc., 1972, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 8pp., 236pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Nature of psychoanalytic truth - Psychoanalytic theory in flux - Structuralism : a modern version of that archaic inquiry - The changing model of the psychoanalytic theory - The changing model of the psychoanalytic patient- etc**3295/F5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 4110

‎Die liebe des Kindes und ihre Fehlentwicklungen. Ein Buch fur Eltern und Berufserzieher‎

‎Bern, Bircher, 1922, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée (petite déchirure sans gravité et sans manque de papier dans la marge inférieure du premier plat de couverture), 12pp., 375pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Reverand Oskar PFISTER, A FREUD'S EARLY DISCIPLES, was a leading figure of the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society. He was the first to apply psychoanalysis to the seelsorge. It is clear that psychoanalysis was to Pfister to a certain extent a rediscovery and a perfecting of the traditional "cure of souls". He always thought of his psychoanalytic practice as part of his pastoral work...". (Ellenberger pp. 31/32 & 846)**4110/F5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 4109

‎Psychoanalyse und Weltanschauung -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎Leipzig, Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1928, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 132pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Reverand Oskar PFISTER, A FREUD'S EARLY DISCIPLES, was a leading figure of the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society. He was the first to apply psychoanalysis to the seelsorge. It is clear that psychoanalysis was to Pfister to a certain extent a rediscovery and a perfecting of the traditional cure of souls. He always thought of his psychoanalytic practice as part of his pastoral work...". (Ellenberger pp. 846)**4109/F5AR‎

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎RANK (O.)‎

Reference : 5901

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 4781

‎Man's presumptuous brain. An evolutionary interpretation of psychosomatic disease -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎London, Longmans, 1960, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur‎

‎---- EDITION OIRGINAE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- The evolution of the human body - The evolution of the human psyche - The evolutionary background of some psychosomatic disorders - etc**4781/F5AR‎

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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎TUKE (Daniel-HACK)‎

Reference : 8340

‎Le corps et l'esprit. Action du moral et de l'imagination sur le physique; Traduit de l'anglais par Victor Parant ; précédé d'une introduction par A. FOVILLE --- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE‎

‎P., Baillière, 1886, un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane noire (reliure de l'époque), (un mors légèrement fendu), 30pp., 403pp., 1pp., 2 planches hors texte‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE avec une introduction par A. FOVILLE ---- "Daniel Hack TUKE (1827-1895) devient en 1852 membre du collège royal de chirurgie et en 1853 est reçu docteur en médecine de l'université d'Heidelberg. En 1854 il est nommé médecin de la Retraite. Il enseigna la psychologie à l'écle de médecine d'York, enseigna la médecine mentale au Charing-Cross-Hospital. Humaniste, admirateur de Philippe PINEL, esprit nuancé et curieux, ennemi des systèmes, Hack TUKE a laissé de nombreux écrits". (Postel et Quetel p. 726) ---- "Daniel-Hack TUKE was a distinguished neurologist and avocate of no restraint in the institutional treatment of mental patients". (cf. Garrison n° 4934)**8340/F2‎

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EUR140.00 (€140.00 )
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