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Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73P., Masson, 1912, un fort volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, (brunissure en bordure d'un feuillet), 8pp., 1000pp., 198 figures dans le texte, 1 planche en couleurs
---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Deuxième édition ENTIEREMENT REFONDUE (et AUGMENTEE DE 600 PAGES ; la première édition ne comportait que 417 pages ---- "LAVERAN and MESNIL discovered that trypanosomes could be maintained indefinitely in rats and mice by serial passage". (Garrison N° 5278) ---- "Trypanosomiasis in man is caused by three protozoan species of the genus Trypanosoma. Two species cause different forms of African sleeping, sickness and the third causes Chagas'disease. Both forms of the African disease are caused by the protozoan which is transmitted by the tsetse fly. The disease is endemic in parts of Africa and some areas have been abandoned or are largely undeveloped because of heavy infestaton by diseased flies. LAVERAN has here collaborated with MESNIL in preparing this key monograph on the Trypanosoma and trypanosomiasis. In this comprehensive work, the authors discuss the techniques they utilized in studying the protozoan, comparative studies they performed, characteristics of the disease in humans and animals, and specific action of various species of trypanosoma in experiental animals. One of their key findings was that the protozoan could be maintained in rats and mice by serial passage. This discovery was of great value to EHRLICH in his search for a successful cure for the disease... ". (Heirs of Hippocrates N° 2088)**7652/D6DE-BETH?