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Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73P., Progrès médical, 1882; un volume in 8 relié en demi-chagrin marron (reliure de l'époque), (2), 442pp., 7 PLANCHES lithographiées EN COULEURS, nombreuses figures dans le texte - Seconde édition
---- "Though best remembered as a clinical neurologist, CHARCOT also contributed to a more accurate knowledge of many other diseases. This classic work on diseases of the liver, biliary passages and kidney is a fine example of his versatility". (Heirs of Hippocrates N° 1920 1st ed.) ---- CHARCOT defined scarlatinous nephritis and amyloid kidney as distinct pathological entities". (Garrison N° 4216.2 1st ed.)**1169/C4
P., BAILLIERE, 1837-1841, 3 VOLUMES in 8 de TEXTE et 1 ATLAS GRAND IN FOLIO D'ATLAS, reliés en demi-basane rouge dos ornés de fers de filets dorés,T.1 (texte): 16pp. (compris faux-titre+titre), 638pp., 6 PLANCHES hors texte, T.2 (texte) : (2-faux titre + titre), 620pp., T.3 (texte) : (2-faux-titre + titre) 810pp. - ATLAS : 3 feuillets non chiffrés (faux titre+titre+dédicace), 4pp. (table), 43 feuillets non chiffrés d'explication des planches (soit 86pp. au total), 60 MAGNIFIQUES PLANCHES EN COULEURS
---- EDITION ORIGINALE DE CET OUVRAGE TRES RARE ET BIEN COMPLET DE CES 3 VOLUMES DE TEXTE ET DE SON ATLAS et DE SES PLANCHES ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Rayer's three-volume treatise on diseases of the kidney, with atlas (1837/41), marks an epoch in the development of the subject". (Garrison History of medicine p. 415) ---- GARRISON N° 4208 : "Rayer insisted on the exhaustive analysis of the urine as an aid to the diagnosis of lesions. He classified "albuminuric nephritis" into six diseases forms and distinguished these from other forms of nephritis associates with infection, gout, rheumatism, and toxins. He noticed the existence of albuminuria in diabetes mellitus and also described the existence of renal vein thrombosis. His treatise on diseases of the kidney includes a spectacular colour-plate atlas"**4394/B3+C7