3, rue Dante
75005 Paris
la librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14 H 30 à 18 H 30 France
E-mail : maille5@wanadoo.fr
Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1939, 3 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en pleine toile éditeur, T.1 : 43pp., 1pp., 434pp., T.2 : (1), pp. 435/1038, T.3 : (1), pp. 1039/1548
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- EXEMPLAIRE DE HENRY CHARLES LEA (HENRY CHARLES LEA's COPY) avec son ex-libris contrecollé au verso du premier plat de couverture du tome 1 ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- The powers of Evil - Satan - Hebrew Demonology - Magic and sorcery (the Christian inheritance, early christian belief in sorcery, lter medieval beliefs, penalties for corcery) - Popular beliefs accepted by churchmen - How the witch theory developed (assimilation of sorcery to heresy, pact with Satan, heretical conventicles and the Sabbat, growing emphasis on the heretical element in sorcery, papal bulls dealing with sorcery) - Witch trials to the middle of the sixteenth century - Treatises on witchcraft to 1550 - Views of the protestant reformers - Mysticism and witchcraft - The delusio at its height - Writers South of the Alps - Writers North of the Alps - Witchcraft as viewed by the secular law - The german jurists - Notes on procedure - Notes on the crimes of witches - Witchcraft literature of the roman inquisition - Demoniacal possession - Exorcists and exorcisms - Witchcraft by regions (Span and Portugal, Italy, Cental Europe, Netherlands, North German lands, Lands to the East and North, Hungary, Transylvania, Poland, Boehmia, Sweden, France, England, Scotland) - The decline of witchcraft - Witchcraft and the philosophers - Witchcraft and the moral theologians - Skeptics and believers - Witchcraft and disease - Survivalls into later times**77320/7732/Q3