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Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73P., Desaint, 1742, un volume in 8 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), (une coiffe très légèrement émoussée), (2), 192pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- EX-LIBRIS Paul JEUFFRAIN contrecollé au verso du premier plat de couverture**37880/3788/N6DE
P., Bernard, 1802, 2 volumes in 4 reliés en demi-parchemin (reliure de l'époque), (mouillures marginales à quelques feuillets, quelques rousseurs, mors au tome 1 fendus mais solides), T.1 : 24pp., 252pp., 11 planches, T.2 : (2), 258pp., (1), 3 planches
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- "Newton's Arithmetica universalis consists of algebraical lectures delivered by him during the first nine years he was professor at Cambridge... It contains new and important results on the theory of equations. Newton states Descartes'rule of signs in accurate form and gives formulae expressing the sum of the powers of the roots up to the sixth power and by an 'and so on' makes it evident that they can be extended to any higher power...". (Cajori p. 201)**7218/N5AR-8076/ARB4-7210/ARB3
P., Bernard, 1802, 2 TOMES reliés en un volume in 4, demi-basane, dos orné de fers et filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (plats légèrement frottés, quelques rousseurs), T.1 : (2), 24pp., 252pp., T.2 : (2), 258pp., (1), 11 PLANCHES numérotées 1 à 11 plus 3 PLANCHES numérotées 1 à 3, soit 14 PLANCHES
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Newton's Arithmetica universalis consists of algebraical lectures delivered by him during the first nine years he was professor at Cambridge... It contains new and important results on the theory of equations. Newton states Descartes'rule of signs in accurate form and gives formulae expressing the sum of the powers of the roots up to the sixth power and by an 'and so on' makes it evident that they can be extended to any higher power...". (Cajori p. 201)**8076/ARB4-7210/ARB3-7218/N5AR
Amsterdam, Rey, 1761, 2 tomes reliés en un volume in 4, demi-basane, dos orné de fers et filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (plats frottés, coins émoussés), T.1 : (3), 18pp., 310pp., (1), T.2 : (2), 288pp., (1), 41 PLANCHES dépliantes
---- "Amsterdam edition WITH COMMENTARY BY GIOVANNI DI CASTILLIONE WHO EDITED NEWTON'S WORKS". (Babson N° 205) ---- Bon exemplaire BIEN COMPLET DE SES 41 PLANHES, non rogné et grand de marges ---- "Newton's Arithmetica universalis consists of algebraical lectures delivered by him during the first nine years he was professor at Cambridge... It contains new and important results on the theory of equations. Newton states Descartes' rule of signs in accurate form and gives formulae expressing the sum of the powers of the roots up to the sixth power and by an 'and so on' makes it evident that they can be extended to any higher power...". (Cajori p. 201)**7220/ARM3