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Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73Roorkee, Thomason college press, 1880/1881; 3 TOMES en un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), T.1 : 16pp., 398pp., T.2 : 12pp., 156pp., (1), 49pp., T.3 : 10pp., 52 PLANCHES
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "This work is a highly detailed account of velocity and discharge measurements conducted at this Indian laboratory between December 1874 and March 1879. The experiments took place in the Ganges canal, the Solani embankment and left and right aqueducts and the Roorkee, Belra, Joali and Kambera reaches". (Bibliotheca mecanica p. 84/85)**1428/M6AR
P., Firmin Didot, 1816, 3 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en demi-basane bleue marine, dos ornés de filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs), T.1 : 37pp., 448pp., 3 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES, T.2 : 352pp., 1 PLANCHE DEPLIANTE, T.3 : 8pp., 310pp., 1 tableau dépliant, 7 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES
---- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Nouvelle édition (troisième) revue et CONSIDERABLEMENT AUGMENTEE ; la première édition ne comportant qu'un seul volume, tandis que la seconde n'en comportait que 2 ---- "THE FOUNDER OF THE FRENCH HYDRAULICS SCHOOL" ---- "DU BUAT began his hydraulic studies in 1776 and by 1779 he had published the first edition of his major work, Principes d'hydraulique, copies of which are now quite rare. This was enlarged in 1786 to two volumes, the first of which was analytical and the second experimental... A posthumous edition of three volumes appeared in 1816, the third volume (Pyrodynamique) having been written during his exile. The all three editions carried essentially the same prefatory remarks reviewing the state of the art - in particular those many important topics about which little or nothing was known ; portions of the discourse are often quoted in subsequent works because of their continued relevance. The analytical part of Du Buat's writing was perhaps more effective than that of such contemporaries as J.C. Borda and C. Bossut, for he dealt extensively with matters of boundary resistance, velocity distribution, underflow, overflow and backwater. It was in experimental work that he excelled. The results of his 200 separate tests on flow in pipes, artificial channels, and natural streams were to be used by engineers for generations. Even more original was his treatment of immersed bodies... He was also the first to demonstrate that the shape of the rear of a body is as important in controlling its resistance as is that of the front...". (DSB IV)**1827/L3
P., Bidault, 1797; un volume in 4, relié en pleine basane marbrée, dos orné de fers et filets dorés, tranche rouge (reliure de l'époque), (coiffe émoussée), (2), 32pp., 482pp., 8 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "A correspondent of the Académie des Sciences in Paris, FABRE produced three books on irrigation. He was also responsible for a theory of torrents and rivers and one on the theory of surveying". (Bibliotheca Mechanica) ---- "J.A. FABRE, (1749/1834), fut nommé ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées. Il a exécuté de nombreux travaux de canalisation et publié entre autres écrits : Essai sur la théorie des torrents et des rivières (1797), traité complet sur la théorie et la pratique du nivellement (1812)". (Larousse XXe)**2018/o1
P., Delespine, 1702, un volume in 4 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l'époque), (petits accrocs aux coiffes, un coin légèrement émoussé), 4 feuillets non chiffrés, 80pp., FIGURES DANS LE TEXTE
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE GRAND DE MARGES ---- Thomas GOBERT (1630-1708), architecte français auquel nous devons les travaux d'adduction d'eau en provenance de TRAPPES, D'ARCY, DE SACHAY et LA MACHINE DE SACLAY POUR ALIMENTER EN EAU LE CHATEAU DE VERSAILLES, la construction de l'aqueduc du Buc ou des Arcades, la construction de l'hôtel de Sénecterre rue de l'Université à Paris. Il participa également à la construction de la collégiale Notre-Dame de Vitry-le-François dans laquelle il réalisa la chapelle sud et la nef"**83100/8310/P1