Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
E-mail : hermann.strack@orange.fr
Phone number : +33-679439230Deutsche Gesellschaft f. allgemeine u. angewandte Entomologie, Nachrichten
Reference : EJ20589
1987-1990 Vols 1-4 (vols 1,2 & 4 three issues each, volume 3 has 4 issues - as published).
1909-1916 / 1941-1949 three half cloth bindings filled with the reports of the meetings of the Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Ex library of the Dutch Lepidoptera collector and specialist E.J. Nieuwenhuis.
1930-1960 In issues/paperbound. In all 31 volumes. Including Supplement to volume 75.
1976-1977 [11], 335, 280 p., num. figs & pls, green cloth.Contains several interesting papers: Achterberg, preliminary key subfamilies Braconidae (46 p., 123 figs) / Lith, New species and records Indo-Australian Psenini (44 p., 53 figs) / Willemse & Kruseman, Orthopteroidea of Crete (42 p., 13 figs, 10 pls) / De Jong, Affinities between W Paleaarctic and Ethiopian Butterfly faunas (51 p., 10 figs) / Ellis, Autumnfauna Collembola Central Crete (105 p., 46 figs) / Helsdingen et al., The Tenuis Group of Lepthyphantes (Araneae) (54 p., 69 figs) / Krikken, Asian Bolboceratine Scarabs of the Genus Bolbogonium (32 p., 3 pls) / Willemse, Genus Cranaella (44 p., 30 figs, 1 plate) / Roskam, Gall midges of the genus Semudobia (Diptera) (45 p., 122 figs) / Sexavae of the melanesian subregion (Orthoptera) (65 p., 7 figs, 18 pls), etc.
1898-1899 252 p., 10 col. lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Mededeelingen over Nyctemera en Chalcosia - Over Plutodes (1 col. plate) / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Over de Macrolepidoptera onder Apeldoorn waargenomen / Pelt Lechner, Over Calamia lutosa (1 col. plate) / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Thyca candida / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls) / Oudemans, Bijdrage kennis Doodshoofdvlinder, etc.Also 2 papers on Diptera: Van der Wulp, Aantekeningen betreffende Oost-Indische Diptera VII-VIII (3 col. pls).
1899-1900 247 p., 14 (5 col.) lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Eenige aantekeningen over exotische Lepidoptera (1 col. plate) / Ter Haar, Craniophora ligustri var. olivacea / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Aantekeningen over eenige Macrolepidoptera (1 plate) / Pelt Lechner, Voorhooduitsteeksels bij de Europeesche soorten der Noctuinen-genera Gortyna en Nonagria (1 plate) / Snellen, Nieuwe aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls), etc.Also several papers on other insect groups like: Kempers, Het aderstelsel der kevervleugels (2 pls).
1913 370 p., 17 (2 col.) pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Van der Goot, Zur systematik der Aphiden (pp. 69-155) / Roewer, Opiliones aus N.-Neu-Guinea (pp. 156-164) / Griffini, Les Gryllacridae de Java (pp. 174-194, 1 plate) / Oudemans, Suctoriologisches aus Maulwurfsnestern (pp. 238-282, 7 pls) Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VII (pp. 317-354 p., 3 pls)., etc. etc.Bound in is also a supplement: Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VIII (187 p., 3 pls).
1914 290 p., 7 pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Friese, Die Bienenfauna von Java (pp. 1-61, 2 pls) / Haverhorst, Eenige mededelingen en opmerkingen omtrent Nederlandsche Lepidoptera (pp. 130-136) / Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren IX (pp. 137-275, 3 pls), etc. etc.
1936 cviii, 336 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Cameron, Fauna Sumatrensis. The Staphylinidae (24 p.) / Cameron, Fauna Javanica. The Staphylinidae (30 p.) / Stork, Contribution to the knowledge of the puparia of the Anthomyidae (75 p., 35 figs) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera I (78 p.), etc.
1938 civ, 334 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Barendrecht, Dutch Fungivoridae in collection Zoological Museum Amsterdam (21 p., 17 figs) / Scholten, Macro-Lepidoptera uit de Lijmers. Faunistich-biologische bijdrage kennis vlinderfauna ZO Gelderland en aangrenzend Duits gebied (103 p. 1 map) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera III (63 p.), etc.