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Reference : 3655


‎Ordonnance de Louis XIV, sur le fait des Cinq Grosses Fermes. Du mois de Février 1688. Registrée au Parlement de Bretagne le 7 Octobre 1688.‎

‎Rennes François Vatar, imprimeur du Roi & du Parlement 1782 ‎

‎Rare. Prémiere edition. Couverture souple. Etat : Très bon. Édition originale. 50 pages. 215 x 165 mm (8œ x 6œ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

Reference : 1195


‎The Oscotian A Literary Magazine of St. Mary's College Oscott. Nos. 13, 14, 15. New Series (Volume 4) 1885). Together with Oscotian Reprint Number 10.‎

‎Erdington, Warwickshire St Mary's College, Oscott 1885 ‎

‎First edition. A very nice copy of this Roman Catholic magazine. Blue cloth boards, with gilt titles and design. Comprising three issues of the magazine. 13 (misnumbered 12), 14 (June 1885), 15 (November 1885) with three photographic plates (portraits). The reprint / offprint contains two articles - one on "The Oscott Lodges" the other contains two poems by Peter Mowle (an Elizabethan Catholic) and a commentary. [iv], 1-295, [i]. +12pp The book is in sound condition. The blue cloth is a little faded and slightly rubbed. There is a touch of bumping to the head and tail of the spine. Internally, the book is clean and tidy, with a little foxing only. Contemporary owner's gift inscription to the inside front board with a library sticker from the South Brent Syon Monastery. St Mary's College (or Oscott as it is often know) is a seminary training Roman Catholic Clergy. It opened in 1794, and in 1805 ordained Francis Martyn - the first Roman Catholic priest wholly ordained in England since the Reformation. Since this time, it has been under the authority of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. the Chapel at Oscott was created by the eminent Catholic architect Augustus Welby Pugin, who also created the museum and altar (from 1837 he lived partly at Oscott). The college played an important part in the Catholic revival of the mid 19th Century.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR54.00 (€54.00 )


Reference : 2110


‎Mr. Punch's Travels in Foreign Lands ‎

‎London NA 1865 32 dessins originaux à l'encre dans le style de Punch and Judy par H. Abbot. Il y a 15 illustrations numérotées, avec un titre pour chacune d'entre elles. Elles représentent M. Punch lors de ses visites à Pompéi, sur son cheval arabe, etc. Elles sont finement dessinées sur carte et insérées dans l'album. Elles rappellent le travail de Callot. Elles sont suivies de 7 autres illustrations sur des sujets divers. Il s'agit de très bonnes copies d'uvres d'autres artistes. Deux illustrations de Thomas Hood (tirées du Comic Annual de 1836) et une copie de "Erin's little difficulty" de John Tenniel, une caricature de Punch datant de 1865 sur le pillage d'un journal fenian. Vient ensuite "Attitudes for Exits from the Stage", avec 8 petites illustrations accompagnées de citations (apparemment de Shakespeare). Nous n'avons pas pu identifier d'originaux pour ces illustrations. Enfin, il y a trois autres illustrations. Un certain nombre d'entre elles illustrent l'histoire de Bobby prenant le thé avec une servante, et d'une servante jalouse qui en parle à M. Brigg's (son maître), jusqu'à l'inévitable expulsion de Bobby ! Nous n'avons pas été en mesure d'identifier cette série et nous pensons qu'il s'agit d'une séquence originale. A la fin de l'ouvrage se trouve une page avec un titre pour les fables d'Esope, et la preuve que trois images collées ont été enlevées - mais elles ne sont pas présentes. Une belle collection d'illustrations originales. 70 x 120 mm (2Ÿ x 4Ÿ pouces). Le petit livre de poche est propre et bien rangé, avec un peu de frottement sur les bords. La reliure est un peu fatiguée, la première page de garde a été renforcée, et quelques autres pages bénéficieraient d'un renforcement. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un bel objet. Légères rousseurs sur l'ensemble de l'ouvrage.‎

‎32 original ink drawings in the style of Punch and Judy by one H. Abbot. There are 15 numbered illustrations, with a title to each. These feature Mr Punch on his visits to Pompei, on his arab steed etc. They are finely drawn on card and tipped into the album. They are reminiscent of Callot's work. These are followed by a further 7 illustrations on diverse subjects. These are very good copies of works by other artists. A couple by Thomas Hood (from the Comic Annual of 1836), and a copy of John Tenniel's "Erin's little difficulty" a Punch cartoon from 1865 about the raiding of a Fenian newspaper. Then comes "Attitudes for Exits from the Stage" with 8 small illustrations with quotations(seemingly from Shakespeare). We have not been able to identify any originals for these. Finally are three further illustrations. A number of the illustrations show the tale of Bobby taking tea with a servant girl, and a jealous maid telling Mr Brigg's (her master) of this, to the inevitable eviction of Bobby! We have been unable to identify this series, and we believe them to be an original sequence. To the end is a page with a title for Aesop's fables, and evidence of three tipped in images being removed - but these are not present. A nice collection of original illustrations. 70 by 120mm (2Ÿ by 4Ÿ inches). The small pocket book is clean and tidy, with a little rubbing to the edges. The binding is a little tired, the front end paper has been reinforced, and some other pages would benefit from reinforcement. Overall a nice item. Slight darkening / foxing throughout. .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR570.00 (€570.00 )

‎A'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott‎

Reference : 3295


‎The Comic History of England (2 volumes) ‎

‎London Punch Offices 1847 ‎

‎First editions. Each volume has ten hand coloured steel engravings, and numerous b/w wood engravings in the text - all by John Leech. Uniformly bound in brown cloth with gilt designs on the front panel. Gilt titling and designs on the spines. Cloth a little rubbed and starting to split at head of spine on Volume II. Original yellow endpapers with neat ex libris to the front of each. The plates are lovely and bright. A touch of foxing to the pages. Vol. I: xii, 320 pp; and Vol. II: xii, 304 pp. 230 x 150 mm (9 x 6 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna.‎

Reference : 3382


‎De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia. ‎

‎Bononiae ex Typographia Lelii a Vulpe 1748 Les cinq premiers volumes complets de cette série, contenant : Volume 1) Imprimé en 1748 (réimpression) [viii], 1-645pp Contient un titre gravé et 9 planches à pleine page ou dépliantes. En deux parties. Les Commentaria (p1-297) et les Opuscula (301-645). Cette seconde partie comprend l'important traité d'Eustachii Manfredd (p599-641 et 2 des planches) intitulé "De novissimis circa fixorum siderum errores observationibus". Ce document confirme l'hypothèse de James Bradley sur les phénomènes astronomiques et, ensemble, ils fournissent la première preuve du mouvement de la Terre autour du Soleil (c'est-à-dire la première confirmation scientifique du travail de Copernic). (2) Vol. II Partie I. imprimé en 1745 (1ère édition - peut-être une impression plus tardive car l'errate montre des amendements au mois d'août 1745). [vi], 1-506 [ii]. pp Titre gravé. Commentaires. Pas de planches (aucune n'a été demandée). (3) Vol. II partie II. Imprimé en 1746. (1ère édition errata au 27 juillet 1746). Viii, 1-406 [ii]. pp Titre gravé et 24 planches gravées (complètes), (y compris quelques belles planches du monde naturel, et quelques illustrations de muscles et d'artères). Ce volume est la première impression du premier volume de 'Opusculorum ad res physicas et mathematicas pertinentium', qui présente les fonctions hyperboliques. Dans cet article, Riccati déduit la loi de composition des forces en utilisant le principe des vitesses virtuelles. (4) Vol II partie III. imprimé imprimé 1747. (1ère édition, errata à août 1747). viii, 1-568, [ii]. pp. Titre gravé et 15 planches (principalement des sujets mathématiques ou astronomiques). 95) Tome III. imprimé en 1755. (1ère édition. Errata à juin 1754). [vi], 1-509, [i]. pp. Titre gravé. Dédicace au Pape Benoît XIV, avec une jolie vignette initiale. 13 planches gravées comprenant des mathématiques, de l'histoire naturelle et de l'anatomie. Les cinq volumes sont en plein veau, avec des titres et des décorations dorés au dos. Chaque volume est complet (bien que des volumes ultérieurs aient été ajoutés à cet ensemble jusqu'en 1791). A l'intérieur, chaque volume est en très bon état, avec une reliure saine. Des rousseurs légères à modérées sont présentes sur les pages (y compris sur les planches). Cet ensemble a appartenu à Georges Cuvier, le célèbre naturaliste français, et son cachet apparaît sur la page de titre de chaque volume. Cuvier est parfois considéré comme le "père fondateur de la paléontologie". Opposant aux premières théories de l'évolution (bien avant celles de Darwin), il pensait que la Terre connaissait une création cyclique et des périodes d'extinction. Il a identifié et nommé des mastodontes et d'autres dinosaures, et a postulé que la Terre avait connu une période où elle était dominée par les reptiles. Le baron Cuvier a été directeur du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle à Paris par intermittence entre les années 1808 et 1831. Chaque volume porte également le cachet discret de ce musée, ce qui renforce encore la provenance. Aucun autre cachet de bibliothèque n'a été apposé sur les volumes.‎

‎The first five full volumes in this series, containing: Volume 1) Printed 1748 (reprint) [viii], 1-645pp Contains engraved title and 9 full page or folding plates. In two parts. The Commentaria (p1-297) and the Opuscula (301-645). This second part includes the important treatise by Eustachii Manfredd (p599-641 and 2 of the plates) entitled 'De novissimis circa fixorum siderum errores observationibus'. This confirmed James Bradley's hypothesis about astronomical phenomena, and together they provided the first evidence of the Earth's movement around the Sun (Ie the first scientific confirmation of Copernicus' work). (2) Vol. II Part I. printed 1745 (1st edition - possibly later impression as errate shows amendments to August 1745). [vi], 1-506 [ii]. pp Engraved title. Commentaria. No plates (none called for). (3) Vol. II part II. Printed 1746. (1st edition errata to July 27th 1746). Viii, 1-406 [ii]. pp Engraved title and 24 engraved plates (complete), (including some lovely plates of the natural world, and some muscle and artery illustrations). This volume sees the first printing of the first volume of 'Opusculorum ad res physicas et mathematicas pertinentium,' introducing hyperbolic functions. In this paper, Riccati derives the law of composition of forces by using the principle of virtual velocities. (4) Vol II part III. printed printed 1747. (1st edition, errata to August 1747). viii, 1-568, [ii]. pp. Engraved title and 15 plates (mainly of mathematical or astronomical topics). 95) Vol. III. printed 1755. (1st edition. Errata to June 1754). [vi], 1-509, [i]. pp. Engraved title. Dedication to Pope Benedict XIV, with a rather lovely vignette initial to this. 13 engraved plates including mathematics, natural history and anatomy. All five volumes are in full calf, with gilt titles and decoration to the spines. Each volume is complete (although there were to be later volumes added to this set until 1791). Internally, each volume is in very good condition, with sound binding. Light to moderate foxing to the pages (including the plates). This set belonged to Georges Cuvier, the celebrated French naturalist, and his stamp appears to the title page of each volume. Cuvier is sometimes referred to as the "founding father of Palaeontology" An opponent of early theories of Evolution (long before Darwin's) he believed that the earth went through cyclical creation and periods of extinction. He identified and named Mastodons and other dinosaurs, and postulated that the Earth went through a period where it was dominated by reptiles. Baron Cuvier was was the director of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris intermittently between the years of 1808 and 1831. Each volume also has the discrete stamp of this museum, further reinforcing the provenance. No further library stamps through volumes. .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR2,620.00 (€2,620.00 )


Reference : 1308


‎Al Privilegio dell' Immacolate Concezione di Maria Santissima. Sia Resa in Terra la Maggior Gloria Possible.‎

‎Rome 1850 ‎

‎First edition. A broadside about the Association of Prayers. Undated, but Circa 1850. Printed in Italian. Presumed 1st edition - no printing details given. Excellent condition. A touch of handling to the edges only. Single sheet folded. Unpaginated - 4pp. 195 x 130 mm (7Ÿ x 5 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎ACKERMANN, R[udolph].‎

Reference : 1724


‎Billingsgate Market. A plate from the "Microcosm of London."‎

‎London: R. Ackermann's Repository, 1808 Planche numéro 9 du "Microcosme de Londres" d'Ackermann. Une belle aquatinte. Première édition. La plaque mesure 24 cm x 29 cm. La taille du montage est de 32,5 cm sur 38 cm (12Ÿ sur 15 pouces). Les détails architecturaux ont été dessinés par Pugin, et Rowlandson a dessiné les personnages (les deux sont crédités sur la feuille). L'aquatinte a été réalisée par J. Bluck. Très belle impression propre de cette planche, avec une bonne mise en couleur. Une très petite rousseur fermée sur le bord inférieur de la planche. Ackermann a réalisé cette uvre entre 1807 et 1810. L'un des plus grands livres de planches en couleurs. "Les planches de Rowlandson et de Pugin présentent une image inégalée de Londres au début du XIXe siècle, d'une valeur historique, car de nombreux bâtiments n'existent plus." (Tooley).‎

‎Plate number 9 from Ackermann's "Microcosm of London". A lovely aquatint. First edition. Plate is 24cm x 29 cm. Mount size is 32.5cm by 38cm (12Ÿ by 15 inches). The architectural details were drawn by Pugin, and Rowlandson drew the figures (both are credited on the sheet). The aquatinting was done by J. Bluck. Very nice clean impression of this plate, with good colouring. A very small closed foxing spot to the bottom edge of the plate. Ackermann produced this work between 1807 and 1810. One of the greatest of the colour plate books. "The plates by Rowlandson and Pugin present an unrivaled picture of London in early 19th century, of historic value, as many of the buildings no longer exist." (Tooley) .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎A Country Gentleman [MENCE, Richard].‎

Reference : 1746


‎A Full View of the Roman Catholic Question. ‎

‎London: J.J. Stockdale, 1813 ‎

‎An Anti-Catholic pamphlet, printed by J.J. Stockdale. An examination of the Claims of Roman Catholics, particularly those in Ireland, and concluding that "Too much is already conceded to the Papists." The initials W.L.J. appear in ink to the top of the title page. There are some annotations in ink throughout the text. These are in a contemporary hand, and appear to be proofing corrections - changing the grammar, correcting errors, and altering some footnotes. Perhaps this copy was being prepared for a second publication? If so, it came to nothing, as Copac cites only two holdings of this issue, with no others cited.Good clean, but with no wrappers (if any). This was once part of a larger work, and has been removed from this - but was published alone (with price, printers details and colophon here). There is a touch of darkening to the outside pages. Internally clean, with the annotations as described above. This work was published anonymously, and there is no reference on Copac or in bibliographies of anonymous literature to any author. However, the name Richard Mence Esq. is written in a contemporary hand alongside the stated "Country Gentleman" This would certainly fit well. Richard Mence was a Barrister, at Middle Temple, who went on to write about the Law of Libel. He was active in writing at this time, and his dedication in the Law of Libel, was to those who oppose "Disloyal and Seditious Principles" These almost certainly included Catholic Emancipation. With his awareness of Libel laws, he was perhaps wise to remain anonymous! 49 [i]. pp‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR89.00 (€89.00 )

‎ADAMO, Salvatore.‎

Reference : 4538


‎chansons racontées aux enfants ‎

‎Paris Hachette 1968 Première édition. Bel exemplaire de ce livre pour enfants. Couverture cartonnée illustrée en couleurs, avec 28 pages illustrées par Philippe Lorin. Portrait de la chanteuse en haut de la couverture, en noir et blanc. Très bon état, propre. Aucun défaut notable. Illustrations attrayantes dans le style des années 1960. Salvatore Adamo est un chanteur belgo-italien connu pour ses ballades romantiques. Il est le musicien belge le plus vendu de tous les temps, avec plus de 100 millions d'albums vendus dans le monde. 315 x 230 mm‎

‎First edition. Nice copy of this children's book. Hardback boards illustrated in colour, with 28 illustrated pages by Philippe Lorin. Portrait of the singer at the top of the cover, in black and white. Very good, clean condition. No significant flaws. Attractive illustrations very much in the style of the 1960's. Salvatore Adamo is a Belgian-Italian singer known for romantic ballads. He is the best selling Belgian musician of all time, having sold over 100 million albums world wide. 315 by 230mm (12œ by 9 inches). .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎ADAM, R. B.‎

Reference : 4380


‎The R.B. Adam Library relating to Dr. Samuel Johnson and his era: Volume the first Letters of Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Edmund Burke, Joshua Reynolds, and David Garrick.‎

‎London and New York Oxford University Press 1929 Première édition. En jaquette d'origine. Dédicace signée au recto par l'auteur à William C. Carroll. Livre relié en toile bleue avec décoration et titres dorés au dos. Limité à 500 exemplaires. La jaquette présente une perte en haut et en bas du dos, ainsi qu'un assombrissement modéré. Elle est protégée par un film d'archivage. Le livre lui-même présente quelques frottements en haut et à la base du dos. L'intérieur est généralement très propre, mais le bord supérieur des premières pages et le bord inférieur de la page fermée sont endommagés par la fumée. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un exemplaire très utilisable, rehaussé par la signature de l'auteur. Nombreux fac-similés et illustrations tout au long de l'ouvrage. Peut-être le plus important des trois volumes, car il contient le texte de nombreuses lettres qui n'avaient pas été reproduites auparavant. 280 x 210 mm‎

‎First Edition. In original dust jacket. Signed dedication to front from author to William C. Carroll. Hardback in blue cloth with gilt decoration and titles to spine. Limited to 500 copies. Dust jacket has loss to the top and bottom of the spine, and moderate darkening. In archival protection. Book itself has a little rubbing to top and base of spine. Internally, generally very clean, but has some smoke damage to the top edge of the initial pages, and to the bottom closed page edge. Overall a very useable copy, enhanced by the author's signature. Profuse facsimiles and illustrations throughout. Perhaps most important of the three volumes as it includes the text of many letters not previously reproduced. 280 x 210 mm (11 x 8Œ inches). .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎ADDISON, Joseph.‎

Reference : 1921


‎The Free-Holder [Freeholder] or Political Essays. ‎

‎London: D. Midwinter & J.Tonson 1716 ‎

‎Large Paper edition. Original gilt decorated calf, with a recent tan spine. Marbled end papers. Contemporary signature to blank end paper. title, contents and essays. This large paper edition, with wide margins, and 400 pages, is much scarcer than the contemporaneous ordinary edition, with [12], 312 pages. The boards are in very good, clean condition. A touch of bumping. Inside, the book is in good, clean, if slightly darkened condition. 400 pp. Addison published the 'Freeholder' in fifty five papers, from 23 December 1715, to 9 June 1716 - a political 'Spectator,' in defense of orthodox Whig principles imperiled by the rebellion in Scotland. (DNB) Two essays are devoted to the Tory Fox Hunter (22 & 47) and one "On the late Act of Parliament for suspending the Habeus Corpus Act." (essay 16).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR390.00 (€390.00 )


Reference : 2557


‎Les Chansons de Sao Van Di. ‎

‎Paris Louis-Michaud 1910 Première édition limitée. Signé et dédicacé par Ajalbert à la page de faux titre. Un des 870 exemplaires sur alfa, reliés sous couvertures illustrées coloriées à la main. (Cette copie n° 277 sur 870). Frontis photographique N/B de Sao Van Di avec garde en tissu. Douze belles planches illustrées en couleurs à pleine page. Histoire d'amour érotique française se déroulant au Laos, racontant l'histoire de Kao Som Sène et les chansons qu'il chante pour la belle Sao Van Di. Les couvertures souples sont un peu toniques/sales. La colonne vertébrale a de petites déchirures fermées à la tête et à la queue. Légères rousseurs sporadiques partout, sinon très bon exemplaire. 101 pages. 255 x 170 mm‎

‎Limited first edition. Signed and dedicated by Ajalbert to half title page. One of 870 copies on alfa paper, bound in hand coloured illustrated wrappers. (This copy # 277 of 870). B/w photographic portrait frontis of Sao Van Di with tissue guard. Twelve beautiful full-page colour illustrated plates. Erotic French love story set in Laos, telling the tale of Kao Som Sène and the songs he sings for the beautiful Sao Van Di. Softback covers are a little toned / soiled. Spine has small closed tears to head and tail. Sporadic light foxing throughout, otherwise a very good copy. 101 pages. 255 x 170 mm (10 x 6Ÿ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR210.00 (€210.00 )

‎AKERMAN, John Yonge‎

Reference : 2218


‎Remains of Pagan Saxondom. ‎

‎London John Russell Smith 1855 ‎

‎First Edition. Original green full buckram, with paper label pasted to the spine. Half-title, vignette title page (Anglo-Saxon Barrows in Greenwich Park), xxviii, 84, with 40 fine plates, printed in colours and hand-finished, captioned J.Basire del set sc., grandson of James Basire, mentor to Blake. Owner's signature of Francis Vine. He was the vicar of Eastington, Stonehouse in Gloucestershire, member of Kent Archaeological society. and author of "Caesar in Kent: an Account of the Landing of Julius Caesar and His Battles With the Ancient Briton" Published in 1888. No doubt this work was an essential reference to him. The buckram is in good clean condition, but with a couple of small splits to the spine edges. Paper label darkened and a little chipped. Library label to the front pastedown. Intermittent small library stamps throughout. Owner's signature to the half title. Binding is a little shaken, but holding. Intermittent foxing. Overall a nice copy. xxviii, 1-84 + plates. 300 by 230mm (11Ÿ by 9 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

‎ALBERS, Petrus.‎

Reference : 1204


‎Enchiridion Historiae Ecclesiasticae Vols I & II (of III) Tomus I - Aetas Prima Seu Christiana Antiquitas Annis 1-692; Tomus II Aetas Altera Seu Medium Aevum Annis 692-1517.‎

‎Holland L.C.G. Malmberg 1909 ‎

‎First edition. Two volumes (of three) produced. Volume I published in 1909, Volume II in 1910. Each complete in themselves for the period that they cover. Text entirely in Latin. Soft grey paper covers. Pages largely uncut. A very nice copy of these two books. The pale grey paper covers are slightly darkened, and have light foxing spots, but overall in clean and tidy shape. Internally clean throughout. Monastery library bookplate to the front of each volume. [viii], 328., + 443. pp These books were a gift to the Bridgettine House of Syon Abbey from the Rev. Benedict Williamson, a Roman Catholic priest who was a keen supporter of the Bridgettine order and the author of a history of the order. There is a presentation inscription to the front of each volume.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR54.00 (€54.00 )


Reference : 4211


‎Alechinsky. une peinture, etc. - En Puisaye N°3 ‎

‎Paris Robert et Lydie Dutrou éditeurs 1997 Bel exemplaire de cette monographie de l'artiste, comprenant une couverture et 9 signatures de quatre pages (détachées dans les plis français). 4 lithographies d'Alechinsky, dont deux en couleur, sur double page. L'une d'entre elles était originale pour ce numéro. Les couvertures souples sont assez propres, mais le dos en papier s'est fendu et a été réparé/renforcé avec du ruban adhésif d'archivage. L'intérieur est en excellent état. Titre ; Pierre Michon, "La feuille de terre" ; Pierre André Benoít, "Alechinsky ici" ; Octavio Paz, "Central Park" ; Jean Tardieu, "Portrai á la Diable" ; Joyce Mansour, "Cobra est L'image nocturne d'un lavis chinois" ; Pol Bury, "Préface vue du sujet" ; colophon. Plus des planches. Bel exemplaire. 36 pages. 360 x 280 mm‎

‎First Edition. A nice copy of this artist monograph. comprising a cover and 9 four page signatures (loose in French folds). 4 lithographs by Alechinsky, two of which are colour, double page works. One was original for this issue. The soft covers are pretty clean, but the paper spine has split, and has now been repaired / reinforced with archival tape. Inside is in excellent, original condition. Title; Pierre Michon, "La feuille de hetre"; Pierre André Benoít, "Alechinsky ici"; Octavio Paz, "Central Park"; Jean Tardieu, "Portrai á la Diable"; Joyce Mansour, "Cobra est L'image nocturne d'un lavis chinois"; Pol Bury, "Préface vue du sujet"; colophon. Plus plates. A nice copy. 36 pages. 360 by 280mm (14Œ by 11 inches). .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )


Reference : 4583


‎L'Art du Rire et de la Caricature. ‎

‎Paris Ancienne Maison Quantin Librairies-Imprimeries Réunies 1892 Bel exemplaire de ce guide illustré de la caricature française, avec une belle dédicace de l'auteur sur la demi-page de titre. Tenue en quart de cuir de l'époque. Titres et décorations dorés au dos. Planches marbrées. Un peu de frottement à la reliure. Sans date, Worldcat indique 1892. Complet avec 12 planches en couleur et 300 fac-similés en noir et blanc - dont plusieurs à pleine page. Texte en français. A l'intérieur, il y a quelques rousseurs sur les bords des pages. 350 pages. 285 x 210 mm (11Œ x 8Œ inches).‎

‎First edition. Nice copy of this illustrated guide to French caricature, with a nice dedication by the author to the half title page. Held in contemporary quarter leather. Gilt titles and decoration to the spine. Marbled boards. A little rubbing to the binding. Undated, Worldcat states 1892. Complete with 12 colour plates and 300 facsimiles in b/w - including many full page. Text in French. Inside, there is a little foxing to the page edges. 350 page. 285 x 210 mm (11Œ x 8Œ inches). .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

‎ALLARD, Roger‎

Reference : 4733


‎Peintures, dessins, aquarelles de Roger de La Fresnaye, Catalogue du 20 avril au 3 mai 1914 ‎

‎Paris Galerie Levesque 1914 Un exemplaire de ce rare catalogue de galerie. Première édition. Aucun exemplaire disponible au moment du catalogage. Couvertures bleues souples, avec une légère décoloration des coins et des bords. Il y a un léger pli sur les couvertures (et sur le catalogue lui-même, où il a été clairement plié et mis dans une pochette). Agrafé, la couverture commence à se séparer mais tient encore bien. L'intérieur est en ordre, mais il y a de légères rousseurs et des plis. L'illustration du frontis est "La conquéte de l'air". Introduction de trois pages par Allard. Le catalogue énumère 63 articles disponibles (par date et par nom). Il y a une deuxième illustration de "nature morte". 13 pages plus des planches. 18cm x 15cm. Roger de Fresnaye (1885-1924) était un artiste et sculpteur français lié au mouvement cubiste. Il a été influencé par Georges Braque et Pablo Picasso, mais son travail est plus décoratif que structurel et ses couleurs prismatiques reflètent l'influence de Robert Delaunay. Il était membre du groupe de Puteaux, une ramification orphiste du cubisme dirigée par Jacques Villon. Son uvre la plus célèbre est La conquête de l'air, 1913, qui les représente, lui et son frère, en plein air, avec un ballon à l'arrière-plan. Il a contracté la tuberculose pendant son service militaire et a été malade à partir de 1918.‎

‎A copy of this rare gallery catalogue. First edition. No copies available at the time of cataloguing. Soft blue covers, with a little fading to the corners and edges. There is a light crease to the covers (and indeed, the catalogue itself, where it was clearly folded and put into a pocket. Stapled with the cover starting to separate but still holding well. Internally tidy, but with light foxing throughout, and the creasing. The frontis illustration is "La conquéte de l'air" Three page introduction by Allard. The catalogue lists 63 items available (by date and name). There is a second illustration of "nature morte." 13 pages plus plates. 18cm x 15cm. Roger de Fresnaye (1885-1924) was a French artist and sculptor linked to the Cubist movement. He was influenced by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, but his work has a more decorative than structural feel and his prismatic colours reflect the influence of Robert Delaunay. He was a member of the Puteaux Group, an orphist offshoot of cubism led by Jacques Villon. His most famous work is The Conquest of the Air, 1913, which depicts himself and his brother outdoors with a balloon in the background. He contracted tuberculosis during his military service, and was ill from 1918 onwards. ,‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎ALLINGHAM, Helen & HUISH, Marcus‎

Reference : 2948


‎Happy England. as painted by Helen Allingham R.W.S. With memoir and descriptions by Marcus B. Huish LL.B.‎

‎London: Adam and Charles Black 1903 ‎

‎First Edition. In hardback publisher's blue binding with flower design. Gilt title to front board and spine.Complete with 81 fine colour plates, each with captioned tissue guard. B/w frontis portrait of Allingham. Top page edges gilt. Boards lightly bumped to corners. Foxing to front and rear endpapers, otherwise a very clean and tidy book. xi., 204 pp. 230 x 175 mm (9 x 7 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎ALLINGHAM, William‎

Reference : 3447


‎The Music Master, a Love Story, and Two Series of Day and Night Songs. With Nine Woodcuts, seven designed by Arthur Hughes, one by D.G. Rossetti, and one by John E. Millais.‎

‎London G. Routledge & Co 1855 9 planches gravées sur bois (8 pleine page et une vignette finale), dont une par D.G.Rossetti. (Son premier ouvrage publié) & un de J.E.Millais, décors, 2pp. publicités, toile bleue d'origine estampée à froid avec titres dorés au dos. Un peu frotté sur les bords du dos, mais dans l'ensemble en excellent état. Une signature indéchiffrable datée du 8 avril 1856 au recto du papier. Le livre et les planches sont en bon état et propres avec juste quelques rousseurs occasionnelles. Ceci est largement considéré comme l'un des livres illustrés les plus importants du XIXe siècle. "... un livre qui est souvent considéré comme le premier à contenir un type d'illustration véritablement nouveau. L'unique contribution de Rossetti "Les servantes d'Elfen-Mere" a eu une profonde influence sur les préraphaélites et sur de nombreux autres illustrateurs" ( Paul Goldman, Livres illustrés victoriens 1850-1870). Les Maids of Elfen-Mere ont également été utilisées comme frontispice dans Flower Pieces d'Allingham. 222, (ii). pp 175 par 110mm‎

‎9 woodcut plates (8 full page and a final vignette), including one by D.G. Rossetti. His first published work. Also one by J.E. Millais, decorations, 2pp. advertisements, original blind-tooled blue cloth with gilt titles to spine. A little rubbing to the spine edges, but overall in excellent condition. An indecipherable signature dated April 8 1856 to the front end paper. The book and plates are in good, clean condition with just the occasional foxing spot. This is widely viewed as one of the most important illustrated books of the Nineteenth Century. "...a book which is frequently seen as the first to contain a genuinely new type of illustration. Rossetti's single contribution 'The Maids of Elfen-Mere' had a profound influence on the Pre-Raphaelites and many of the other illustrators" (Paul Goldman, Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870). The Maids of Elfen-Mere was also used as frontispiece in Allingham's Flower Pieces. 222, (ii). pp 175 by 110mm (7 by 4Œ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR1,790.00 (€1,790.00 )


Reference : 1446


‎Poliniae Testamentum. A poem.‎

‎London: John Lane the Bodley Head 1942 ‎

‎First edition in dust wrapper. Limited to 500 copies - this being copy 406. Signed by the author with a gift inscription to the front end paper. A poem of Poland's history from the earliest known beginnings to the time of writing (the second world war). Published at perhaps the darkest point of the war, the author tries to hold on to the belief that good will triumph. Text in English. 94 pages. The dust wrapper (now protected in clear removable acetate) has a small chip to the bottom edge of the spine, and a slight nicking elsewhere - otherwise clean and tidy. A touch of darkening to the white rear panel. The book itself is clean and tidy inside and out.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )


Reference : 2026


‎The Lord's Passion. A brief meditation by Rabanus Maurus, Abbot of Fulda and Archbishop of Mains 788-856‎

‎London A.R. Mowbray 1938 ‎

‎Small meditation, hardback. Attached dust wrapper with blue patterned cover. Neat owner's inscription to the front end paper. Contains nine short meditations. A scarce book. 48 pages. 145 x 110 mm (5Ÿ x 4Œ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎ALPHEN, Mr. Hieronymus van‎

Reference : 3747

‎Kleine gedichten voor kinderen. ‎

‎Utrecht J.G. van Terveen en Zoon ‎

‎Hardback. This is an early printing. 66 poems. Engraved frontis. Undated printing. No other illustrations, as listed in WORLDCAT. Signed by publisher in ink. In good condition. viii, 104 pp. 135 x 75 mm (5Œ x 3 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )

‎ANDERDON, W[illiam]. H[enry].‎

Reference : 1040


‎The Catholic Crusoe; Adventures of Owen Evans, Set Ashore on a Desolate Island 1739.‎

‎London Burns and Oates 1889 ‎

‎Ninth Edition. Original red cloth gilt, spine faded, covers with a couple of small marks, book-label of Syon Abbey, Devon. First issued in 1863 by Fowler of Dublin; one copy on Copac, at Trinity College Dublin, is listed under the name of Anderson, with the note that it was later published as "The Catholic Crusoe". The Bodleian copy states that Anderdon was the author; other copies give the authorship to Owen Evans [pseud.]. There is no copy recorded as this one. xi, (i), 371, (i), 16 pp. Catalogue, Frontispiece and 11 wood-engraved plates.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )


Reference : 3964


‎The White Swans and Other Tales. Illustrated by Alice Havers.‎

‎London Hildesheimer & Faulkner 1880 ‎

‎Undated but circa 1880. Retelling of Hans Christian Andersen tales, with 16 chromolithographic illustrations, 12 of which are full-page. Tinted illustrations in text, also by Alice Havers. In original pictorial hardback boards with gilt embellishments. Cloth spine. The six stories are: The Daisy, The Brave Tin Soldier, The Conceited Apple-branch, The White Swans, The Pea-blossom, and The Little Match-seller. Translated by Mrs H. B. Paull. Text printed in a frame in brown letterpress. Boards are somewhat rubbed, with signs of wear. Internally the book has some staining to very outer leading edge; not affecting the images or text. 48 pages. 190 x 260 mm (7œ x 10Œ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎ANDERSEN, Hans Christian‎

Reference : 4762


‎Contes d'Andersen. Traduction de A. Canaux. Images d'Albert Uriet.‎

‎Tours Maison Mame 1938 Livre relié. Carton rigide illustré en couleur, dos en tissu bleu. Pages de garde, frontis et page de titre illustrées en couleur. Onze contes de Hans Christian Andersen, entièrement illustrés de planches en couleur pleine page et de nombreuses petites planches en noir et blanc. Quelques rousseurs légères et de légères rousseurs. Dans l'ensemble, bon état, propre. 164 pages. 290 x 225 mm‎

‎Hardback. Colour illustrated hardback boards with blue cloth spine. Colour illustrated endpapers, frontis, and title page. Eleven Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales,fully illustrated with full-page colour plates, and many small b/w. Sme light foxing, and slight offsetting. Text in French. Overall good, clean condition. 164 pages. 290 x 225 mm (11œ x 8Ÿ inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )
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