.: 2. S.l., Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1974, 23 x 14 cm, 39 pp, sewn, orig.wrapper, bibliography. Contains a bibliography from and on the typographer and type designer Zapf.
Frankfurt a.M., Verlagsbuchhandlung Georg Kurt Schauer 1963. 21,5x31 cm. 5 n.n. Bl., 78 n.n.Tafeln, 4 n.n. Bl. Originalhalbpergament mit Schutzumschlag in Schuber.
Originalausgabe. - 1/500 numerierten und signierten Exemplaren. - Neuwertig.
.: 2. In-8°, 24,5 x 17 cm, ca. 36 nn pp, with b/w ills. h.t., original cloth. (slightly discoloured). Exhibition catalogue on the typography and calligraphy of Zapf.
.: Paris, Herman, éditeur des sciences et des arts, 1965, in-4°, 31 x 21,5 cm, (78) pp, with 78 examples of book and title-page typography (some tipped-in) printed by Heinrich Egenolf from material from the archives of D. Stempel, this is copy 195 of 300 copies for the French speaking market, signed by Zapf. Bound in publisher's half vellum with olive-coloured boards, with printed dustjacket, (dustjacket with some traces of use, dust and fingermarks, interior fine and spotless). (Un des 300 exemplaires, signé par Zapf pour le marché français, reliure demi-velin d'éditeur avec jacquette, jacquette avec traces d'usure et marques de doigts, intérieur nickel).
.: Frankfurt am Main, Stempel AG, 1963, format in-4°, ca. 200 nn pp , Bound in publisher's green cloth, no dustwrapper. Leather label on spine. Spine discoloured by sunlight. Interior perfect..
Frankfurt am Main - Wien - Zürich. Büchergilde Gutenberg. 1972. Fort in-4°, reliure pleine toile verte. 119 pages. Tirage à 800 exemplaires sur vélin ivoire. Signature de l'auteur au colophon. Très propre.
".: 2. Frankfurt am Main, Oehms, 1970, in-8°, stiff paper wrapper. Printed in Zapf's Optima Antiqua; he was also responsible the lay-out. Text of a speech held for the Guitenberg-Gesellschaft at Mainz on 22 June 1970. Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft Nr. 91. (Computer and the future of the book)."
Paris, Hermann, 1965 ; 4°,cartonnage éditeur, jaquette.
Un des 300 exemplaires numérotés sur Hahnemühle. Excellent état.
.: 2. (Mainz), Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1974, in-8°, 39 pp, orig.wrapper, bibliographies, (series Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft Nr.97).