ZAMBONI Giovanni Fortunato [Johannes Fortunatus, Johannis Fortunati de comitibus Zamboni]
Reference : R40855
Romae, Typis Academicis apud Bernardinam Olivieri 1819 viii + 145pp., text in latin, 26cm., cart.cover (marbled, leather spine with title engilded), small stamp at verso of the titlepage, VG, nice copy of this rare dissertation of Zamboni, [content: De Necessitate praeveniendi incautos adversus artes nonnullorum recentiorum physiologorum, specimen dissertationis habitae in conventu Academiae religionis, die IV. kalend. junii 1817 & De Necessitate incautos praeveniendi adversus artes nonnullorum professorum hermeneuticae qui sub respectu novarum interpretationum Sacrae Scripturae naturalismum evulgare ac revelationis ideam delere conantur. Specimen dissertationis habitae in conventu Romanae Academiae religionis, nonis maii anni 1818], [ZAMBONI: Due to the urgent need of organizing Catholic apologetics with a view to the anti-Christian polemics of the "Encyclopédie" and the Revolution, this Roman priest Giovanni Fortunato Zamboni founded the "Pontificia Accademia di Religione Cattolica" in 1801, with the avowed aim of defending the dogmatic and moral teaching of the Church. It was formally recognized by Pius VII. Its conferences are generally published in some periodical, and a special edition is printed for the Academy. A number of these dissertations have been printed]