, Phoebus Focus XXI, 2021 softcover , 210 x 148 mm, 80 pages Kleurenillustraties, ENGLISH edition. ISBN 9789463887977.
Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens? Antwerp is famous because of her many talented artists. But what about Brussels? In this edition of Phoebus Focus, researcher Lara Yeager-Crasselt takes you to the roaring Brussels art scene with a focus on the extraordinary portraiture, with Michael Sweerts as pioneer. Lara Yeager-Crasselt (1983) is a scholar of the art of the early modern Netherlands, and Curator of The Leiden Collection, a private collection of Dutch and Flemish art based in New York. She is the author of Michael Sweerts (1618-1664): Shaping the Artist and the Academy in Rome and Brussels (2015), and has published in journals including Dutch Crossing and De zeventiende eeuw, as well as in edited volumes, collection, and exhibition catalogues. Lara Yeager-Crasselt ( 1983) is een kunsthistorica die zich specialiseerde in de vroegmoderne Nederlandse kunst. Zij is curator van The Leiden Collection, een priv collectie van Nederlandse en Vlaamse kunst die gevestigd is in New York. Haar onderzoek focust op schilderkunst, beeldhouwkunst en wandtapijten in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (vooral in en rond Brussel), de dynamiek van de artistieke uitwisseling met Itali en bredere thema's van artistieke mobiliteit, identiteit en samenwerking. Ze is de auteur van Michael Sweerts (1618-1664): Shaping the Artist and the Academy in Rome and Brussels (2015) en publiceerde in tijdschriften als Dutch Crossing en De zeventiende eeuw, alsook in bundels, collectie- en tentoonstellingscatalogi.
, Phoebus Focus XXI, 2021 PB, 210 x 148 mm, 80 p, NL Kleurenillustraties, NL editie. ISBN 9789463887960.
Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens. Antwerpen staat bekend om zijn vele getalenteerde artiesten. Maar hoe zit het eigenlijk met Brussel Onderzoekster Lara Yeager-Crasselt voert de lezer mee naar de brullende Brusselse kunstscene, meer bepaald naar de buitengewone portretkunst, met Michael Sweerts als pionier. In de reeks 'Phoebus Focus' gaan experts en wetenschappers in op topstukken uit de rijke collectie van kunststichting The Phoebus Foundation. Lara Yeager-Crasselt ( 1983) is een kunsthistorica die zich specialiseerde in de vroegmoderne Nederlandse kunst. Zij is curator van The Leiden Collection, een priv collectie van Nederlandse en Vlaamse kunst die gevestigd is in New York. Haar onderzoek focust op schilderkunst, beeldhouwkunst en wandtapijten in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (vooral in en rond Brussel), de dynamiek van de artistieke uitwisseling met Itali en bredere thema's van artistieke mobiliteit, identiteit en samenwerking. Ze is de auteur van Michael Sweerts (1618-1664): Shaping the Artist and the Academy in Rome and Brussels (2015) en publiceerde in tijdschriften als Dutch Crossing en De zeventiende eeuw, alsook in bundels, collectie- en tentoonstellingscatalogi.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2015 Hardcover with dusjacket, 340 p., 58 b/w ill. + 42 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015 Languages: English. FINE CONDITION . ISBN 9782503555300.
This book examines the career of the Brussels artist Michael Sweerts through an examination of the artistic, intellectual and cultural contexts that shaped his work and academy in the Netherlands and Italy in the seventeenth century. The Flemish artist Michael Sweerts has long been considered one of the most fascinating and enigmatic painters of the seventeenth century. His peripatetic career, which stretched from his native Brussels to Rome, and later Amsterdam and the Far East, included work for the papal family and the foundation of a drawing academy in the Southern Netherlands. Despite this rich and varied career, Sweerts has yet to be fully examined within the artistic, intellectual and cultural contexts of Brussels and Rome in the seventeenth century. This book aims to retrace the artistic traditions that shaped Sweerts? development and evolution as a painter, etcher and teacher, firmly situating him at the crossroads of artistic exchange between the Netherlands and Italy. The author demonstrates how Sweerts responded to contemporary notions of artistic practice and pedagogy in his work, and how he played a critical role in the formation of a Netherlandish academic tradition. Approaching Sweerts from these new perspectives, this book examines the classicizing and artistic contexts of Brussels as a center of tapestry production, and reconstructs Sweerts? familial and social networks in the Netherlands and Rome. The artist emerges as a sophisticated figure amongst his contemporaries, including the French painter Nicholas Poussin (1594-1665), his patron, Camillo Pamphilj (1622-1666), nephew of Pope Innocent X, and the Flemish sculptor Francois Duquesnoy (1597-1643). Alongside a consideration of his sensitive scenes of peasants and artists in Rome?s urban landscape and strikingly life-like portraits and head studies, Sweerts? remarkable depictions of artists learning and practicing their profession are contextualized within the evolving conceptions of the academy in the early modern period. The author provides the first inclusive investigation of the artistic and socioeconomic frameworks that surrounded Sweerts? establishment of a drawing academy for artists and tapestry designers in Brussels in the 1650s. She brings to light the academy?s significance as a site of artistic learning and innovation, and the importance of working directly from life, while ultimately redefining Sweerts? place in the history of Flemish art.
.: Antwerpen, Phoebus Foundation, 2023, in-8°, 79 pp. original softcover.