Yanovsky Anatoly. Silver portcigar. The Adventures of Senka-Chapai. The maids go ahead. Last bet. Twins in the desert. On the approach to the city. A collection of essays in two volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy Anatoliy. Serebryanyy portsigar. Priklyucheniya Senki-Chapaya. Gornisty idut vperedi. Poslednyaya stavka. Dvoyniki v pustyne. Na podstupakh k gorodu. Sobranie sochineniy v dvukh tomakhSeries: Retro Library of Adventures and Science Fiction. Collection . Prestige beech 2016 Lasse. Normal format. Contents: Volume 1. Silver Portcigar: A collection of short stories and short stories. The Adventures of Senka Chapaya. The Handmaids Go Ahead: The Tale. Volume 2. Last Bet. Twins in the Desert: A Tale. On the Approach to the City: Stories. / / Anatoly Nikolaevich Yanovsky (1919-1990): Soviet prose writer playwright journalist We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb50449e1cdc4cefc2
Bezotosny V. Petrov F. Yanovsky A. Alexander I and Napoleon. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bezotosnyy V. Petrov F. Yanovskiy A. Aleksandr I i Napoleon.. Alexander I / Napoleon. In Russian and French. Moscow Kuchkovo pole 2012. 320p. SKUalb8705a3fb9838c8be.
Yanovsky A.N. Silver cigar. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy A.N. Serebryanyy portsigar.. Stories and Stories. Hud. V.Purshev Orel Oryol Book Publishing House 1963. 157 p. SKUalbb05be35b9abe215f.
Yanovsky Anatoly. 2Book: Silver Porcigar. Adventures of Senka-Chapaya. The maids are ahead. Last bet. Twins in the desert. On the approach to the city. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy Anatoliy. 2kn.:Serebryanyy portsigar. Priklyucheniya Senki-Chapaya. Gornisty idut vperedi. Poslednyaya stavka. Dvoyniki v pustyne. Na podstupakh k gorodu.. Series: Retro Library of Adventure and Science Fiction. Collection . M. Prestige Beech 2016. 352 and 464 pp. SKUalbb63ed84875199793.
Yanovsky Alexander. Adjusting the piano in the context of the history and theory of the musical order. From the time of Pythagoras to the latest method of synchronization. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy Aleksandr. Nastroyka fortepiano v kontekste istorii i teorii muzykalnogo stroya. Ot vremen Pifagora do noveyshego metoda sinkhronizatsii.. M. Composer 2010. 344s. SKUalb22efad3049d8366c.
Yanovsky Anatoly. Last bet. Silver cigar. In 2 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy Anatoliy. Poslednyaya stavka. Serebryanyy portsigar. V 2-kh tomakh.. Series: Retro Library of Adventure and Science Fiction. Collection . M. Prestige Beech 2016. 352 and 464 pp. SKUalb4b7f50d6cbe986e3.
Yanovsky A. D. Alexander II. An Unfinished Portrait. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Yanovskiy A. D. Aleksandr II. Nezavershennyy portret.. M. State Historical Museum 2018. 156 p. SKUalbf799245f96f98186.
Alexey Ilyich Buyanovsky. Spatial-temporal variability of dimensional composition in populations of bivalves sea urchins and ten-legged crustaceans. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Buyanovskiy Aleksey Ilich. Prostranstvenno-vremennaya izmenchivost razmernogo sostava v populyatsiyakh dvustvorchatykh mollyuskov morskikh ezhey i desyatinogikh rakoobraznykh.. M. VNIRO. 2004. 306 p. SKUalb8ae61b761d651926.