Wynn Cato, Miles: The Life and Works of William Parry A.R.A. (1743-1791). Aberystwyth: 2008. 214 pp. with 60 illustrations, 41 in colour. Hardback. 23.5x18cms. Following five years in Italy painting for his patron, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, the Welsh painter William Parry returned to London and became well-known within the artistic community. Works previously attributed to artists such as Opie and Wilson are here re-identified and are published for the first time. Includes a narrative of Parry's life and a complete catalogue of his paintings and drawings.
Following five years in Italy painting for his patron, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, the Welsh painter William Parry returned to London and became well-known within the artistic community. Works previously attributed to artists such as Opie and Wilson are here re-identified and are published for the first time. Includes a narrative of Parry's life and a complete catalogue of his paintings and drawings. Text in English