Leipzig, Engelmann, 1874. Lex 8vo. Presumably original half cloth with gilt title and lines to spine. Upper capital with a little bit of wear, but otherwise this fairly fragile binding is in surprisingly fine condition. First few leaves with a little bit of light brownspotting, otherwise fine. Stamp to title-page (Bibliothek des Kön. Real progymnasiums in Sonderburg) and a few old handwritten numbers to top of title-page. A few leaves with light pencil-underlinings. Repaired tear to first leaf of the Introduction, no loss. Illustrated throughout. XII, 870, (2, -errata) pp.
The uncommon first edition of Wundt's seminal main work, which constitutes the most important work in the field of experimental psychology, of which Wundt was the founder. Wundt's ""Physiological Psychology"" constituted a new domain of science. Apart from being the first to create this new science and to lecture on it, he was also the first to publish a book on it, namely the ""Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie"", which remains the first and foremost classic within the field and is now regarded as the most important book in the history of psychology.""Wundt made experimental investigations of normal individual reactions, reflex responses, and general behaviour, and interpreted them in terms of neural mechanisms. He is the founder of experimental psychology and his book remains the most important on the subject."" (Garrison & Morton).""Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (1832-1920) is known to posterity as the ""father of experimental psychology"" and the founder of the first psychology laboratory (Boring, 1950: 317, 322, 344-5). From there, Wundt exerted enormous influence on the development of psychology as a discipline, especially in the United States. Somewhat reserved and shy in public, Wundt aggressively dominated his chosen arenas, the lecture hall and the pages of books, with a witty and sardonic persona.His scope was vast, his output incredible. His writings, totaling an estimated 53,000 pages, include: articles on animal and human physiology, poisons, vision, spiritualism, hypnotism, history, and politics"" text- and handbooks of ""medical physics"" and human physiology"" encyclopedic tomes on linguistics, logic, ethics, religion, a ""system of philosophy"" not to mention his magna opera, the Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie"" and the ""Völkerpsychologie"" (in ten volumes)."" (SEP).Horblit: 100aG&M: 4976 (presumably erroneusly stating the printing-year as 1873-74" all other bibliographical information merely states 1874, as all other copies that we have been able to locate. The preface, which is clearly written for the first appearance of the book, is dated March 1874).
Wundt W. Introduction to Philosophy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Vvedenie v filosofiyu.. E6
Wundt W. Hypnotism and Indoctrination. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Gipnotizm i vnushenie.. E6
Wundt Wilhelm. Essays on Psychology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt Vilgelm. Ocherki psikhologii.. E6
Wundt W. Introduction to Philosophy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Vvedenie v filosofiyu.. E6
Wundt Wilhelm. Lectures on the soul of man and animals. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt Vilgelm. Lektsii o dushe cheloveka i zhivotnykh.. E6
Wundt W. The Psychology of Peoples. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Psikhologiya narodov.. E6
Wundt W. Lectures on the soul of man and animals. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Lektsii o dushe cheloveka i zhivotnykh.. E6
Wundt W. Myth and Religion./Vundt V. Mif i religiya.. E6
Wundt W. Fantasia as the basis of temptation. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Fantaziya kak osnova iskustva.. E6
Wundt W. Myths and Religion. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Mify i religiya.. E6
Wundt W. Guide to Human Physiology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vundt V. Rukovodstvo k fiziologii cheloveka.. E6
(Stuttgart), Scientia Verlag Aalen, 1975. 8vo. Orig. full cloth w. gilt lettering.Internally mint. X,678 pp.
A reprint of the third, revised edition from resp. 1911 and 1912.Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (1832-1920), a German physiologist and psychologist generally acknowledged as a founder of experimental psychology and cognitive psychology, is less recognized as a founding figure of social psychology. But as suggested by the present book, volume 1-2 of his 'Völkerpsychologie', dealing with language, this is exactly what the enterprise was in the later years of Wundt's life. With this enormous work he attempted to present an all encompassing study into the social basis of higher mental functioning, setting the ground for later works on the connection between history and culture on the one hand and the common mental phenomena as described by psychology on the other.
Berlin, Raimund Mitscher, (Druck von Greiner & Pfeiffer, Kgl. Hofbuchdruckerei, Stuttgart), o.J. (1896), in-4°, 4 Bl. (1 Bl. weiss, Titel, Widmung, Inhalts-Verz.) + 192 S., reich illustriert + 33 Tafeln, davon vielen in Lichtdruck, ill. Original-Leinenband. (Kletterabbildung in Farbe). Rotschnitt. (Einbd.-Zeichnung v. P. Schnorr).
Gutes, durchaus schönes Exemplar der sehr seltenen Erstausgabe. Mit u.a. sehr frühen, grösseren und vorzüglichen Aufnahmen von Felsklettereien.With the famous illustration by Gustave Doré ‘Catastrophe du Cervin le 14 juillet 1865’, and many beautiful photographic pictures taken by the famous Alpine photographer Theodor Wundt, whose honeymoon trip served for this book. With his wife Maud, he travelled first by balloon and describes not without euphorism his view on ‘the most beautiful mountain in the world’. With many classical pictures of the Zermatt region and climbing scenes. The trip goes on to Saas Fee and to the Lago Maggiore, also illustrated with fine linedrawings and vignettes throughout the book by Emil Terschack. Perret 4610. Image disp.
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