22 books for « wright john c »Edit


Reference : ORD-11737

‎Les glauques aventures de Flyda des mers.-‎

‎Paris. PUF. London. Imago Publishing. 1950. In-8 (140 x 212mm) broché, couverture jaune imprimée en noir et vert et ornée d'une vignette représentant une sirène, 104, (3) pages, 12 dessins couleurs hors texte de John Buckland-Wright. Bon exemplaire.‎

Phone number : 0494895924

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Wright John C.‎

Reference : R200123892


ISBN : 2841723089

‎La Haute Transcendance. La fin de la Mascarade - Collection La dentelle du cygne.‎

‎L'atalante. 2005. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Quelques rousseurs. 404 pages, couverture contrepliée plastifiée, exemplaire de bibliothèque, couverture plastifiée, tampons et étiquettes - papier jauni.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine‎

‎Collection La dentelle du cygne. Traduit de l'américain par Jean-Daniel Brèque. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Wright John‎

Reference : 100124517


‎Essays on the "Iliad": Selected Modern Criticism‎

‎Indiana University Press 1979 160 pages 13 97x2 032x20 574cm. 1979. Broché. 160 pages.‎

‎bonne tenue intérieur propre dos ridé‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎WRIGHT John P. & POTTER Paul (eds.)‎

Reference : F66990


‎Psyche and soma. Physicians and metaphysicians on the mind-body problem from antiquity to enlightenment‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 2000 xii + 298pp., 25cm., previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎WRIGHT John H. S.J.‎

Reference : F104967


‎The Order of the Universe in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas‎

‎Roma, apud Aedes Universitatis Gregorianae 1957 vii + 223pp., in the series "Analecta Gregoriana" vol. 89 (Series facultatis theologicae, sectio B n.30), softcover, 24cm., very good condition, F104967‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎WRIGHT, John.‎

Reference : 80908

‎La Survie du Couple. Une approche simple, pratique et complète.‎

‎Le Jour Ed., 1990. in-8, 281 pp., broché.‎

‎Tres bel exemplaire. [FL-21] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR11.88 (€11.88 )

‎WRIGHT, John C. - Traduit de l'anglais par Jean-Daniel Brèque‎

Reference : 48410


‎La Haute Transcendance. La fin de la Mascarade‎

‎ 2005 Editions L'Atalante, collection "La Dentelle du Cygne" - 2005 - In-8, broché - Couverture illustrée à rabats - 2005 - 404 pages‎

‎Bon état - Frottements sur la couverture - Coins émoussés ‎

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎Wright John joseph Albacete Lorenzo‎

Reference : 100081738


ISBN : 2852442361

‎Enseignement du Christ‎

‎TEQUI 1978 656 pages 15x22x3cm. 1978. Broché. 656 pages.‎

‎intérieur globalement propre cependant tâche dans le bas inférieur gauche de la tranche sur le premier tiers du livre dos ridé‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : R260105569


ISBN : 2730800425


‎EDITIONS DU FANAL. 1982. In-4. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 224 pages. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en couleurs etnoir et blanc dans et hors texte. Jaquette en couleurs, légèrement passée.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 551.5-Météorologie‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 551.5-Météorologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : RO80164708



‎FIDES. 1963. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 103 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 232-Jésus Christ‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 232-Jésus Christ‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Wright John‎

Reference : R300144407

‎The Flower Grower's Guide - Div. I‎

‎J.S. Virtue & Co. Non daté. In-4. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 176 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. Tranches dorées. Non daté, vers 1895. Page de titre et premières pages d'illustrations en couleurs manquantes, paginé de 1 à 176. Livre en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 0-GENERALITES‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 0-GENERALITES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Martin McNamara MSC, Caoimh n Breatnach, P draig A. Breatnach, John Carey, U it ar Mac Gearailt, M ire Herbert, Caitr ona Dochartaigh, Erich Poppe, Charles D. Wright (eds)‎

Reference : 65916

‎Apocrypha Hiberniae II, Apocalyptica 2‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxiv + 589 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 3 tables b/w., Languages: Latin, English. ISBN 9782503585352.‎

‎Summary The present volume comprises editions, by several of the major scholars now working in the field of medieval Irish apocrypha, of a selection of important eschatological texts. Two of these, edited by John Carey, are works original to Ireland: The Vision of Adomn n, an account of the afterworld notable for its vividness and complexity; and The Two Sorrows of the Kingdom of Heaven, a shorter text which describes the judgement of souls and the end of the world with reference to the destinies of Enoch and Elijah. Caoimh n Breatnach provides editions of the Irish versions of some of the fundamental texts of Christian apocalyptic: The Assumption of Mary (supplemented by a closely related Latin variant, edited by Joseph Flahive), and one of the Redactions of The Vision of Saint Paul. Professor Breatnach also contributes a series of accounts of Antichrist: these belong to a type that has long been regarded as typically Irish, but for which Charles D. Wright here supplies a broader context in an innovative and important study. Fr Martin McNamara MSC introduces the collection with a discussion of "Some Aspects of Medieval Irish Eschatology". This is the first volume of a two-part collection: the texts edited in the sequel (CCSA 22) are concerned with the events of the end time, and in particular with the theme of the signs before the Day of Judgement. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction: Some Aspects of Medieval Irish Eschatology by Martin McNamara F s Adomn in - The Vision of Adomn n Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary John Carey D Br n Flatha Nime - The Two Sorrows of the Kingdom of Heaven Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary John Carey TRANSITUS MARIAE General Introduction Martin McNamara Udhacht Mhuire - The Testament of Mary Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Caoimh n Breatnach Trinity College Latin Version Introduction by Martin McNamara and Joseph Flahive Edition and Translation by Joseph Flahive VISIO SANCTI PAULI Introduction Martin McNamara Aisling Ph il - Recension IV of The Vision of Paul Introduction, Edition and Translation Caoimh n Breatnach THE IRISH LEGENDS OF ANTICHRIST Introduction Martin McNamara A Revelation of John about Antichrist Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Charles D. Wright Three Irish Texts of A Revelation of John about Antichrist: "Sg l Ainntecr sd" - The Story of Antichrist Do thoighiocht an bhreitheamhnais d anaidh - Concerning the Coming of the Final Judgement Do theacht Anticr osd - Concerning the Coming of Antichrist Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary Caoimh n Breatnach‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR375.00 (€375.00 )

‎STEWART, Pete, MARSDEN, Thomas, WRIGHT, Daniel, WALSH, John.‎

Reference : 165

ISBN : 0 90 7772 52 8


‎Pencaitland, Hornpipe Music 2007 4° 21 x 29,7 illustrated light brown paperback brochure IV-119 pp. (1-119) Early 18th century Dance Music for those that play Publick; 252 tunes ; II appendix, bibliography, notes, index to the 145 tunes ; ‎

‎The period between the last decades of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th was a dramatic one for music in England and Scotland. It proved to have a major effect on the repertoire of ‘traditional’ musicians. However, except for the well-known dance collections of the Playford family, very little music has survived from the era either in manuscript or as publications. The three published collections (Thomas Marsden, Daniel Wright and John Walsh) brought together here for the first time in their entirety provide a unique glimpse of these changes. Of particular value is the substantial number of early hornpipes, music which more or less disappeared from the repertoire but which is here in abundance. The book also contains concordances for the published tunes and an extended essay on the English Hornpipe ‎

Luc Monod - Paris

Phone number : 06 09 22 36 66

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Martin McNamara MSC, Caoimh n Breatnach, P draig A. Breatnach, John Carey, Joseph Flahive, U it ar Mac Gearailt, M ire Herbert, Caitr ona Dochartaigh, Erich Poppe, Charles D. Wright (eds)‎

Reference : 63432

‎Apocrypha Hiberniae II, Apocalyptica 3‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, iv + 471 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600819.‎

‎Summary The present volume, the continuation of volume CCSA 21, comprises further editions, by several of the major scholars now working in the field of medieval Irish apocrypha, of a selection of important eschatological texts. The first of these, Br th, n ba bec a breisim, edited by Erich Poppe, concerns the events which will occur on the Day of Judgement. Caitr ona Dochartaigh provides edition, translation and a commentary of Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann, an independent eschatological composition. Prof. U it ar Mac Gearailt publishes a study and a commented edition of Sc la La Br tha, Tidings of the Day of Judgement. Prof. Caoimh n Breatnach publishes Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha, Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday, as well as two short Irish texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday. Prof. P draig A. Breatnach provides the edition of A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday. Fr Martin McNamara MSC publishes two short studies in Appendices: the first one on the duration of the Day of Doom (The Day of Doom a Thousand Years, in Appendix 1); the second one concerns a quotation in the Fifteen Signs text edited by Caoimh n Breatnach from the 15th-century Latin theologian Pelbartus (Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV: Appendix 2). Fr McNamara also introduces the collection with a discussion of ?The Signs before Doomsday?. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction: The Signs before Doomsday Martin McNamara Br th, n ba bec a breisim - A Poem on the Day of Judgement Erich Poppe Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann Caitr ona Dochartaigh Sc la La Br tha - Tidings of the Day of Judgement U it ar Mac Gearailt Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha - Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday approach Caoimh n Breatnach Texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday Caoimh n Breatnach A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday with Account of Hells Torments and the Joys of Heaven P draig A. Breatnach Appendix 1: The Day of Doom a Thousand Years Martin McNamara Appendix 2: Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV Martin McNamara Indexes for volumes CC SA 21-22 (Apocrypha Hiberniae II, 2-3: Apocalyptica) Index of Biblical References Index of Persons and Places Index of Authors and Texts Index of Themes Index of Manuscripts Index of Noteworthy Words and Phrases‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR315.00 (€315.00 )

‎[FIDES] - ‎ ‎WRIGHT, Mgr. John‎

Reference : 40569


‎Paroles dans la souffrance , Les sept paroles du Christ [ exemplaire dédicacé par le traducteur ]‎

‎Bel envoi du trad., 1 vol. in-12 br., FIDES, Montréal et Paris, 1963, 103 pp. Trad. française de l'ouvrage " Words in Pain ".‎

‎Bon état. ‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Wright (Louis B) - Tatum (George B) - McCoubrey (John W) - Smith (Robert C)‎

Reference : 924


‎The Arts in America. The Colonial Period‎

‎New York, Schocken, 1975, in-4, 368pp, broché, Très bel exemplaire abondamment illustré 368pp ‎

Phone number : 06 60 05 09 80

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Alexandra Baudelot, Clara Schulmann, Georgina Jackson, Aisha Sasha John, Lauren A. Wright, Kathy Noble‎

Reference : 53698

‎Zarba Lonsa, _0_0__0, Mesonya / Katinka Bock‎

‎BE - , MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2018 Softcover, (silver on coated linen) / 192 pages / 28 x 21,6 cm,Languages EN, FR. / FINE ISBN 9789492321701.‎

‎This publication forms the catalogue of three solo-exhibitions of artist Katinka Bock in Paris, London and Toronto that were linked to the work ?Zarba Lonsa? which she created during her residency at Les Laboratoires d?Aubervilliers in Paris in 2016. Particularly interested by the atmosphere of the Quatre-Chemins district where Les Laboratories is located, the artist went to meet merchants to initiate a relationship with them based on the exchange of one of her works for an object of their shop. This gesture was the starting point of a creative process that has unfolded in several forms ? sculptures, installation, films and photos. Renewing the process of this exchange-based relationship in a specific urban context for a new production of works and photographs, a second edition of the project took shape under the title _0_0__0 in June 2017 at Mercer Union in Toronto. To complete the series, a last edition took place at the Siobhan Davies Dance in London under the title Mesonya/ in Fall 2017‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR38.99 (€38.99 )

‎Hardy Ralph, Wright Peter, Gribbin John, Kington J‎

Reference : RO30358378


ISBN : 2730800425

‎La météo, phénomènes, prévisions et climats‎

‎Editions du Fanal. 1982. In-4. Cartonné. A relier, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 224 pages. Nombreuses illustrations et photos en noir et blanc et en couleurs, in et hors texte. Rares rousseurs. Couverture partiellement déboîtée. Jaquette correcte.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 551.5-Météorologie‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 551.5-Météorologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎Wright David, Heath-Stubbs John‎

Reference : RO60149372


‎The Faber book of Twentieth century verse- an anthology of verse in Britain 1900-1950‎

‎Faber and Faber. 1953. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 390 pages. Texte en anglais. Nombreuses rousseurs. Ex-dono à l'encre en page de garde. Tranche en tête marron. Titre et auteur en doré au dos.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : RO60060695


‎Archbishop Richard J. Cushing. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 72 pages. Portrait en couleur en frontispice. Illustré de nombreux dessins et photos en noir et blanc. 1er plat abîmé et détaché. 2e plat manquant.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎The full text of the historic Christmas Eve broadcast of Pope Pius XII, Dec 24, 1944. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )


Reference : RO60064342


ISBN : 0571048870


‎Faber & Faber. 1975. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 347 pages. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )

‎John C. Wright (traduit de l'anglais (E.U.) par Jean-Daniel Brèque)‎

Reference : 33212


‎Le Phénix exultant. Dépossédé en Utopie‎

‎ 2004 in-8 broché - couverture à rabats - 2004 - 347pages - Ed. L'Atalante - coll. La Dentelle du Cygne‎

‎bon état ‎

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )
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