Stock 1964 1 vol. broché in-8, broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, 196 pp. Très bon état général.
Middletown, Wesleyan University Press. 1983. 8°. 159 p. Soft cover.
Second Printing. The American Book award for Poetry 1982. - Signed on the title page.
STOCK. 8 avril 1964. In-12. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 196 pages. 1er plat de couverture brochée, conservé. Reliure de bibliothèque : code sur la coiffe en-tête et tampons de bibliothèque sur la page de titre et dans quelques marges.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Romain américain traduit par Michel Averlant. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Paris, Stock, 1964. 14 x 20, 197 pp., broché, bon état.
traduit de l'américain par Michel Averlant.
Royaume-Uni, Editions Hawk Books Limited, suite 309, Canalot Studios, 222 Kensal Road, London, 1989. Fort in-8 cartonnage éditeur, pleine toile verte, de 288 pages au format 26,5 x 3,5 x 19 cm. Couverture avec illustration doré. Dos rond avec titre doré. Plats et intérieur frais. Complet de la belle jaquette illustrée avec photo de l'auteur au 4ème plat. Ce volume rassemble l'intégralité des 95 parodies de Sherlock Holmes, écrites par Charles Hamilton, parues dans différents journaux ( Magnet, The Gem, Greyfriars Herald ). Préface par Norman Wright. Frontispice de Sidney Paget. Illustrations anonymes, hors texte, en noir et dossier central avec illustrations en couleurs. Excellents pastiches humoristiques de Sherlock Holmes. Superbe état de fraicheur. Edition originale collective, anglaise.
Site Internet : Http:// exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
Paris François Maspero, coll. "Les Textes à l'appui" 1971 1 vol. broché in-8 (215 x 135 mm), broché, couverture à rabats, 235 pp. Troisième tirage de 1971. Très bon état.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 435 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:8 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503603278.
Summary Who was not born, was buried in his mother's womb, and was baptized after death? Who first spoke with a dog? Why don't stones bear fruit? Who first said the word 'God'? Why is the sea salty? Who built the first monastery? Who was the first doctor? How many species of fish are there? What is the heaviest thing to bear on earth? What creatures are sometimes male and sometimes female? The Old English dialogues The Prose Solomon and Saturn and Adrian and Ritheus, critically edited in 1982 by J. E. Cross and Thomas D. Hill, provide the answers to a trove of curious medieval 'wisdom questions' such as these, drawing on a remarkable range of biblical, apocryphal, patristic, and encyclopaedic lore. This volume (which reprints the texts and translations of the two dialogues from Cross and Hill's edition) both updates and massively supplements the commentary by Cross and Hill, contributing extensive new sources and analogues (many from unpublished medieval Latin question-and-answer texts) and comprehensively reviews the secondary scholarship on the ancient and medieval texts and traditions that inform these Old English sapiential dialogues. It also provides an extended survey of the late antique and early medieval genres of 'curiosity' and 'wisdom' dialogues and florilegia, including their dissemination and influence as well as their social and educational functions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Sourcing Wisdom: Commentary as Dialogue Organizing Wisdom: The Compilatory Structure of the Prose Solomon and Saturn (SS) and Adrian and Ritheus (AR) Transmitting Wisdom: Encyclopaedic Notes, Dialogues, and Florilegia Disputing Wisdom: Medieval Lore Masters and Modern Scholars List of Texts I. Latin Curiosity Dialogues II. Latin Wisdom Dialogues III. Latin Commonplace Dialogues ad Florilegia IV. Latin Hybrid Dialogues and Florilegia V. Vernacular Dialogues VI. Greek Dialogues VII. Slavonic Dialogues VIII. Encyclopaedic Notes Commentary I. The Prose Solomon and Saturn including Items Shared with Adrian and Ritheus II. Items Unique to Adrian and Ritheus Works Cited Indices I. Biblical and Apocryphal Citations II. Manuscripts III. Primary Sources IV. Subjects
Martin McNamara MSC, Caoimh n Breatnach, P draig A. Breatnach, John Carey, Joseph Flahive, U it ar Mac Gearailt, M ire Herbert, Caitr ona Dochartaigh, Erich Poppe, Charles D. Wright (eds)
Reference : 63432
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, iv + 471 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600819.
Summary The present volume, the continuation of volume CCSA 21, comprises further editions, by several of the major scholars now working in the field of medieval Irish apocrypha, of a selection of important eschatological texts. The first of these, Br th, n ba bec a breisim, edited by Erich Poppe, concerns the events which will occur on the Day of Judgement. Caitr ona Dochartaigh provides edition, translation and a commentary of Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann, an independent eschatological composition. Prof. U it ar Mac Gearailt publishes a study and a commented edition of Sc la La Br tha, Tidings of the Day of Judgement. Prof. Caoimh n Breatnach publishes Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha, Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday, as well as two short Irish texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday. Prof. P draig A. Breatnach provides the edition of A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday. Fr Martin McNamara MSC publishes two short studies in Appendices: the first one on the duration of the Day of Doom (The Day of Doom a Thousand Years, in Appendix 1); the second one concerns a quotation in the Fifteen Signs text edited by Caoimh n Breatnach from the 15th-century Latin theologian Pelbartus (Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV: Appendix 2). Fr McNamara also introduces the collection with a discussion of ?The Signs before Doomsday?. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction: The Signs before Doomsday Martin McNamara Br th, n ba bec a breisim - A Poem on the Day of Judgement Erich Poppe Poems 153-162 of Saltair na Rann Caitr ona Dochartaigh Sc la La Br tha - Tidings of the Day of Judgement U it ar Mac Gearailt Garbh irghid iodhain bhr tha - Harshly do the pangs of Doomsday approach Caoimh n Breatnach Texts on the Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday and on Doomsday Caoimh n Breatnach A Tract on the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday with Account of Hells Torments and the Joys of Heaven P draig A. Breatnach Appendix 1: The Day of Doom a Thousand Years Martin McNamara Appendix 2: Passage from Pelbartus, Advent Sermon IV Martin McNamara Indexes for volumes CC SA 21-22 (Apocrypha Hiberniae II, 2-3: Apocalyptica) Index of Biblical References Index of Persons and Places Index of Authors and Texts Index of Themes Index of Manuscripts Index of Noteworthy Words and Phrases
Flammarion 2021
in8, broche, 2021, 355p, bon etat sauf coins un peu frottes et un petit choc avec une tres courte dechirure sans manque en haut de la quatrieme de couverture et du dos, Flammarion
(Collectif) Lorenzo Garcia Vega, Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Severo Sarduy, Pierre de Place, Luis Dominguez, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Esther Tusquets, Charles Wright, Pablo Neruda, Mario Toral et al.
Reference : f17260
Escandalar, dir. Octavio Armand, New-York, 1980. In-4 broché, 96 p. Edition originale. Textes en espagnol. Illustrations de Mario Toral. Dos insolé, sinon bon exemplaire.