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Reference : 60719


‎Den retfærdiges u-overvindelige frimodighed i Guds og sin samvittigheds vidnisbyrd forestillet og sammenskrevet til et vel-fortient ære-minde over den fordum høj-ædle og velbaarne nu hos Gud salige herre herr Knud Tott herre til Knudstrop og Gaunøe. - [FUNERAL SERMON FOR KNUD THOTT - WITH AN INTERESTING PROVENANCE]‎

‎Copenhagen, (1713). Folio (348 x 240 mm). In contemporary full black calf with spine relaid and a bit later red title-label with gilt lettering to spine. Light wear to extremities primarily affecting capitals. Previous owner's name to front front free end-paper (Christian Georg von Møsting). Light occassional marginal browning throughout. Printed on good paper. A nice copy. (40), 352, 16 pp. Wanting the frontispiece.‎

‎Rare funeral sermon for Danish Knud Thott (1639 - 1702), Danish Geheimrat, son of Otte Thott. Worm here praises Thott for his sense of duty and untiring diligence, as it is repeatedly emphasized how much he, unlike many of his contemporaries, detested anything related to gifts and favors in official positions. As a landowner, he was exceptionally active, and he increased and improved Gavnø in many ways. Previous owner Christian Georg von Møsting was a Danish-Norwegian Officer who was married to Cathrine Marie Juel, sister to the generals Gregers and Christian Juel, owner of Valdemar's Castle. During the 17th century, the aristocracy commissioned publications dedicated to commemorating their departed spouses and celebrating their virtuous lives. These publications likely served both as a means to instill moral conduct in society, conduct profitable transactions and last but not least fuel the circles of gossip. Funeral sermons emerged as romanticized portrayals of the nobility and the upper classes of society. Between the late 16th century and the mid-18th century, funeral sermons became a sought-after commodity in the Danish book market. Primarily intended for the deceased's family, these sermons allowed them to reflect on their own lineage. Provenance: Valdemar's Castle. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )


Reference : 62050


‎Liig-Prædiken over Hendes Durchlauchtighed den fordum Hoybaarne, nu Himmel-Salige Fyrstinde og Frue Sophia Christiana Marggrevinde til Brandenburg Culmbach, da Hendes kostelige Levninger bleve i Roeskilde Dom-Kirke nedsatte den 19. Septembr.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Høpffner, 1737. Folio (355 x 235 mm). In contemporary black full calf binding with four raised bands and gilt lettering to spine and ruled fillets to boards. Binding with scratches. Internally fine and clean, printed on thick paper. 119 pp.‎

‎Provenance: Valdemar's Castle. Biblioteca Danica I, 501.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,750.00 (€234.71 )


Reference : 61265


‎Sande Guds børns fortroelighed til Gud, taknemmelighed mod Gud, og salighed hos Gud, betragtet i anledning af psal. CXVIII. V. 17. 18. 19. 20. Forklarede efter begiering (Da hvad der kunde døe af den fordum høj-velbaarne nu salige frue Birgitte Scheel... - [FUNERAL SERMON FOR BIRGITTE SCHEEL]‎

‎Copenhagen, 1737. Folio (405 x 260 mm). In contemporary full black calf with four raised bands and double ruled fillets to boards. Wear to extremities, leather cracked. Repair to head of spine. Foot of spine chipped. Previous owner's name to front free end-paper (Kammer Juncker Rosenörn). Internally fine and clean. (4), 446, (24) pp. + large folded frontispiece.‎

‎Uncommon funeral sermon for Birgitte Scheel (1669-1737) During the 17th century, the aristocracy commissioned publications dedicated to commemorating their departed spouses and celebrating their virtuous lives. These publications likely served both as a means to instill moral conduct in society, conduct profitable transactions and last but not least fuel the circles of gossip. Funeral sermons emerged as romanticized portrayals of the nobility and the upper classes of society. Between the late 16th century and the mid-18th century, funeral sermons became a sought-after commodity in the Danish book market. Primarily intended for the deceased's family, these sermons allowed them to reflect on their own lineage. Provenance: Valdemar's Castle. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )
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