1736 Berlin. A. Haude. 1736. 1 volume petit in-8, pleine basane brune, dos à nerfs orné, pièce de titre de maroquin brun. (21) ff. ; 266 pp. ; (7) ff.
Illustré d’1 gravure en frontispice.Première édition française traduite de l’allemand par Jean Deschamps sur la Vème édition, et revue sur toutes les suivantes.2 pages de notes manuscrites anciennes, à l’encre, concernant le contenu de l’ouvrage, sur les premières gardes.Philosophe, juriste et mathématicien polonais, le rationalisme de Wolff (1679-1754) inspire l’ensemble de l’école scientifique allemande durant plus d’un demi siècle.Reliure frottée.Brunet, 3523.
Frankfurt & Leipzig, Renger, 1728. 4to. In a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities. Internally with occassional heavy toning due to poor paper quality, otherwise a good copy. (16), 866, (19) pp. + 1 plate.
The uncommon first edition of one of Wolff’s main work in which he presented his concept of philosophy as a total science following Descartes’ belief that all science could be deduced from simple principles. In the history of logical reasoning, methodology, principles of logical inference, the classification of propositions and the structure of logical arguments it still stands as a highly important work. To reach a broader audience Wolff decided to published his works in Latin, the present being his first Latin-language publication. “Christian Wolff (1679–1754) was a philosopher, mathematician, and scientist of the German Enlightenment. He is widely and rightly regarded as the most important and influential German philosopher between Leibniz and Kant. His scholarly output was prolific, numbering more than 50 (most multi-volume) titles, in addition to dozens of shorter essays and prefaces and nearly 500 book reviews. Through his series of textbooks, published first in German and then in Latin, Wolff made signal contributions to nearly every area of philosophical investigation of his time, including but not limited to logic, metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Wolff is perhaps best known in his role as (co-)founder of the “Leibnizian-Wolffian philosophy”, and while Wolff himself rejected the term, the philosophical system it designates quickly gained broad, if not universal, acceptance within German universities in the first half of the eighteenth century.” (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
Frankfurt & Leipzig, Rengeriana, 1739 & 1741. 4to. Uniformly bound in two contemporary full calf bindings with four raised bands and richly gilt spines. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Board with a few dots and marks. Internally fine and clean, a nice set. Printed on good paper. (22), 1084, (34) pp. (20), 736, (20).
Later improved edition of Wolff's large and most important work on ""natural theology"". The work is the culmination to his treatment of ‘special metaphysics.’ Defined as ""the science of those things that are possible through God,"" natural theology represents the end of metaphysical inquiry insofar as metaphysics is concerned with the realm of all possible objects.According to Kant, in the (Preface) to the Critique of Pure Reason (2nd ed), Wolff is ""the greatest of all dogmatic philosophers."" Wolff's ""strict method"" in science, Kant explains, is predicated on ""the regular ascertainment of principles, the clear determination of concepts, the attempt at strictness in proofs, and the prevention of audacious leaps in inferences"".Wolff's A POSTERIORI PROOF for God's existence (the primary topic of discussion of Volume 1) is as follows:The human soul exists or we exist. Since nothing is without a sufficient reason why it is rather than is not, a sufficient reason must be given why our soul exists, or why we exist. Now this reason is contained in ourselves or in some other being diverse from us. But if you maintain that we have the reason of our existence in a being which, in turn, has the reason of its existence in another, you will not arrive at the sufficient reason unless you come to a halt at some being which does have the sufficient reason of its own existence in itself. Therefore, either we ourselves are the necessary being, or there is given a necessary being other and diverse from us. Consequently, a necessary being exists (24, Natural Theology vol. 1).Wolff's A PRIORI PROOF for God's existence (the primary topic of discussion of Volume 2) is as follows:God contains all compossible realities in the absolutely highest degree. But He is possible. Wherefore, since the possible can exist, existence can belong to it. Consequently, since existence is a reality, and since realities are compossible which can belong to a being, existence is in the class of compossible realities. Moreover, necessary existence is the absolutely highest degree. Therefore, necessary existence belongs to God or, what is the same, God necessarily exists (21, Natural Theology vol. 2).
A Amsterdam, chez Marc-Michel Rey, 1757. 3 volumes in-12 de [4]-LVI-[2]234-[2]-[4]-372; [4]-335 pages, plein veau marbré, dos lisse orné de filets et fleurons dorés, pièces de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches rouges, deux coiffes accrochées, un mors petitement fendu, deux pages de titre légèrement brunies.
Avec 3 vignettes de titre. De Christian Wolff, Kant affirme, dans la Critique de la raison pure: "Le célèbre Wolff" "est le plus grand parmi tous les philosophes dogmatiques". Hegel dira que "Wolff a été l'instituteur de l'Allemagne".
1758 restes de reliure basane dos à nerfs. in-12, titrre, 500pp., 24 planches, Lausanne & Genève Bousquet 1758
Tome II seul.Astronomie 4 pl., Gnomonique 3, architecture militaire 4, architecture civile 12, artillerie 1. L'avis au relieur est en allemand, français et latin…
Phone number : 33 (0)6 77 77 12 33
Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1758. 3 vol. in-12, [4]-LVI-[2]-234 pp. + [4]-372 pp. + [4]-335-[1] pp., basane marbrée havane, dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés, pièces de titre et de tomaison rouges, tanches rouges (épidermures, manques).
Édition originale de l'adaptation en français faite par Formey du Jus naturae et du Jus gentium parus entre 1740 et 1749. Formey donne ici une interprétation abrégée en français des deux traités et a contribué à la diffusion en France des idées de Wolff. Complet du catalogue de l'éditeur au premier volume. Bon état intérieur. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
Halle, Renger 1724. 8vo. In contemporary full vellum, title in contemporary hand to spine. Ex-libris (Carl Juel, Danish statesman and owner of Valdemar's Castle) pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Binding soiled and with some marks and spots. Internally fine and clean. (10), 725, (1) pp. + frontispiece and 38 plates (out of 44?)
Second edition of Wolff's work on the mathematical disciplines of geometry and trigonometry, in part the work also deals with astronomy, optics and aerometry.
Vicenza, Tipografia Paroni 1802 307pp.+ frontispice (full-page engraving by Giuseppe Dall'Acqua), 20cm., cart.cover (marbled plates, spine in leather with engilded title, corners bumped), Good condition, rare first Italian translation of Wolff's latin version "Cogitationes rationales de viribus intellectus humani earumque usu legitimo in veritatis cognitione, cum iis qui veritatem amant communicatae", which he himself in 1730 translated into latin from his original german edition ("Vernünfftige Gedancken von den Kräfften des menschlichen Verstandes und ihrem richtigen Gebrauche in Erkäntniss der Wahrheit", 1712/13)
, Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey 1758, 3 vol. in-12, pl. veau raciné fauve, tit. et tom. sur pc. de maroquin bordeaux et noir, dos lisses ornés de fleurons et frises dorés, tr. rouges, roulette dorée sur les coupes, bandeaux, lettrines et vignettes, (ors passés, pc. de maroquin et coupes frottées, coins légt émoussés, t.I et II: coiffes sup. arrachées, t.II et III: coiffes inf. arrachées, t. II: léger impact sur plat inf., t.II et III: qq. piqûres à l’int), LVIII-234/ 372 / 335p.
Phone number : 01 43 29 46 77
Frankfurt und Leipzig, Rengerschen Buchh., 1750. Bound in 4 contemp. full sprinckled calf, richly gilt spines and titlelabels with gilt lettering. Very lightly rubbed. Engraved portrait (Wolff) as frontispiece.(30),1934,(48) pp. + 178,(12) pp. With 152 folded engraved plates. Internally clean and fine.
Værket har tilhørt C.F. Molbech (1785-1864) og bærer hans navn på indersiden af forreste friblad. ""Carl Frederik Molbech. Soröe 1825."" Yderligere en tilskrift af samme nederst på samme side omhandlende klassificerinssystemet for biblioteker: ""Kunde man ikke i decade Systemet definere 0 saaledes: 0 est Potenzator unitatis ? (I hele Tal Plus_Potenzator, i Decimalbrök Minus-Potenzator ?)/ C.F. Molbech
Halle im Magdeburgischen, Rengerischen Buchhandlung, 1727-29. 8vo. Bound in 3 contemp. full vellum. One corner a bit bumped. Backcover on vol. 2 with a small loss of vellum at front edge. 3 engraved frontispieces. Titlepages printed in red/black. (14),599,(9)(14),568,(8)(14),624,(8) pp. and 49 folded engraved plates with many figs each (17 + 14 + 18). One plate in vol. 2 with a minor loss in upper right corner, affecting 1 figure. On foot of forst titlepage a stamp (Greve Scheel). Internally fine.
Wolff's popular handbook dealing with the whole spectra of physics and technology, depicting experimental apparatus and technical inventions.Poggendorff II:1355.
Franckfurt und Leipzig, Rengerischen Buchhandlung, 1730-32. 8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. full vellum. A stamp on titlepage (Greve Scheel). Engraved portrait. Titlepage in red/black. (18),1934, (44 Register zu alle vier Theile) pp.+ 165,(9) pp. (Kurtzer Unterricht). With 121 folded engraved plates with numerous figs.
The work treats 20 different disciplines in mathematical physich, astronomy, mathematics, optics etc. etc.At Halle, Wolff lectured on mathematics and algebra, building and fortification, as well as experimental and theoretical physics" a glimpse of the kind of courses given may be obtained from one of the earliest writings of this period, his popular handbook ""Anfangsgründe alter mathematischen Wissenschaften"".Poggendorff II:1355.
Leipzig, Gleditschen, 1734-42. 8vo. 2 cont. hcalf. Gilt backs. Backs rubbed, especially volume 2, which have been exposed to some damp, loosening the plates and some quires, but not dampstained. 2 engraved frontispieces. (6),(69o),(4)(6),543,140,(10) pp. and 46 engraved plates (36+10). Some light browning to inner margins in volume 2. Stamps on title-pages.
Largest edition of Wolff's well-known encyclopedia in which are treated all aspects of the mathematical sciences, pure as well as technical, the calculus, stereometrie, astronomy, hydrostatics, architecture etc. etc.
Halæ Magdeburgicæ, 1730-33. 4to. 2 contemp. full calf. Wear to the gilt lettering on spines. Spine ends worn. Part of leather at upper compartment on vol. one, gone. Some wear to spines. Engraved portrait of Wolff. First titlepage in red/black. (22),678(8),506 pp. and 61 (31 + 30) folded engraved plates.
Bompiani 2003 1552 pages 16 6x6 8x21 2cm. 2003. Cartonné jaquette. 1552 pages.
proche du neuf avec sa jaquette légère ternissure sur la tranche de côté intérieur propre bonne tenue
WOLFF Christian [WOLFIUS Christianus] & ECOLE Joannes, ed.
Reference : F104873
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1962 xxiv + 18 + 776pp., Modern reprint of the 1734-edition, 23cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth (with few vague stains), text and interior clean and bright, text in Latin, good condition, weight: 1.4kg., F104873
Ingersheim, Société d'archéologie de Riquewihr XXIII bulletin, 1967; in-8, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Ingersheim, Société d'archéologie de Riquewihr XXIII bulletin, 1967; in-8, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Usure aux rebord.
Usure aux rebord.
Ingersheim, Société d'archéologie de Riquewihr XXIII bulletin, 1967; in-8, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Usure sur les rebord.
Usure sur les rebord.
Ingersheim, Société d'archéologie de Riquewihr XXIII bulletin, 1967; in-8, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Ingersheim, Société d'archéologie de Riquewihr XXIII bulletin, 1967; in-8, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Usure sur les rebord et petite déchirure sur le rebord du dos.
Usure sur les rebord et petite déchirure sur le rebord du dos.
Ingersheim, SAEP, 1968; in-8, 265 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Ingersheim, SAEP, 1967; in-8, 265 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Ingersheim, SAEP, 1968; in-8, 265 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.