Woelk, Moritz: Bildwerke vom 9. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert aus Stein, Holz und Ton im Hessischen Landesmuseum, Darmstadt. Berlin: 2000. 559pp with 40 colour and 309 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 28.5x22.8cms. Scholarly collection catalogue documenting Mediaeval and later stone, wood and lead sculpture from the Mittelrhein region. Each work is given a technical and art historical description. Indices of iconography, provenance, concordance. Text in German.
Scholarly collection catalogue documenting Mediaeval and later stone, wood and lead sculpture from the Mittelrhein region. Each work is given a technical and art historical description. Indices of iconography, provenance, concordance. Text in German
[Giovanni Bologna called Giambologna] - Syndram, Dirk and Moritz Woelk
Reference : 086120
ISBN : 3422066411
Syndram, Dirk and Moritz Woelk: Giambologna in Dresden - Die Geschenke der Medici. Exhibition: Dresden, Schloss, 2006. 120pp, with 66 colour illustrations. Wrappers. 28x21cms. In 1587 Duke Francesco de' Medici sent a diplomatic gift of a group of small bronzes by the Mannerist sculptor Giambologna (1529-1608), including Mercury, Mars, and Nessus raping Deianira. to the King of Saxony in Dresden and this is a study of these bronzes. Text in German.
In 1587 Duke Francesco de' Medici sent a diplomatic gift of a group of small bronzes by the Mannerist sculptor Giambologna (1529-1608), including Mercury, Mars, and Nessus raping Deianira. to the King of Saxony in Dresden and this is a study of these bronzes. Text in German
, Reimer verlag 1999, 1999 Hardcover, 559 seiten, Deutsche sprache, 285 x 235 mm, in sehr guten zustand,. ISBN 9783496012047.
2019 Hirmer Verlag GmbH Hardcover
Museum Schnütgen: Handbuch zur Sammlung Hardcover, 285 x 245 mm, 469 pg, with illustratins in color, very fine condition