Wittwer, Samuel: Die Galerie der Meissener Tiere. Die Managerie Augusts des Starken fÃŒr das Japanische Palais in Dresden Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde Bd. 1. Munich: 2004. Series: Schriften der Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde. I. 356 pages, with 216 colour and 120 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 28.5 x 25cms. Examination of some of the most productive years of Meissen porcelain animals, from 1731 and 1736. Looking especially at two of the main creators, Johann Gottlieb Kirchner and Johann Joachim Kaendler. Text in German.
Examination of some of the most productive years of Meissen porcelain animals, from 1731 and 1736. Looking especially at two of the main creators, Johann Gottlieb Kirchner and Johann Joachim Kaendler. Text in German