BE, Auteur /, 2012 Bound, Hardcover, 300 pages ill color in fine condition !! . ISBN 9781851497218.
Bibliography of Glass is a compilation of 3,500 books and a few important articles on glass and glassmaking.The catalogue, over 30 pages of 450 museums worldwide, that have to do with glass alone will keep you busy for quite a while. I It is a must for museums, universities, libraries and everyone seriously interested in the history and evolution of that wonderful material that is created by fusing dull and common composites such as sand, lime and soda ash. It has always fascinated me that out of such simple materials something so beautiful can emerge, yielding to the hand of the artist or the wish of the consumer. Once it was the favourite material of the mediaeval alchemists in their quest for the Stone of Wisdom and behold: it still produces wonders and is able to inspire some of us for a lifetime!
BE - , Private edition author, 2019 Softcover, 323 pages, ? 2012 (First Edition - Printed Book) ? February 2019 (Updated and Extended Digital Edition) 2 volumes in 1 book. .
This comprehensive Bibliography of Glass (323 pages) is a compilation of 4,210 selected books and a few important articles and other sources on glass and glassmaking in various languages from the earliest times to the present (31st December 2018). It is an exceptional work of reference and compendium in terms of the world-wide overview it provides of books on glass, glass technology, the art of glass, glassware, glass collections, exhibition catalogues, museum catalogues, sales catalogues and manuscripts relating to glass. It has been compiled for libraries, sellers of new and antiquarian books, collectors, historians, researchers, glass museums and any other institutions and individuals interested in ancient, antique or modern glass. The works cited are arranged in alphabetical order according to authors last names. Any title lacking the name of the author has been included under the heading Anonymous. More than 450 museums relating to the art of glass from all over the world have been catalogued creating a book within a book. Wherever possible details of the authors, collectors, glass works, glass museums, institutions, companies, auctioneers and publishers are provided, with supplemental information such as their places of origin or business, age and dates of birth, death, foundation and closing. Titles of works are given in their original language and all works are provided with their dimensions (Height x Width x Thickness) in cm. This Digital Edition enables everyone to do extensive searches by clicking on the 'Search' button
, Antique Collector, 2001 bound in blue cloth, ** NO dusjacket ! ** complet, fronti - spice, 220 x 280mm., 439pp., all color illustrations. new condition !! ***With some notes in pen by the author himself.*** ISBN 9781851493371.
Antique glass bottles. Their History and Evolution (1500 ? 1850) est un magnifique ouvrage consacre aux bouteilles en verres entre 1500 et 1850. Willy Van den Bossche presente a la fois, la technique, les evolutions, les formes et les decors adoptes durant cette periode. Dans un second temps, pour chaque pays Grande-Bretagne, Hollande, Belgique, France, Italie, Espagne, Portugal, Allemagne, pays scandinaves et Amerique, Willy Van den Bossche presente des bouteilles leur decor, marque? Chaque piece est accompagnee d?une notice. Toutes les pieces sont reproduites et font de Antique glass bottles Their History and Evolution (1500 - 1850) un ouvrage de reference a destination des archeologues, chercheurs, collectionneurs, marchands et amateurs. Ouvrage abondamment illustre : 368 photographies couleur, 773 bouteilles et sceaux provenant principalement de collections privees. Une chronologie, un glossaire consequent ainsi qu?un index permettent de nombreuses entrees et font de cet ouvrage un veritable outil de travail.Photographed by Fred Weegenaar. This work includes the most comprehensive bibliography on glass bottles ever produced, listing 1150 titles and an extensive glossary of bottlemaking terms. As new. !! very good reference book !!
, Antique Collector, 2001 bound in blue cloth, with dusjacket complet, fronti - spice, 220 x 280mm., 439pp., all color illustrations. new condition !! ISBN 9781851493371.
Antique glass bottles. Their History and Evolution (1500 ? 1850) est un magnifique ouvrage consacre aux bouteilles en verres entre 1500 et 1850. Willy Van den Bossche presente a la fois, la technique, les evolutions, les formes et les decors adoptes durant cette periode. Dans un second temps, pour chaque pays Grande-Bretagne, Hollande, Belgique, France, Italie, Espagne, Portugal, Allemagne, pays scandinaves et Amerique, Willy Van den Bossche presente des bouteilles leur decor, marque? Chaque piece est accompagnee d?une notice. Toutes les pieces sont reproduites et font de Antique glass bottles Their History and Evolution (1500 - 1850) un ouvrage de reference a destination des archeologues, chercheurs, collectionneurs, marchands et amateurs. Ouvrage abondamment illustre : 368 photographies couleur, 773 bouteilles et sceaux provenant principalement de collections privees. Une chronologie, un glossaire consequent ainsi qu?un index permettent de nombreuses entrees et font de cet ouvrage un veritable outil de travail.Photographed by Fred Weegenaar. This work includes the most comprehensive bibliography on glass bottles ever produced, listing 1150 titles and an extensive glossary of bottlemaking terms. As new. !! very good reference book !!
Antwerp, Private edition - , 2022 Hardcover, Dusjacket, 116 carefull selected mainly Continental bottles and jars depicted on 154 colour plates with thorough description, printed on 123 pages, Weight 850 gram. Text In English with an introduction in three languages, Dutch, French & German . ISBN 9783981427196.
SUPPLEMENT (2002-2022) The 2001 publication of the international reference work Antique Glass Bottles - Their History and Evolution (1500-1850) fills a major knowledge gap in the history and evolution of utility bottles and jars throughout Continental Europe. In honour of the 20th anniversary of this publication, the work has been enlarged with a separate Supplement (2002-2022) of 116 carefully selected, mainly Continental bottles and jars depicted on 154 colour plates with thorough description printed on 123 pages This Supplement (2002-2022) has been written for antique dealers, archaeologists, auctioneers, bottle-makers, collectors, historians, institutions, libraries, museums, pharmacists, researchers, wine and beer lovers, writers, and all others curious about the art of collecting antiques. Willy Van den Bossche was born in Belgium in 1943 where he graduated in industrial engineering, specialising in glass technology. He started his career as a plant engineer for the Belgian bottle-making industry. Subsequently he was chief patent examiner in the field of glass technology at the European Patent Office (EPO) for more than 32 years. In 2020 he was awarded with the Hall of Fame Award by the American "Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors?. His outstanding and significant contributions to the bottle collecting hobby are considered at have made a lasting and enduring impact upon the history of glass at the national or international level. Willy is a member of the Glass Committee of the International Committee of Museums (ICOM/Glass) and several other international associations dealing with the history of glass.
Antwerp, Private edition - , 2022 Gebonden met stofomslag, 123 pagina's met 116 zorgvuldig gekozen flessen en 154 kleurenfoto's van fraaie flessen. Gewicht 850 gram. Tekst in het Engels; with an introduction in three languages, Dutch, French & German ISBN 9783981427196.
SUPPLEMENT (2002-2022) ; De publicatie in 2001 van het internationaal referentiewerk Antique Glass Bottles - Their History and Evolution (1500-1850) vult een grote leemte op over de kennis van de geschiedenis en evolutie van gebruiksflessen en voorraadpotten in heel Continentaal Europa. Ter ere van de publicatie, ruim 20 jaar geleden, werd deze uitgebreid met een apart Supplement (2002-2022) van 116 zorgvuldig gekozen, voornamelijk continentale flessen en potten (bokalen), afgebeeld op 154 kleurenfoto's met grondige beschrijving op 123 pagina's. Dit Supplement (2002-2022) is geschreven voor antiquairs, apothekers, archeologen, bibliotheken, flessenfabrikanten, historici, instellingen, musea, onderzoekers, auteurs, veilinghuizen, verzamelaars, wijn- en bier liefhebbers, en alle andere personen die ge nteresseerd zijn in het verzamelen van antiek.
Antwerp, Private edition - , 2022 Relie, Hardcover, Dusjacket, 116 bouteilles carefully selected, mainly Continental bottles/ bouteilles and jars depicted on 154 colour plates with thorough description, printed on 129 pages, Poids 850 grammes, Texte en Anglais; with an introduction in three languages, Dutch, French & German ISBN 9783981427196.
Suppl ment (2002-2022) ; La publication en 2001 de l'ouvrage de r f rence internationale Antique Glass Bottles - Their History and Evolution (1500-1850) comblait une grande lacune dans la connaissance de l'histoire et de l' volution des bouteilles utilitaires et des bocaux de conservation de toute l'Europe continentale. En l'honneur des vingt ans de cette publication, l'ouvrage de base a t largi d'un Suppl ment (2002-2022) s par pr sentant 116 bouteilles et bocaux, soigneusement choisis, principalement d'origine continentale, illustr s par 154 photographies en couleurs accompagn es de descriptions d taill es sur 123 pages. Ce Suppl ment (2002-2022) est destin aux amateurs de vin et de bi re, antiquaires, arch ologues, biblioth ques, bouteilleries, chercheurs, collectionneurs, commissaires-priseurs, mus es, historiens, h tels des ventes, crivains, institutions, pharmaciens et tout autre personne int ress e par la collection d'antiquit s.
Antwerp, Private edition - , 2022 Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag 116 sorgf ltig ausgew hlte, haupts chlich Continental-Flaschen und -Gl ser, abgebildet auf 154 Farbtafeln mit ausf hrlicher Beschreibung, gedruckt auf 123 Seiten, Gewicht 850 Gramm.** Text in Englisch; with an introduction in three languages, Dutch, French & German. ISBN 9783981427196.
SUPPLEMENT (2002-2022) ; Die Ver ffentlichung des internationalen Standardwerks Antique Glass Bottles - Their History and Evolution (1500-1850) im Jahr 2001 schloss eine gro e L cke im Wissen ber die Geschichte und Entwicklung von Gebrauchsflaschen und Vorratsgef en in Kontinentaleuropa. Zu Ehren dieser Ver ffentlichung vor etwa 20 Jahren wurde das Standardwerk um ein separates Supplement (2002-2022) mit 116, haupts chlich kontinentalen Flaschen und Gef en (T pfe, Hafen) erweitert, die auf 154 Farbfotos mit ausf hrlicher Beschreibung auf 123 Seiten. Dieses Supplement (2002-2022) richtet sich an Apotheker, Arch ologen, Auktionatoren, Bibliotheken, Flaschenhersteller, Forscher, Historiker, Institutionen, Kunsth ndler, Museen, Sammler, Wein- und Bierliebhaber, und alle anderen, die sich f r das Sammeln von Antiquit ten interessieren.