Taschen Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1999 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's illustrated dark green dust-jacket (Tapestry with green plants and orange fruits, a bird) In-4 1 vol. - 176 pages
numerous colour illustrations, photographies, few black and white old photographies, a very nice iconography 1999's edition Contents, Chapitres : Biographie - Le début (Oxford Union Library) - William Morris chez lui - Décoration d'intérieurs - Commandes publiques - Arts décoratifs (Vitraux - Mobilier - Carreaux - Papiers peints - Broderie - Tissus imprimés - Etoffes tissées - Tapisserie - Tapis - Calligraphie - Kelmscott Press) - Appendice : Carte des oeuvres les plus importantes - Chronologie - Notes - Bibliographie - William Morris, né le 24 mars 1834 à Walthamstow, Essex (aujourd'hui dans le borough londonien de Waltham Forest) et mort le 3 octobre 1896 à Hammersmith, Londres, est un fabricant, designer textile, imprimeur, écrivain, poète, conférencier, peintre, dessinateur et architecte britannique, célèbre à la fois pour ses uvres littéraires, son engagement politique libertaire, son travail d'édition et ses créations dans le domaine des arts décoratifs, en tant que membre de la Confrérie préraphaélite, qui comptent parmi les sources du mouvement Arts & Crafts qui eut, dans ce domaine, l'une des influences les plus importantes en Grande-Bretagne au xxe siècle. Tout au long de sa vie, William Morris écrit et publie des uvres de poésie et des romans et traduit des textes anciens du Moyen Âge et de l'Antiquité. Son travail littéraire le plus connu en français est l'utopie Nouvelles de nulle part (News from Nowhere), écrite en 1890. En contribuant à la fondation de la Socialist League en 1884, William Morris joue un rôle clé dans l'émergence du courant socialiste britannique, bien qu'il ait renié ce mouvement à la fin de la même décennie. Il consacre la fin de sa vie aux travaux de l'imprimerie et maison dédition Kelmscott Press, qu'il a fondée en 1891. L'édition Kelmscott de 1896 des uvres de Geoffrey Chaucer est aujourd'hui considérée comme un chef-d'uvre de conception éditoriale. minor folding tracks on the top of the spine of the dust-jacket which remains complete and fine, else fine copy, no markings, a very nice copy, profusingly illustrated, text in English, German and French
Elson Henry William Morris Le Bour'his M.-M. Cestre Charles
Reference : DVD38JR
ISBN : B00184A7VY
Générique Broché D'occasion état correct 01/01/1930 100 pages
GUILELMUS OF TYRE - KELMSCOTT Press - William Caxton - William Morris ( printer ) :
Reference : 43187
".: Hammersmith (Middlesex), published by the Kelmscott Press, 27th April 1893., large in-4°, xxii pp + 450 pp + (ii)nn pp. Chapter titles printed in red. With decorative woodcut double page title, woodcut ornamental borders and initials designed by William Morris. One of 300 paper copies , out of a total edition of 306 copies. Printed in red and black in Troy and Chaucer types. Bound in original limp vellum with yabb edges and silk ties (ties partly broken, as usual after more then 100 years), title in gilt lettering on spine. Some sporadic dustsoiling but a fine copy. One of the copies donated by Mrs. William Morris after the death of her husband ; with a printed note stating the gift tipped on to the first paste down. Reprinted from the Caxton edition of 1481. Petersen A15."
William Morris, Francis Guevremont (Préface)
Reference : RO20272552
ISBN : 274362454X
RIVAGES POCHE / PETITE BIBLIOTHEQUE N°775. 2013. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 141 pages - Nombreuses annotations / phrases surlignées au feutre ou soulignées au crayon à papier, sans conséquence sur la lecture. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
William Morris, Francis Guevremont (Préface), Lidia Breda Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
Ginn&Compagny.In-8 percaline ill.432 p.Plate de A à I.Nombreuses ills.TBE.En anglais.Notes personnelles en page de garde.
Paul Claudel / Viélé-Griffin / Barrès / Francis Jammes / Paul Adam / Abert Mockel / Stefan George / Stuart Merill / Jean Moréas [Paul Fort / André Salmon] Saint-Pol-Roux / Tornouel / Omar Khayyam / Mécilas Golberg / Albert Saint-Paul / Valère Gille / Tancrède de Visan / Tristan Klingsor / Henri Delormel / Henri Ghéon / William Morris / Dowson / Robert de Souza / E. de Castro
Reference : 16516
Vers et prose Paris, 1905, in-4 broché, 220pp.-6pp. Liste des abonnés à la revue Vers et Prose-1f. Paul Claudel : Les Muses, ode/ Viélé-Griffin : Tantale / Barrès : Autour de mon clocher (préface) / Francis Jammes : l'âne de Sancho Pança/ Paul Adam : Irène et Jean/ Abert Mockel : l'éternelle fiançée/ Stefan George / Stuart Merill / Jean Moréas / [Paul Fort / André Salmon] Saint-Pol-Roux / Tornouel / Omar Khayyam / Mécilas Golberg / Albert Saint-Paul / Valère Gille / Tancrède de Visan / Tristan Klingsor / Henri Delormel / Henri Ghéon / William Morris / Dowson / Robert de Souza / E. de Castro. Bon exemplaire.
Paris, Actualité des Arts Plastiques n° 68, 1986, 19 x 21, 82 pages sous couverture souple illustrée. Iconographie en noir. Diapositives absentes.
Petits défauts d'usage.
.: London, Faber & Faber, 1995 (1st paperback edition), in-8°, 780 pp..
.: London, Studio Vista, 1967, in-4°, 81 pp + 9 ills. h.t. , some coloured, index, bibliography, publisher's cloth with d.w.
(1923) lg. in-8vo, 41 p. (+ 1 blanc), Stamp on cover ‘Geschenk von Prof. Dr. Nussbaum’ (Gift from), wrappers.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
1901 - 1930, lg. in-8vo, all with stamp on covers ‘Geschenk von Prof. Dr. Nussbaum’ (Gifts from), O.-Wrappers
9) Added: Carney, Frank: The climate of Ohio 1912 / 10) Kümmel, Henry B.: Geological section of New Jersey. 1909.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Shakespeare William ; Morris Brian (introduction) ; Lees F. N (notice)
Reference : 113097
Club français du livre 1963 Complet du tome 8. Édition bilingue français-anglais. In-8 reliure éditeur vert. Dos lisse avec pièce de titre dorée. 21,5 cm sur 15. 864 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC.. 1973. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 112 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses planches d'illustrations en noir et blanc. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 745-Arts décoratifs, arts mineurs
Classification Dewey : 745-Arts décoratifs, arts mineurs
1899-1932, lg. in-8vo, all offprints (not complete works !), with legacvy stamp offert by (‘Geschenk von Prof. Dr. Nussbaum’), wrappers.
+ 1 by George Davis Louderback: Basin range structure of the Humboldt region. 1904. offert by the author to Fritz Nussbaum.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
FLETCHER W.Y. - Charles ELTON - Oscar SOMMER - S.T. PRIDEAUX - Gordon DUFF - Alfred POLLARD - Austin DOBSON - Cyril DAVENPORT - William MORRIS a.o. :
Reference : 43347
".: 11. London, Kegan Paul , Trench, Trübner and Company,Limited, 1895- 1897, in-4°, 29 x 19,5 cm, viii pp + 512 pp + 23 plates ; viii pp + 503 pp + 21 plates ; viii pp + 511 pp + 22 plates (complete) ; 12 parts bound in three volumes. Uniformy bound in three halfleather volumes, top edges gilt, original printed wrappers preserved at the end of each volume. Leather shows some traces of use, especially at the joints, with scratches, spine slightly discolored, interior very fine and stainless. A complete run of this important periodical on book history , bookbinding , book trade , bibliography and history of printing. It contains essays written by specialists in these fields ."
Edward Arnold, London Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1928 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full clothes, black spine, dark blue boards, black title-piece In-4 1 vol. - 135 pages
21 texte-figures in black, a plate in frontispiece, photograph of a group in the laboratory in 1896, with Shieds, Sir William Ramsay, Travers, Williams and Kellas 1st edition, 1928 "Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, vii, Text, 128 pages - Chemistry in the early Nineties - A new gas - Elements of compound - An unpublished reply to critics - Helium - Helium and argon, single elements of mixtures - A undiscovered gas - The search for the unknown gas - May and june, 1908 - Krypton and xenon - A difficult problem - Last experiments and Neon - Index - Morris William Travers, FRS (24 January 1872 25 August 1961) was an English chemist who worked with Sir William Ramsay in the discovery of xenon, neon and krypton. His work on several of the rare gases earned him the name Rare gas Travers in scientific circles. He was the founding director of the Indian Institute of Science. - Sir William Ramsay KCB FRS FRSE (2 October 1852 23 July 1916) was a Scottish chemist who discovered the noble gases and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904 ""in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air"" along with his collaborator, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics that same year for their discovery of argon. After the two men identified argon, Ramsay investigated other atmospheric gases. His work in isolating argon, helium, neon, krypton and xenon led to the development of a new section of the periodic table." "ex-library copy, the binding is lightly used, top of the spine-end torn, 2 cms missing of clothes on the bottom of the spine, binding remains clean and rather nice, no dust-jacket, inside is in good condition, but with few library markings and book plate, the text is fine and unmarked, the book is incribed by Morris W. Travers to Chaston Chapman (Alfred Chaston Chapman was a chemist with a specialist interest in fermentation and brewing. He was president of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling from 1911-1913. In 1939 his widow donated to Leeds University Library his collection of books). This item is coming from Leeds University Library, with the stamp ""cancelled"". A very interesting paper on the origins of Rare Gases and Sir William Ramsay"
Leone (Charles A.), ed. - Arthur Cronquist - Ernst Mayr - Robert R. Sokal - Marcel Florkin - Alan A. Boyden - Bradley T. Scheer - William C. Boyd - Hans Laufer - William Glenn and William E. Prather - E.A. Bell and L. Fowden - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner - Tom J. Mabry - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston - Otto Moritz - Richard N. Lester - : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche - Chih H. Wang - Konrad Bloch - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan - G.W. Brown - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves - Charles G. Sibley - Kenneth R. Porter - James L. Wittliff - Morris Goodman - M.R. Irvin - Arthur E. Duve - Frank Dolyak - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn - Wayne Frair - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West - P.H.A. Sneath - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd - Miyoshi Ikawa - C.K. Williamson - Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox - William B. Hebard - Thomas C. Cheng - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum - Bob G. Sanders - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks - Alan A. Boyden - In memoriam Philip Newmark
Reference : 64125
The Ronald Press Company Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full green clothes, no dust-jacket fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 738 pages
few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, x, Text, 728 pages - 1. Principles of systematics : Arthur Cronquist : The old systematics - Ernst Mayr : The new systematics - Robert R. Sokal : The future systematics - 2. Perspectives in molecular taxonomy : Marcel Florkin : Perspectives in comparative biochemistry - Alan A. Boyden : Perspectives in systematic serology - Bradley T. Scheer : The uses of comparative physiology - William C. Boyd : Modern ideas on races, in the light of our knowledge of blood groups and other characters with known mode of inheritance - Hans Laufer : Macromolecular patterns in development and evolution - William Glenn and William E. Prather : The Bio-Courier project : Comparative immunobiological analyses for interplanetary explorations - 3. Taxonomic biochemistry of plants : E.A. Bell and L. Fowden : Studies on amino acid distribution and their possible value in plant classification - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner : Comparative chemistry of Baptisia : Problems of intraspecific hybridization - Tom J. Mabry : The betacyanins, a new class of red-violet pigments, and their phylogenetic significance - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins : Paper chromatographic studies in the aloineae, II. The rigidae and redusae sections of haworthia - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston : Patterns of variation among several kinds of chemical constituents of baptisia leucophaea var. laevicaulis - 4. Taxonomic serology of plants : Otto Moritz : Some special features of serobotanical work - Richard N. Lester : Comparative immunochemistry of the tuber-bearing species of the genus solanum - Comparative serological studies with the families cornaceae (dogwood) and nyssaceae (sour gum) - 5. Comparative biochemistry of animals : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan : Enzyme structure and its relation to taxonomy - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche : Diversity of phosphagens - Chih H. Wang : Comparative glucose catabolism in biological systems - Konrad Bloch : Comparative aspects of lipid metabolism - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger : A comparative study of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in olfactory regions of the brain - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan : The comparatove enzymology of triosephosphate dehydrogenase - G.W. Brown : Urea synthesis in elasmobranchs - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves : Coherence and variation in macromolecular structures in phylogeny - Charles G. Sibley : The characteristics of specific peptides from single proteins as data for classification - Kenneth R. Porter : Chromatographic comparisons of the parotoid gland secretions of six species in the Bufo valliceps group - James L. Wittliff : Venom constituents of Bufo fowleri, Bufo valliceps, and their natural hybrids analyzed by electrophoresis and chromatography - 6. Taxomonic serology of animals : Morris Goodman : Problems of primate systematics attacked by the serological study of proteins - M.R. Irvin : Some aspects of immunogenetics in relation to taxonomic problems - Arthur E. Duve : An immunological comparison of seven species of birds from four orders based on skeletal muscle antigens - Frank Dolyak : Intraspecific variations among chicken plasmas - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano : Serological relations of toad populations of the Lake Michigan area - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn : Quantitative serological correspondence of ungulates by gel diffusion - Wayne Frair : Turtle family relationships as determined by serological tests - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach : Immunochemical analysis of the phylogeny of lens proteins - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West : The serological specificity of hemolymph antigens in various stages of insect development - 7. Molecular taxonomy of microorganisms : P.H.A. Sneath : Comparative biochemical genetics in bacterial taxonomy - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd : Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition in the enterobacteriaceae : An evolutionary sequence ? - Miyoshi Ikawa : Cell-Wall composition in relation to the classification of lactic acid bacteria - C.K. Williamson : Serological classification of viridans streptococci from the respiratory tract of man - 8. Taxonomic electrophoresis of animals : Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox : Electrophoresis in taxonomic studies illustrated by analyses of blood proteins - William B. Hebard : Serum-protein electrophoretic patterns of the amphibia - Thomas C. Cheng : Comparative electophoretic studies on the sera of marine and fresh-water mollusks - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum : An electrophoretic survey of rattlesnake venoms - Bob G. Sanders : Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins of three trout species and the resulting hybrids within the family salmonidae - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks : Serum-protein electrophoresis in mammals : Significance in the higher taxonomic categories - Appendix : Honors presentation to Alan A. Boyden : Professor - In memoriam Philip Newmark - Index no dust-jacket, else fine copy, no markings
1 Relié, cartonnage gris impr. et dos toilé d'édition. In-16°, 14,5 x 10,5 cm, [2]-68pp-[6]. Upper Mall / Hammersmith, Kelmscott Press, 1893. Edition originale
Il s'agit ici du tout premier tirage de l'E.O. (il y en eut trois à 500 ex.), ici avec les fautes typographiques p41 (Gilds) et p45 (Van Eyk), signalées par Forman. Très nombreuses et jolies lettrines dessinées par William Morris dont certaines sont les premières à être dessinées au format '4 lignes' pour cette première publication in-16° de l'artiste ; typographie 'Golden Type' déssinée par William Morris, imprimée en rouge et noire. Ce texte - rédigé à l'occasion d'une lecture prononcée à la New Gallery pour The Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society en 1889 - fut initialement imprimée et proposée à la vente lors de démonstrations publiques au cours de l'exposition d'artisanat de 1893, toujours à la New Gallery ; cette initiative fut l'une des attractions les plus populaires de l'exposition. Bel exemplaire, frais. Très bon état
London, Socialist League Office, 1885. 8vo. Uncut unopened. Very light miscolouring to first and last leaf, otherwise fine and clean. 16 pp.
Second edition, second impression, here expanded with a seventh poem ""Down Among the Dead Men"", of Morris collection of poems to inspire and mobilize people to embrace socialism and fight against the exploitation in capitalist systems. It is considered the first poetic contribution to the modern Socialist Movement and the first edition was described by Buxton Forman as ""one of the rarest Socialist items"". The Socialist League was a British socialist organization founded in 1884 by William Morris and others who were dissatisfied with the direction of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF), the leading socialist organization in Britain at the time. The Socialist League was formed as a breakaway group from the SDF due to internal disagreements about strategy, particularly over parliamentary politics. The League emphasized direct action and sought to build a mass movement of workers to overthrow capitalism. Lemire, The Socialists League Leaflets and Manifestoes, no. 27.
London, Printed at the Chiswick Press, Publ. by Longmans & Co., 1898. 8vo. Orig. clothbacked boards. Clean and fine on good paper. Printed in the ""Golden"" type designed by Morris for the Kelmscott Press.
First edition.
Galison (12/2012)
V&A Publications (9/2015)
Cologne, Dumont, 1985, in-4, br.(GO1A*)
Six pages de préface et seize doubles-pages représentant en couleurs des motifs originaux de William Morris. Texte en allemand.
Pour la Science - Marcel Berger - Walter Tape - William Thurston et Jeffrey Weeks - J. P. Bourguignon, H. B. Lawson et C. Margerin - Bernard Morin et Jean-Pierre Petit - N. Sloane - E. Belaga - Reuben Hersh et Richard Griego - Carl Pomerance - Jean-Yves Girard - François Gramain - Martin Hellman - Daniel Gorenstein - Gregory Chaitin - G. Ruggiu, F. Boussinot, H. Alaiwan et Tran Van Khai - John Hopcroft - Harry Lewis et Christos Papadimitriou - Larry Stockmeyer et Ashok Chandra - Bradley Efron et Carl Morris - Allan Calder
Reference : Cyb-7312
Belin , Bibliothèque Pour la Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1986 Book condition, Etat : Bon relié, cartonnage éditeur blanc, illustré par quatres surfaces minimales In-4 1 vol. - 215 pages
très nombreuses illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc, quelques-unes en couleurs nouvelle édition française, 1986 Contents, Chapitres : Marcel Berger : Préface - 1. Les formes : Walter Tape : La Topologie des mirages - William Thurston et Jeffrey Weeks : Les variétés à trois dimensions - J. P. Bourguignon, H. B. Lawson et C. Margerin : Les surfaces minimales - Bernard Morin et Jean-Pierre Petit : Le retournement de la sphère - N. Sloane : Les empilements de sphères - E. Belaga : La théorie des noeuds - Reuben Hersh et Richard Griego : Le mouvement brownien et la théorie du potentiel - 2. Nombres et structures : Carl Pomerance : La recherche des nombres premiers - Jean-Yves Girard : Une théorie géométrique des ordinaux - François Gramain : Les nombres transcendants - Martin Hellman : Les mathématiques de la cryptographie à clef révélée - Daniel Gorenstein : Le théorème géant - 3. Logique et calcul : Gregory Chaitin : Les suites aléatoires et les démonstrations mathématiques - G. Ruggiu, F. Boussinot, H. Alaiwan et Tran Van Khai : Le calcul parallèle - John Hopcroft : Les machines de Turing - Harry Lewis et Christos Papadimitriou : L'efficacité des algorithmes - Larry Stockmeyer et Ashok Chandra : Les problèmes intraséquement difficiles - Bradley Efron et Carl Morris : Le paradoxe de Stein - Allan Calder : Mathématiques constructives - Index - Auteurs et Bibliographie cartonnage à peine jauni, coins du plat inférieur à peine émoussés, légère petite déchirure sans manque sur le coin inférieur gauche du plat supérieur, sinon en bon état, intérieur propre, papier à peine jauni
American Heritage Publishing Co. - Houghton Mifflin Co. - McGraw-Hill Int. Book Co.. 1975. In-8. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 1550 pages. Illustré de très nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans le texte. Texte sur 2 colonnes. Pages à onglets. Titres dorés sur la couverture (rouge).. . . . Classification Dewey : 423-Dictionnaire anglais
New College Edition. Edited by William Morris. Classification Dewey : 423-Dictionnaire anglais