.: 2. Gent, A. van Wiemeersch, 1969, in-4°, 24 pp., stapled, orig. printed wrapper. First issue of this art periodical with e.g. an article on Roger Raveel in Haarlem , on Ossip Zadkine. Text in Dutch. ( staples corroded).
".: 0. Gent, Albert van Wiemeersch, art periodical, in-4°, stapled issues of 32 pp, bi-monthly.Text in Dutch. AVAILABLE; Year 10(1981) issues 1-6 (complete year). Year 11(1982) issues 1-6 (complete year). Price for the lot."
.: 2. S.l. s.d. (Gent, 1969), in-8°, 19,5 x 13,5 cm, 32 pp, with b/w ills, sewn, orig. wrappers. Publ. as ''Kunstpocket N°3''.