1964 München , Heinz Moos verlag, 1964, deux volumes (24 x 29 cm), 122 pp , 156 pp, très bon état, avec jaquette,illustrée,
Paris, Somogy, 1967. in-4, 260 pages, abondante iconographie couleurs et noir & blanc. Reliure éditeur, jaquette.
- Intérieur très frais, petit accroc au bord extérieur de plat de la jaquette.
(Leipzig, Joh. Ambrosius Barth, 1829) Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von Poggendorff"", Bd. 17, Zehntes Stück. Pp. 193-304. (The entire issue offered). Weber's paper: pp. 193-246. Clean and fine.
First appearance of this pioneer-paper which helped establishing the foundation of the acoustic theory of this group of musical instruments which depends on coupling of the tongue and the air cavity in the instruments. One of the subjects treated was the use of this coupling to maintain constancy of pitch of a pipe under different intensities of blowing, and the possibility that this might provide an improved standard of pitch.
Paris, Aimery Somogy, 1967 in-4, 260 pp., avec de nombreuses illustrations dans le texte, toile grège sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs (reliure de l'éditeur). Jaquette un peu salie.
Unique traduction française de Geschichte der Lithographie von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Munich, 1964). - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Groningen, Wolters 1912 42pp.with some ills., 25cm., original softcover (some use, repaired), few foxing, G, G75992
München, Heinz Moos, 1964, in-4to, 120 S. reich mit Abb. ill., Original-Leinenband mit ill. OU.
Teil.1: Von den Anfängen bis 1900. Teil.2: Von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
AIMERY SOMOGY. 1967. In-4. Relié toile grenée. Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 260 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs, dans le texte et en planches.. . . . Classification Dewey : 763-Lithographies
Préface de Raymond COGNIAT. Classification Dewey : 763-Lithographies
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner 1907, 240x160mm, VI- 288Seiten, broschiert. Guter Zustand.
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Heinz Moos verlag München. Non daté. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 122 + 156 pages augmentées de nombreuses illustrations et reproductions d'oeuvres en noir et blanc et couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en allemand. Jaquette et rhodoïd en bon état.. Avec Jaquette. Sous Emboitage. . Classification Dewey : 0-GENERALITES
Classification Dewey : 0-GENERALITES
P., Somogy, 1967, in 4° relié pleine toile de léditeur, jaquette illustrée en couleurs (fanée), 260 pages ; très importante iconographie, en noir et en couleurs.
PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Somogy, 1967. In-4, 260 pp., cartonnage toile de l'éditeur, jaquette et étui. Avec de très nombreuses reproductions en noir et en couleurs.
".: 4. München, Moos-Verlag, 1961, 2 vols in-4°, 156 pp ; 122 pp, numerous coloured (h.t.) and b/w plates and ills, bibliographies, indexes, publisher's cloth with dustwrappers. Published as Saxa Loquuntur I &II (Steine Reden), dustwrappers with very small traces of use, but good copies. Text in German."
Leipzig, Gerhard Fleischer, 1825. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. XXVIII,574,(2) pp., 18 folded engraved plates and 2 folded tables. A few brownspots to margins upper margins of the first few leaves and some faint scattered brownspots. Printed on good paper.
First edition of this classic in hydrodynamics and giving the first measurement of the velocity of the pulse.""In 1821, assisted by his brother Wilhelm, (then only seventeen years old and preparing for his university entrance examination) Weber began a long physical study of the flow and the progress of waves in fluids, particularly in elastic tubes. In their Wellenlehre (1825) they formulated the basic laws of hydrodynamics and were the first to apply that branch of physics to the circulation of the blood."" (DSB).Garrison & Morton, 766. -
Reference : 47035
(London, Richard and John E. Taylor, 1841). 8vo. No wrappers. In: ""Scientific Memoirs, selected from Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science... Edited by Richard Taylor."", Vol. II, Part I. Pp. 1-140 and 10, mostly large folded lithographed plates. Gauss a. Weber's memoir: pp. 20-97 with 9 plates (The Magnetic Observatory, Göttingen, Plan of the arrangement of instruments, Drawings of the instruments used and Tables of Observation results). ""Much care has been taken to make the plates... faithful copies of the originals. It has been thought necessary to republish the plates"" (note at end of the memoir).
First English edition of the first published papers from the famous ""Des Magnetischen Vereins im Jahre 1836"" for the study of the magnetism of the earth.""Gauss, one of the keenest and most original mathematical thinkers of all time, was joined by Weber for an intensive study of the nature and intensity of the earth's magnetism.. To enlist the observational help of others, they formed a society of international scope and published their observations annually for a dozen years. As part of their work, a telegraph line was erected in 1834 between the iron-free magnetic observatory and astronomical observatory at Göttingen.""(Dibner, Heralds of Science No. 66).""Gauss and Weber organized the Magnetische Verein (The Magnetic Association, mentioned in the title), which united a worldwide network of observatories. Its Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins appeared in six volumes (1836-1841) and included fifteen papers by Gauss, twenty-three by Weber, and the joint Atlas des Erdmagnetismus (1840). These and other publications elsewhere dealt with problems of instrumentation (including one of several inventions of the bifilar magnetometer), reported observations of the horizontal and vertical components of magnetic force, and attempted to explain the observations in mathematical terms.""(DSB).The offered part contains another importent paper by M.H. JACOBI ""Electro-Magnetic Experiments"", pp. 1-19 and 1 plate which is the first English translation of his importent paper ""Expéeriences électromagnétiques,"" in Bulletin de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St. Pétersbourg, 2 (1837), describingone of the first practical electrical motors.
Göttingen, Dieterischen Buchhandlung, 1837. 8vo. Original blue blank boards. Uncut. The first leaves a bit brownspotted. (2),103 pp., 11 tables a. 10 lithographed plates (also showing the magnetic observatory, its equipment and instruments).
First edition of the first volume reporting the results from ""magnetische verein"", which was set up by Gauss and Weber under the inspiration from Humboldt.""Gauss and Weber organized the Magnetische Verein, which united a worldwide network of observatories. Its Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins appeared in six volumes (1836–1841) and included fifteen papers by Gauss, twenty-three by Weber, and the joint Atlas des Erdmagnetismus (1840). These and other publications elsewhere dealt with problems of instrumentation (including one of several inventions of the bifilar magnetometer), reported observations of the horizontal and vertical components of magnetic force, and attempted to explain the observations in mathematical terms."" (DSB).
1903 PADERBORN,Verlag von Ferdinand Schöningh, 1903.in12 reliure demi toile,dos lisse muet,page de couverture,381p.,bon état
Reference : 43497
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1867. Contemp. hcalf, raised bands, gilt spine with gilt lettering. A few scratches to binding. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von Poggendorff"", Bd. 99. (Entire volume offered). (2),X,652 pp. and 4 folded engraved plates. Weber & Kohlrausch's paper:pp. 10-25.
First appearance of this importent paper, the results of which Maxwell later used as a crucial support for his electromagnetical theory of light.""...The velocity of light c were measured by W. Weber and R. Kohlrausch in 1855 (the paper offered). They used an electrometer to determine the charge of a condnsor in electrostatic units, and a ballistic galvanometer to measure the same charge in electrodynamic units. The resulting value for c was in good agreement with that obtained by Fizeau in 1849, and Maxwell accordingly felt entitled to identify light and electromagnetic vibrations. This conclusion recalls Newton's identification of gravity with universal attraction: it was not only because they obeyed the same formal law, but also because both led to the same mathematical results, that Newton saw fit to combine them.""(Taton, Réne in ""History of Sciencein The Nineteenth Century"", p. 163).
GESENIUS, Wilhelm. - BUHL, Dr. Frants. ZIMMERN, Prof. Dr. H. - MÜLLER, Prof. Dr. Max. - WEBER, Dr. O.
Reference : 107492
Leipzig, Verlag von F. C. W. Vogel 1910, 250x175mm, XVII - 1005Seiten, gerestaureerde chagrijnbinding. Rücken eingedrückt, sonst schönes Exemplar.
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AIMERY SOMOGY 1967 Jaquette ternie. Par ailleurs très bon.
Bon état d’occasion
TELL, Guillaume - (Tell, Wilhelm) - WEBER del. - MOTTE, C. lithog.
Reference : 125504aaf
(à Paris) J.P. Quénot direx:, Galerie du Palais Royal (Steube), s.d., vers 1820, 32x36 cm, lithographie en noir, 1 feuille.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Strasbourg, Neuer Strassburger verlag - wasgau bucherei, 1926; in-12, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Très bon état.
Très bon état.
Strasbourg, Neuer Strassburger verlag, 1926; in-12, 266 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Bon état (4 pages avec des pliures).
Bon état (4 pages avec des pliures).
BADERBORN, Ferdinand SCHÖNINGY Verlag, 1894; petit in-12, 382 pp., demi-cuir a coin.