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‎Watteeuw L. , Van der Stock J.‎

Reference : 25797

‎Anjou Bible. A Royal Manuscript Revealed, Naples 1340‎

‎BE, Peeters- Musee, 2010 Bound, hardcover, with dusjacket, Pages: XII-335 p. fine illustrated in colorplates. ISBN 9789042924451.‎

‎The Anjou Bible, now kept in the Theology Faculty's Maurits Sabbe Library of the University of Leuven (Belgium) is a superbly illuminated manuscript created at the Royal Court of Naples in the turbulent fourteenth century. At this time much of Central and Southern Europe was governed by the successful dynasty of Anjou, which continued to expand its territories and encouraged artists and writers like Giotto, Simone Martini, Boccaccio and Petrarch. In 1328, after the death of her father, Joanna of Anjou became the official heir to the prosperous Kingdom of Naples and Sicily. Several years later her grandfather, Robert I, gave Joanna and her young fiance Andrew of Hungary a precious gift, which became known as the Anjou Bible, a manuscript that is priceless from a historical and art-historical point of view. In addition to Bible texts and splendid miniatures, it contains a wealth of historical information about the house of Anjou and the book's origins. One of the artists responsible for the magnificent painting was Cristophorus Orimina, the leading illuminator in Naples, who signed the work. The Anjou Bible has now been carefully conserved and studied: the research findings are brought together in this book. Essays by some of the most noted experts in the field describe how the arts were promoted at the court of Robert I of Anjou and also shed light on the Bible's genesis and on all the research methods and results. This book is richly illustrated and contains all the illuminated folios of the Anjou Bible. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR89.00 (€89.00 )

‎Joris van Grieken, Jan Van der Stock, Maarten Bassens, Lieve Watteeuw e.‎

Reference : 52961

‎BRUEGEL IN ZWART EN WIT Het Complete Grafische Werk‎

‎Brussel, Royal Library of Belgium, / Hannibal, 2019 Hardcover, 300 x 270 mm, 288 pages, Nederlandstalig edition. ISBN 9789463887182.‎

‎Pieter Bruegel de Oude (1525/30-1569) is een van de beroemdste schilders van de Nederlanden. Hij is vooral bekend omwille van zijn schilderijen over het alledaagse boerenleven, maar daarnaast maakte hij ook uitzonderlijk grafisch werk, dat al in de zestiende eeuw internationaal gelauwerd werd. De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgi (KBR) voert al jarenlang onderzoek naar dat minder bekende werk van Bruegel en brengt nu voor het eerst de volledige prentencollectie samen in een tentoonstelling, ter gelegenheid van het Bruegel-jaar. De expo vindt plaats van 15 oktober 2019 tot en met 16 februari 2020 in het Paleis van Karel van Lotharingen in Brussel, dat voor deze gelegenheid opnieuw zijn deuren opent na een lange renovatie. Rond het midden van de zestiende eeuw werd Vlaanderen het internationale productie- en handelscentrum voor grafiek. Samen met zijn uitgever, Hieronymus Cock, speelde Bruegel een sleutelrol in deze bloeiperiode. De tentoonstelling focust op het unieke vakmanschap en de ondernemerskwaliteiten van beide heren en toont aan de hand van verschillende staten en edities het lange maakproces dat grafisch werk ondergaat, van ontwerptekening tot afgewerkte prent. De onderwerpen van Bruegels tekeningen en prenten zijn ontzettend rijk. Steeds weer roept hij imaginaire werelden op, bevolkt door zonderlinge figuren, en verrast hij de kijker met vele uitzonderlijke details. De luxueuze catalogus bij deze unieke tentoonstelling reproduceert de werken op ware grootte en geeft de lezers zo de kans om van heel dichtbij kennis te maken met de beroemde prenten van Bruegel. Gespecialiseerde kunsthistorici, verbonden aan de KU Leuven en de Koninklijke Bibliotheek, geven in vijf essays een boeiend inzicht in de fascinerende wereld van Bruegels grafische werk. Author Maarten Bassens is a curator at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels. Joris Van Grieken Author Joris Van Grieken is a curator at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels. Lieve Watteeuw Author Lieve Watteeuw is head of the Book Heritage Lab at the University of Leuven. Jan Van Der Stock Author Jan Van der Stock is a professor at the University of Leuven.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎van der Stock, C. Reynolds, L. Campbell, L. Watteeuw.‎

Reference : 50393

‎Rogier Van Der Weyden in Context. Proceedings of Symposium XVII, Leuven, November 2009 ‎

‎BE - , Peeters leuven,, 2012 Gebonden, Hardcover.402 Pages, Illustrated. 30x305x221 mm. English. ISBN 9789042926929.‎

‎On 20 September 2009 the new M-Museum Leuven (Belgium) was inaugurated with the opening of the exhibition Rogier van der Weyden 1400-1464 - Master of Passions. The starting point of the exhibition was the work of Rogier van der Weyden himself and the intention was to display and define his individual style and contribution. To demonstrate the significance of his overwhelming influence across artistic media, his own works were brought together with those of his contemporaries and followers: painters, designers, sculptors, tapestry weavers and embroiderers. His significance was reflected in the international Colloquium Rogier van der Weyden in Context, which took place on 22, 23 and 24 October 2009. It was organised by Illuminare - Centre for the Study of Medieval Art (KU Leuven), the Art History Department KU Leuven and Artes.Leuven, in conjunction with the UCL (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Laboratoire d'etude des oeuvres d'art par les methodes scientifiques) and the KIK-IRPA (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Belgium). It was the XVIIth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, yet its scope was extended beyond the technical examination of paintings so that the work of one great genius, Rogier van der Weyden, could be considered in a variety of contexts. The papers in this volume are grouped around the following themes: (i) Rogier van der Weyden, painter and designer; (ii) Archival sources; (iii) Studies in painting; (iv) Studies in underdrawing; (v) Studies in sculpture; (vi) The legacy of Van der Weyden.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎WATTEEUW Lieve - Catharine REYNOLDS ( authors ) - Jan VAN DER STOCK ( editor ) :‎

Reference : 40980

‎Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts Museum Plantin-Moretus , Antwerp.‎

‎.: Leuven, Peeters, 2013, in-4°, 301 pp, colour ills. Publisher's cloth with printed wrapper. Describes 102 manuscripts. Indices. Published in the series '' Corpus of Illuminated manuscripts - Low Countries series 15 '' Volume 20.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎WATTEEUW Lieve - Catharine REYNOLDS ( authors ) - Jan VAN DER STOCK ( editor ) :‎

Reference : 56381

‎Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts Museum Plantin-Moretus , Antwerp.‎

‎.: Leuven, Peeters, 2013, in-4°, 301 pp, colour ills. Publisher's cloth with printed wrapper. Describes 102 manuscripts. Indices. Published in the series '' Corpus of Illuminated manuscripts - Low Countries series 15 '' Volume 20. Mint copy.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )
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