[Richard Jesse Watson] - JESSE WATSON Richard / ROUJOUX Paul De , Texte Français
Reference : 019203
ISBN : 2719215449
Paris Deux Coqs D'or 1993 In Quarto llustrations en couleurs à pleine page et double page de grande qualité . - 32 p. , 650 gr.
Couverture rigide Très Bon État . 1ère Édition
Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff 1988 xiv + 164pp.with [2] portraits, 25cm., in the series "International archives of the history of ideas" vol.117, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, small stamp, VG
David A. Jenkins, Simon Timberlake, Andrew Davidson, Kalla Mal, Peter Marshall, Tim Mighall, Charlotte O?Brien, David N. Smith, Helen Chittock, Robert Masefield, Enid Allison, Anne Crone, Derek Hamilton, Suzi Richer, Jackaline Robertson, Alex Wood, Stephen Davis, Knut Rassmann, Aaron Watson, Richard Bradley, Guillaume Robin,Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Mark Haughton, Marie Louise Stig S rensen, Lise Bender J rgensen, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, Kirsty Lilley, Danny Rosenberg,Bob Davis, Phil Harding, Matt Leivers, Rivka Chasa, Alejandro Garc a-Moreno, Miriam Cubas, Iain Davidson, Diego Garate, In s L pez-D riga, Ana B. Mar n-Arroyo, Miguel ngel Mateo Saura, Jos E. Ortiz, Ana Polo-D az, Joseba Rios-Garaizar, Aixa San Emeterio, Trinidad de Torres, Rachel Wood, Chris Fowler, Rachel J. Crellin, Michelle Gamble, n, Sergio Ripoll, Vicente Bayarri, Francisco J. Mu oz, Ricardo Ortega, Elena Castillo, Jos Latova, Jes s Herrera, David Moreno-Salinas, Ignacio Mart n, Lionel Sims,
Reference : 64850
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021 Softcover, 291 pages, 26 x 20.5 cm. ISBN 0079497x.
?The Dead are Watching Us?: A Landscape Study of Prehistoric Rock-cut Tomb Cemeteries in Ossi, Sardinia, Italy Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, Kirsty Lilley Article Select Between Novelty and Variability: Natufian Hunter-Gatherers (c. 15?11.7 kyr) Proto-Agrotechnology and the Question of Morphometric Variations of the Earliest Sickles Between Novelty and Variability: Natufian Hunter-Gatherers (c. 15?11.7 kyr) Proto-Agrotechnology and the Question of Morphometric Variations of the Earliest Sickles Article Select Hands Stencils in El Castillo Cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain). An Interdisciplinary Study Hands Stencils in El Castillo Cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain). An Interdisciplinary Study Article Select El Ni o Cave (A na, Albacete, Spain): Late Middle Palaeolithic, Rock Art, and Neolithic Occupations from Inland Iberia El Ni o Cave (A na, Albacete, Spain): Late Middle Palaeolithic, Rock Art, and Neolithic Occupations from Inland Iberia Article Select Change and Diversity in Neolithic Mortuary Practices on the Isle of Man Change and Diversity in Neolithic Mortuary Practices on the Isle of Man Select Returning from the Underworld: The West Kennet Palisades in the Avebury Monument Complex Returning from the Underworld: The West Kennet Palisades in the Avebury Monument Complex Article Select Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) Investigation of Engraved Chalk Plaques from the Stonehenge Region Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) Investigation of Engraved Chalk Plaques from the Stonehenge Region Article Select The Pre-Pottery Neolithic Water-well at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Upper Mesopotamia: The Social Contexts of its Construction and Management The Pre-Pottery Neolithic Water-well at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Upper Mesopotamia: The Social Contexts of its Construction and Management Article Select Bronze Age Woollen Textile Production in England: A Consideration of Evidence and Potentials Bronze Age Woollen Textile Production in England: A Consideration of Evidence and Potentials Article Select Beyond Newgrange: Br na B inne in the later Neolithic Beyond Newgrange: Br na B inne in the later Neolithic Article Select A New Study of the Decorated Cists in Kilmartin Glen, Argyll, Scotland A New Study of the Decorated Cists in Kilmartin Glen, Argyll, Scotland Article Select Hot Stone Technology at Bucklers Park, Crowthorne, Berkshire: The Use and Re-use of a Persistent Place During the Bronze and Iron Ages Hot Stone Technology at Bucklers Park, Crowthorne, Berkshire: The Use and Re-use of a Persistent Place During the Bronze and Iron Ages Article Select Copper Mining in the Bronze Age at Mynydd Parys, Anglesey, Wales Copper Mining in the Bronze Age at Mynydd Parys, Anglesey, Wales
Indianapolis, Hackett 1998 xii + 240pp., 23cm., previous owner's name on first page, softcover, VG
Boston, David R. Godine 2002 viii + 375pp.with ills. + frontispice, hardback (cloth), dustwrapper, fine condition, ISBN 1-56792-184-1, F70854
PHEBUS. 1997. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 190 Pages. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
Traduit de l'anglais par J. CHABERT Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
John Coulson. 1997. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 442 à 604. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. Texte sur deux colonnes en anglais. Nombreuses annotations à l'encre sur le second plat. Annotation à l'encre sur la couverture. Fiche de notes manuscrites en supplément.. . . . Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Sommaire : Incubation pattern and foraging effort in the female Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta - Temporal variations in the feeding habits of the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea during the breeding season - Spring habitat use and feeding behaviour of Steller's Eider Polystica stelleri in Varangerfjord northern Norway - Low frequency extra-pair paternity in the Willow tit Parus montanus as revealed by DNA flingerprinting- etc. Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Partitions sur le Pierrot, Colombine et Arlequin Maillochon 1921
Bon état Petit format
Apla4.Complet en 2 volumes . edition delay 1840 Paris, reliure demi chagrin noir, legerement frottee, quelques taches de rousseurs sur les deux livres, photos possibles. La famille Wesley a été rendu célèbre par les deux frères, Jean et Charles, qui ont travaillé ensemble dans la montée du méthodisme dans les îles britanniques au 18e siècle.Ils ont été parmi les dix enfants survivants nés de l'enfance de Samuel Wesley (1662 - 1735), pasteur anglican d'Epworth, Lincolnshire, et Susanna Wesley Annesley, fille de Samuel Annesley, un ministre dissident. Photo possible
frais de port gratuit en France métropolitaine