Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1909. Orig. printed wrappers. No backstrip. In. ""Mathematische Annalen. Hrsg. von Felix Klein, Walther v. Dyck, David Hilbert, Otto Rosenthal"", 67. Bd., 3. Heft. Pp. 281-432 (=3. Heft). Hilbert's paper: pp. 281-300.
First printing of a groundbreaking work in Number Theory. Edward Waring (1734-98) stated, in his ""Meditationes Algebraicae"" (1770), the theorem known now as ""Waring's Theorem"", that every integer is either a cube or the sum of at most nine cubes"" also every integer is either a fourth power of the sum of at most 19 fourth powers. He conjectured also that every positive integer can be expressed as the sum of at most r kth powers, the r depending on k. These theoremes were not proven by him, but by David Hilbert in the paper offered.Hilbert proves that for every integer n, there exists an integer m such that every integer is the sum of m nth powers. This expands upon the hypotheis of Edward Waring that each positive integer is a sum of 9 cubes (n=3, m=9) and of 19 fourth powers (n= 4, m=19).This issue also contains F. Hausdorff's ""Zur Hilbertschen Lösung des Waringschen Problems"", pp. 301-305.(Se Kline p. 609).
Teach Yourself (5/2016)
Cantabrigiae, Archdeacon, 1772, un volume in 4 relié en demi-soie noire (reliure moderne), (titre monté sur onglet, restaurations aux planches et renforcées, petits trous de vers dans la marge de quelques feuillets, quelques rousseurs), (2), 11pp., 123pp., 7 planches dépliantes
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "WARING published Proprietatis algebraicarum curvarum in 1772 and Meditationes analyticae in 1776... These works contain many new results". (Cajori p. 248) ---- WARING received the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1784". (DSB XIV pp. 179/180)**5260/
Partitions sur la Seconde guerre mondiale,Partitions sur les États-Unis,Partitions sur l'Aviation Words and Music 1942
Etat moyen Format Américain Piano
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 10 pp. et 8 pp. de prix en feuillets séparés. Broché, illustrations en couleur. Bel état.
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 8 pp. et 4 pp. de prix en feuillets séparés. Broché, illustrations en noir et blanc. Bel état.
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 16 pp. et 8 pp. de prix en feuillets séparés. Broché, illustrations en noir et blanc. Bel état.
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 10 pp. Broché, illustrations en noir et blanc. Bel état.
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 15 pp. Broché, illustrations en noir et blanc. Bel état.
Waring & Gillow, London, sans date. 31 x 23 cm, 18 pp. Broché, illustrations en noir et blanc. Bel état.
Antwerpen , De Vries , Gebonden, 32pp. ISBN 9789059272293.
Kakelkipje heeft altijd honger. Ze eet maar door en wordt almaal dikker. Bovenop de heuvel zit een vos. Hij wacht tot Kakelkip nog dikker wordt. Maar opeens kan hij het niet meer uithouden... Een verhaal met een onverwachte draai. Nieuw.
Le chant du monde. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 1 disque 45t - pochette ouvrnate illustrée en couleurs, coins frottés - 4 pages de texte. . . . Classification : 420-45 Tours
100 104 // Le matou revient - Combien - Les grenouilles - Jean-Petit / Avec les enfants du plateau des clochettes à la maison de l'enfance de St Fons / illustrations H. Galeron Classification : 420-45 Tours
Editions du Rocher 1990 270 pages in8. 1990. Broché. 270 pages. Coins légèrement usagés Intérieur très bon
Très Bon Etat
Couverture souple. Broché. 479 pages.
Livre. Traduit de l'anglais par Colette-Marie Huet. Editions Albin Michel, 1970.
Assisted by a committee appointed for the purpose. W.H. Allen & Co., London, 1868. In-8 p. (mm. 211x130), tela coeva, titolo oro al dorso, pp. XVI,502,(4). Contiene: Preface - List of medical officers, and others in India, who have furnished reports - List of articles officinal in the pharmacopoeia of India, not contained in the British Pharmacopoeia - Vegetable materia medica - Products of fermentation and distillation - Animal materia medica - Inorganic materia medica - Articles and solutions employed in chemical testing - Classified catalogue of drugs derived from the organic kingdom: indicating those which are more or less analogous to articles officinal in the British Pharmacopoeia, and for which they may be employed as substitues - Appendix - Index. Timbro e firma di appartenenza privata; cerniere interne leggermente allentate, ma complessivamente esemplare ben conservato.
Le Ballon 2015 12 pages 13x17x3cm. 2015. Relié. 12 pages.
Bon état
London, Printed for Baldwin Cradock and Joy, (R. Cottle, Printer, Basinstoke), 1819, in-8vo, VI + 310 p., spine rebound in brown half calf with the original marbled boards, 5 raised bands with title and some gilt tools. Flyleaves renewed. A fine copy.
First Edition. The Author’s tour of Switzerland in 1818 included an excursion from Geneva to Chamouni and to the Convent of St. Bernard, a journey to the glaciers, to Berne, the Valais, a passage of the Simplon and from the Simplon to Milan. He also visited Lausanne, Fribourg, Bulle and Vevey, and his descriptions are vivid. His added extracts are from Coxe’s travels, Ebel’s guide, de Luc, Bourrit and Mallet’s works. Wäber (1898) p. 58; de Beer: Travellers in Switzerland, p.147 (travels made in 1817 and 1818; Not in Perret.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, Printed for Baldwin Cradock and Joy, (R. Cottle, Printer, Basinstoke), 1819, in-8vo, V + 1 p. + 309 p. + 1 p. (errata), exlibris with coat of armes with devise: ,Timor dei Nobilitas’ (The Lemprière Family Crest) / Exlibris: Peter E. Obergfell, bound in half calf with the original marbled boards, 4 raised bands with red titlepiece and some gilt tools. A fine copy.
First Edition. The Author’s tour of Switzerland in 1818 included an excursion from Geneva to Chamouni and to the Convent of St. Bernard, a journey to the glaciers, to Berne, the Valais, a passage of the Simplon and from the Simplon to Milan. He also visited Lausanne, Fribourg, Bulle and Vevey, and his descriptions are vivid. His added extracts are from Coxe’s travels, Ebel’s guide, de Luc, Bourrit and Mallet’s works. Wäber (1898) p. 58; de Beer: Travellers in Switzerland, p.147 (travels made in 1817 and 1818; Perret 4523-A.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
France loisirs 1983 in8. 1983. Relié jaquette. 285 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
2003 432 p., paperbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.
Le Ballon 2015 12 pages 13x17x3cm. 2015. Relié. 12 pages.
Bon état
.: Bruxelles, Henri Samuel, 1855, in-8°, 52 pp, orig.printed blue wrapper, sewn. Mint copy.
Succès du livre éditions 1998 in8. 1998. Relié.
French édition -Légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état d'ensemble. - Envoi rapide et soigné dans une enveloppe à bulle depuis la France
Le Ballon 2016 12 pages 17x13x3cm. 2016. Broché. 12 pages.
French édition. Le livre qui n'a jamais été lu présente des marques de stockage sur la tranche et/ou les pourtours mais reste en très bon état d'ensemble. Expédié soigneusement dans un emballage adapté depuis la France