".: Londn ( sic London ) , printed for Alex. Hogg, N° 16 Paternoster-Row, s.d. (ca. 1780), in-folio, engraved frontispiece (Hamilton) + title + (2)(preface) + folding map of England and Wales + pp (7)-520 pp + (4)(index) + (4)(list of subscribers) + 65 full page engraved plates ; 38 with a double view, 4 with a triple view, 20 with a single view, 2 with a double map, 1 with a triple portrait. In all the book contains 67 plates (folding map and frontispiece included). According the directions for the binder printed at page 520 the book should contain only 60 plates. Other (later ?) editions seem to contain maps for all the counties described. There are only 4 county maps present here. Modern half leather binding, bookblock untouched, some slight browning at some quires but not the plates which were obviously printed on better quality paper. Still a nice copy in a fine modern half leather binding."