P., Durand, 1753, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en plein veau,dos ornés de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliures de l'époque), (un coin très légèrement émoussé), T.1 : 47pp., 589pp. (mal chiffrée 569), 2pp., T.2 : (1), 284pp., 256pp., (2), 4 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE du traité de MINERALOGIE et de l'HYDROLOGIE de WALLERIUS, traduites de l'allemand par le Baron D'HOLBACH ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Wallerius's Mineralogy, his first great work, was received as an outstanding handbook of contemporary knowledge ; never before had such a wealth of minerals been presented to systematically. Wallerius'clear and precise descriptions, which gave more weight to essential chemical properties than to exterior appearance, opened a new epoch in mineralogy. The book became widely known in Europe and served as a model for later works. In Hydrologia, Wallerius tried to classify different kinds of water.". (DSB XIV pp. 144/145) ---- Cole N° 1334 & Hoover collection N° 862 : "The first rational classification of minerals summarizing existing mineral knowledge using a system based on chemical composition as well as external characteristics. His approach issued a new epoch. The french translation by Baron d'Holbach, with some assistance by Bernard de Jussieu and G.F. Rouelle, was made from the german translation which Wallerius said was preferable to the swedish. Added is the Hydrologie which appeared first in swedish. The Hydrologie gives a methodical classification of waters on the basis of their properties and chemical analyses" ---- Partington III**7915/
Paris, Durand, Pissot, 1753.
Première édition française. Traduction du baron d'Holbach. Illustré par 4 planches dépliantes hors-texte. Le tome 2 contient un recueil d'hydrologie qui a pour titre: - Hydrologie ou description du règne aquatique, divisée par classes, genres, espèces et variétés, avec la manière de faire l'essai des eaux. "The first rational classification of minerals, summarizing existing mineral knowledge using a system based on chemical composition as well as external characteristics." Cole 1334. Johan Gottschalk Wallerius (1709-1785), "his research led to "Mineralogia eller Mineralriket" (1747), his first great work, (...), became widely known in Europe through translations into german, french, russian, and (later) latin, and served as a model for later works." Le feuillet A qui suit le titre du tome 2 est en double, en deux tirages différents. Très petit travail de vers au fond du dernier cahier, une coiffe habilement restaurée. Bon exemplaire. DSB 14, 144./// 2 volumes in-8 de XLVII, (1), 589, (7) / (4), 284, 256 pp., 4 planches dépliantes hors-texte. Veau marbré, dos à nerfs orné, filets d'encadrement sur les plats, tranches rouges. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// First french edition, translation by d'Holbach. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET