Berlin, Springer, 1923. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 17, 1923. Library stamp to title page, otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 398-408. [Entire volume offered: IV, 424 pp.].
First printing of the complete and accurate Debye-Waller factor. Peter Debye introduced the concept in 1913 but it was not untill Waller in 1923 with the present publication gave the complete fully usefull Debye-Waller factor.The Debye-Waller factor is the ratio of the coherent scattering or absorption cross section of a photon or electron by particles bound in a complex system to the value for the same process on an analgous free particle. It is often interpreted also as the probability of the coherent process, normalized to unity, with the difference between unity and the Debye Waller factor interpreted as the probability of incoherent processes.