Zürich, Neulandverlag, (ca. 1940). 4°. (18) S. Mit zahlreichen (dv. viele farb. u. ganzs.) Illustr. von Gobi Walder. Farb. illustr. Orig.-Heft (mit kl. Gebrauchsspuren).
Durchgehend leicht gebräunt u. vereinzelt minim fingerfleckig.
Collectif - Willy Wottreng, Urs Walder (phot.), Pascal Thurre:
Reference : 765
Carouge, éditions Heuwinkel, 1995. In-4, cartonnage imprimé sous jaquette illustrée d'une pièce de monnaie, bien entendu. Jaquette un peu défraîchie, pour le reste en belle condition.
Illustré de photographies en noir de Urs Walder. Avec le concours de Pascal Thurre, au nom des "Amis de Farinet".
Collectif - Willy Wottreng, Urs Walder (phot.), Pascal Thurre:
Reference : 14055
Carouge, éditions Heuwinkel, 1995. In-4, cartonnage imprimé sous jaquette illustrée d'une pièce de monnaie, bien entendu. Jaquette très légèrement défraîchie, pour le reste en belle condition.
Illustré de photographies en noir de Urs Walder. Avec le concours de Pascal Thurre, au nom des "Amis de Farinet".
Zürich, Neue Bücher A.-G., o. J. (1935). 4°. (10) Bl. mit 8 ganzs. Farbillustr. von Kath. Barth. Orig.-Halbleinen mit farbiger Deckelillustr.
Innengelenke verstärkt, 2 Randeinrisse, Papier leicht gebräunt.
Zürich, Neulandverlag, 1931. Gr.-8°. 8 Bl. Mit farb. Illustr. von Tamara Ramsay.
Bindung gelockert. Broschur fleckig und berieben.
London Octopus books, coll. "All colour book of" 1973 1 vol. relié in-4 (295 x 220 mm), cartonnage sous jaquette illustré de l'éditeur, 70 pp., nombreuses reproductions en couleurs. Très bon état.
Gallimard 1958 (retirage de 1980), in-12 broché, 202 p. (plats de couverture un peu défraîchis, sinon bon état) Deux gentilshommes catholiques sont aux prises avec deux de leurs homologues protestants en vue de signer la paix de Saint-Germain, en 1570 ; un classique sur l'art de la négociation, récompensé par le prix Goncourt.
Zürich, Schulthess 1896. 8°. VIII, 179 S. Mit 7 landschaftlichen Ansichten in Holzschnitt. Neuer Leinwandband mit gedrucktem Rückentitel.
Barth 20385. - Erste Ausgabe. - Meist alpinistische Impressionen: Im Unterengadin - Das Scarltal - Val Sinestra und Fimberpass - Das Uinathal - Piz Lischanna und Muttler - Vereina - Der Falknis - Auf den Naafkopf - Die Dreischwestern - Das Saminathal - Der Kührgratspitz u.a.
Gallimard 1996 186 pages poche. 1996. broche. 186 pages.
Très bon état
Zürich, Bally Arola Service, [1950]. In-8, pleine toile titrée. Auréole au premier plat, pour le reste en belle condition.
Marianne Cardale de Schrimpff, Warwick Bray, Theres Gähwiler-Walder, Leonor Herrera
Reference : lc_27440
Payot-Lausanne (1 janvier 1991)
In-4 cartonné, jaquette illustrée, nombreuses illustrations, comme neuf outre de minimes traces manuscrites sur page de garde
Zürich, Druck u. Verlag v. F. Schulthess, 1896, in-8°, XII + 260 S., mit 7 landschaftlichen Ansichten in Holzschnitt, Hln. (Bibl.).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Wien 1933 Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag Hardcover
Imago Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Psychologie, Ihre Grenzgebiete und Anwendungen band XIX 1933 The name goes back to Carl Spitteler's autobiographical novel Imago, published in 1906. By publishing the magazine, Freud wanted to establish psychoanalysis as a way of seeing and thinking that also plays a role outside of medicine in understanding culture and society and in the arts. The magazine achieved this goal through both the choice of topics and the selection of authors. In addition to doctors, psychologists and lay analysts, these also included theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, cultural scientists and writers.[3] The magazine was aimed at both specialist audiences and interested laypeople and became the publisher's most successful medium until the publisher was dissolved due to the influence of the National Socialists. The magazine was continued in 1939 by Hanns Sachs and with the collaboration of Anna Freud in the USA under the name American Imago and by merging it with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is still published quarterly today.[4] The changing subtitles show the shift in the focus or interest of the editors: the years up to 1926 had the addition of Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Humanities, and from 1927 to 1932 the subtitle was: Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Natural and Natural Sciences Humanities and, from 1933, journal for psychoanalytic psychology, its border areas and applications. From 1933 onwards there was a section of literature reviews in which, in addition to psychoanalytic specialist literature, a wide range of works from the border areas were also included. In addition to the three editors themselves, the international authors included Karl Abraham, Alice and Michael, Willy Bardas, Marie Bonaparte, Max Deri, Helene Deutsch, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Fenichel, Eduard Hitschmann, Hermine Hug-Hellmuth, Ernest Jones, Ernst Kris, René Laforgue, Thomas Mann, Oskar Pfister, Hans Prinzhorn, Theodor Reik, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Herbert Silberer, Sabina Spielrein, René Spitz, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham, Nelly Wolffheim, Hans Zulliger and Stefan Zweig. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 24,5 x 18 cm,544 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
Wien 1934 Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag Hardcover
Imago Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Psychologie, Ihre Grenzgebiete und Anwendungen band XX 1934 The name goes back to Carl Spitteler's autobiographical novel Imago, published in 1906. By publishing the magazine, Freud wanted to establish psychoanalysis as a way of seeing and thinking that also plays a role outside of medicine in understanding culture and society and in the arts. The magazine achieved this goal through both the choice of topics and the selection of authors. In addition to doctors, psychologists and lay analysts, these also included theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, cultural scientists and writers.[3] The magazine was aimed at both specialist audiences and interested laypeople and became the publisher's most successful medium until the publisher was dissolved due to the influence of the National Socialists. The magazine was continued in 1939 by Hanns Sachs and with the collaboration of Anna Freud in the USA under the name American Imago and by merging it with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is still published quarterly today.[4] The changing subtitles show the shift in the focus or interest of the editors: the years up to 1926 had the addition of Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Humanities, and from 1927 to 1932 the subtitle was: Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Natural and Natural Sciences Humanities and, from 1933, journal for psychoanalytic psychology, its border areas and applications. From 1933 onwards there was a section of literature reviews in which, in addition to psychoanalytic specialist literature, a wide range of works from the border areas were also included. In addition to the three editors themselves, the international authors included Karl Abraham, Alice and Michael, Willy Bardas, Marie Bonaparte, Max Deri, Helene Deutsch, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Fenichel, Eduard Hitschmann, Hermine Hug-Hellmuth, Ernest Jones, Ernst Kris, René Laforgue, Thomas Mann, Oskar Pfister, Hans Prinzhorn, Theodor Reik, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Herbert Silberer, Sabina Spielrein, René Spitz, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham, Nelly Wolffheim, Hans Zulliger and Stefan Zweig. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 24,5 x 18 cm,507 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set
Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92
s.l., s.d. [1960's?] 42pp., 33cm., blind wrappers, few (useful) annotations, rare, [pro manuscripto, stenciled]
Couverture souple imprimée. Non coupé et non rogné.
Paris Gallimard. 1962 178 pp. In-12. Broché. Très bel état. 1 volume. ÉDITION ORIGINALE. Un des 25 exemplaires numérotés sur vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navare, seul grand papier.
Paris, Gallimard, 1959. in-12 broché.
Bel exemplaire, complet du bandeau "Prix Goncourt 1958". [P-50]
Paris Gallimard 1958 Un volume in-8 broché, couverture blanche, 202 pages. Bon état.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
Gallimard 1962 In-12 broché 18,5 cm sur 12. 178 pages. Couverture gauchie et poussiéreuse. page de faux-titre découpée. petit accrocs en pied de couv. Bon état d’occasion.
Service de Presse. Bon état d’occasion
Stans, Historischer Verien Niedwalden 1994, 230x160mm, X - 261Seiten, illustriert, Verlegereinband. Mit Widmung. Sehr schönes Exemplar.
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Novacarta. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 55 pages augmentées de nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 843.0692-Livres d'enfants
Classification Dewey : 843.0692-Livres d'enfants