Reference : 48208
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1900. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 130, No 13. Titlepage to tome 130 a. pp. (809-) 864. (Entire issue offered). De Vries paper: pp. 845-847. Rather poor paperquality, fragile. Small nicks to margins of titlepage.
First appearance of a milestone paper in genetics being the ""REDISCOVERY"" OF MENDEL'S LAWS OF HEREDITY"" - This paper, together with the two other papers from the same year by Carl Correns and Erich Tschermak, laid the foundations of a new scientific discipline that, in 1906, was given the name ""genetics"", and less than a century later, rose to become the leading science in Western society. This French announcement was published 4 days before his longer paper ""Das Spaltungsgesetzt der Hybride"", in which Mendel is mentioned.De Vries completed most of his hybridization experiments without knowing about Mendel's work. Based on his own results, de Vries drew the same conclusions as Mendel. De Vries published his work in 1900, first in French then in German. In the French report there was no mention of Mendel, but this was amended by de Vries in the German paper. It is possible that de Vries read Mendel's paper before he published his own, and included Mendel's name in the later printing when he realized that other people also knew about Mendel's work. De Vries may have thought that his own conclusions were superior to Mendel's. ""During the 1880s, de Vries became interested in heredity. In 1889 he published Intracellular Pangenesis, in which he critically reviewed previous research on inheritance and advanced the theory that elements in the nucleus, ‘pangenes’, determine hereditary traits. To investigate his theories, he began breeding plants in 1892 and by 1896 had obtained clear evidence for the segregation of characters in the offspring of crosses in 3:1 ratios. He delayed publishing these results, proposing to include them in a larger book, but in 1900 he came across the work of Gregor Mendel, published 34 years earlier, and announced his own findings. This stimulated both Karl Correns and Erich von Tschermak-Seysenegg to publish their essentially similar observations."" (Oxford Dictionary of Scientists).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1900 B. - PMM 356 (the note).
Paris, Alcan, 1909. 4 feuillets. VIII. 548 pages. (22x14 Cm) Percaline de l'éditeur. Coins et coiffes légèrement émoussés. Charnières un peu frottées. Edition Française de ces textes du botaniste hollandais Hugo de Vries sur les mutations des espèces. De Vries, qui avait redécouvert et confirmé les lois de Mendel, fut le premier à observer des variations brusques de certains caractères héréditaires dans les espèces, qu'il appela "mutations". Cette découverte est la clé de voûte de la théorie de l'évolution. Cette édition française est accompagnée d'un texte de présentation de De Vries écrit à cette occasion. Papier bruni et quelques rousseurs. Catalogues de libraire à la fin de l'ouvrage.
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. hcloth. Gilt lettering to spines. XII,648;""XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- """"De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's """"Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""""(DSB).""""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of """"mutations"""" or discontinous change in the character of species.""""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf, spines gilt and with gilt lettering. Spines slightly rubbed. XII,648;""XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- """"De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's """"Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""""(DSB).""""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of """"mutations"""" or discontinous change in the character of species.""""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 fine contemp. hcalf. Raised bands, gilt spines and with gilt lettering. A few minor scratches. A name cut from front free endpaper. XII,648;""XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- """"De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's """"Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""""(DSB).""""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of """"mutations"""" or discontinous change in the character of species.""""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
P., Alcan, 1909, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur (dos légèrement passé), (2), 8pp., 548pp.
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- 28 Conférences données par Hugo De Vries à l'Université de Berkeley aux Etats-Unis ---- "De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importance of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of "mutations" or discontinuous change in the character of species". (Horblit) ---- DSB XIV pp. 95/105 ---- Théorie de l'évolution et méthodes de recherches - Espèces élémentaires dans la nature - Espèces élémentaires de plantes cultivées - Sélection d'espèces élémentaires - Caractères des variétés régressives - Stabilité et atavisme réel - Caractères latents - Croisement d'espèces et de variétés - Lois des croisements bisexuels ou loi de Mendel - Monstruosités - Production de fleurs doubles - Les mutations horticoles - L'hypothèse des mutations périodiques - Inconstance des races améliorées - Sélection artificielle et sélection naturelle - etc**5239/A4-CART.12
Chicago & London, The Open Court Publishing & Kegan, Trench, Trubner, 1907; un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur (petit accroc sans gravité à la partie inférieure du dos), 13pp., (1), 360pp., 114 figures dans le texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- De Vries' 1906 lectures in Berkeley ---- "De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importance of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of mutations or discontinuous change in the character of species". (Horblit) ---- "In his 1906 lectures in Berkeley, De Vries topic was the application of his doctrines to agricultural and horticultural practice. These lectures were published in Plant-breeding (1907)". (DSB XIV p. 100) ---- Evolution and mutation - The discovery of the elementary species of agricultural plants by Hjalmar Nilsson - On corn-breeding - The production of horticultural novelties by Luther Burbank - The association of caracters in plant-beeding - The geographical distribution of plants**5240/A4
La Haye, Nijhoff, 1871. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers. Frontwrapper frayed at edges and with some nicks. In ""Archives Néerlandaises des Science Exactes et Naturelles."", Tome 6. II,VIII,483,(1) pp. a. 10 lithographed plates, some in colour. De Vries' paper: pp. 117-126. Internally clean and fine, partly unopened.
First appearance of this importent paper on osmosis, in which De Vries gave the name of 'PLASMOLYSIS"" to a chemical concentration of the cytoplasm and linked it with the increased osmotic pressure outside the cell. he also introduces the concept ""isotronic"", denoting the ration of concentrations, the 'isotronic coefficient'.""In 1871 he was studying the changes induced in fragments of beetroot immersed in various solutions. The sugar and the cytoplasmic pigment never entered the bath. In contrast, if the concentration of cane sugar or sodium chloride in the external liquid were raised, the cytoplasm contracted, returning to its normal volume when exposed to pure ayer. The impermeability of the cell wall to cane sugar and sodium chloride and the ready passage of water through it was thus established. De Vries gave the name of plasmolysis to this concentration..""
Leipzig, Von Veit, 1901/1903, 2 VOLUMES grand in 8 (24,5 cm x 18 cm) reliés en demi-toile verte à coins, dos ornés de filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), T.1 : 12pp., 648pp., 8 planches en couleurs, T.2 : 14pp., 752pp., 4 planches en couleurs
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- DIBNER N° 36 : "De Vries contributed the theory that in individuals, hereditary characters may combine or vary independently of one another. Thus, even though independent variations appear in individuals as Darwin's theory demanded, species in nature remain constant. Studying the evening primrose, he recognized the sudden appearance of a new species. A true and measurable mutation was observed" ---- HORBLIT 73b : "De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importance of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of "mutations" or discontinuous change in the character of species" ---- GARRISON N° 240 - Norman N° 2169 - Heirs of Hippocrates N° 2111 - Honeyman N° 3082 - DSB XIV**5237/A6AR
Berlin, Borntraeger, 1913, un volume in 8 relié en demi-soie bleue marine, dos orné de fers et filets dorés, étiquette de titre rouge (reliure postérieure), 8pp., 365pp., 121 figures dans le texte, 22 PLANCHES EN COULEURS
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "A CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF HEREDITY". (DSB) ---- "De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importance of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of mutations or discontinuous change in the character of species". (Horblit) ---- "Next to the drosophila experiments, De Vries' work with Oenothera has contributed most to the theory of heredity". (DSB XIV)**5238/A5AR
Leipzig, Wilh. Hirsemann, 1877. Cont. leatherbacked boards. VI,120 pp. A few brownspots at end.
First edition of one of the earliest works on ""osmosis"" in plantcells. - ""The connection between the osmotic properties of plant cells and semi-permeability..of the protoplasm was elucidated in principle by Pfeffer and de Vries in 1877, who both recognized the function of the plasmalemma in the control of entry of solutes into the cell."" (A.G. Morton).
Chicago, London, Open Court Publ. Company, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1905. Orig. full cloth. Titlelabel in leather with gilt lettering. A few faint spots to frontcover. XVIII,847 pp.´+ Publisher's Cat. (6) pp. Clean and fine.
First edition of the English version of De Vries "" Theory of mutation"" given as 28 lectures at the University of California in 1904. ""A perusal of the Lectures will show that the subject matter of ""Die Mutationstheorie"" (this work was translated in full into English in 1909-10) has been presented in a somewhat condensed form, and that the time which has elapsed since the original was prepared has given the oppurtunity for the acquisition of additional facts, and a re-examination of some of the more importent conclusions with the result that a notable gain has been made in the treatment of some complicated problems."" (Editors Foreword). - ""New experiments and observations have been added, and a wider choice of the material offered by the more recent current literature has been made in the interest of a clear representation of the leading ideas...""(Author's Preface).
1909 viii, 548, 15 p., publisher's decorated cloth (spine with some wear). Small hole punched in lower end front cover. Ex libraries P. Guérin & G. Bernardi (with their stamps).
S.l., s.e., 1889 ; 156 x 238 mm, 6 pp., double-feuille et feuille collées. Tiré à part, en langue allemande. Den Berichten der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellsschaft. Jahrgang 1889, Band VII, Heft 7 (Separatabdruck aus). État moyen.
Berlin, Paul Parey, 1908. V, 303 S. Orig.-Leinenband.
Mit Exlibris und Blindprägestempel. Der vordere fliegende Vorsatz fehlt. Zu Beginn über 4 Blatt mit Einriss. Einband bestossen.
Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1901, 1903. Bound in one nice contemp. hcloth. Spine gilt. 64 pp. a. 8 textillustr. + 62 pp.
First edition of both lectures. In the first lecture he explains his theory of mutation as he published it in ""Die Mutationstheorie"" 1901. In the second lecture he develops further his theory of fertilization and crossfertilization. - Garrison & Morton: 241 (the 1903 lecture).
[Hugo de VRIES] - BLARINGHEM (Louis) - BERTRAND (P.) - GUERIN (P.) - STOMPS (Th. J.).-
Reference : 59696
P., Masson, 1937, in 8° broché, 95 pages.
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