Vladimir P Tolstikov, Michail Yu. Treister
Reference : 62695
ISBN : 0810933942
Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1996 In-4 relié 28,7 cm sur 25,1. 239 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
, ABRAMS 1996, 1996 Hardcover, 239 pages, English, 290 x 250 mm, very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, , Fine copy. ISBN 9780810933941.
This is a complete catalog of the 259 golden artifacts excavated by Heinrich Schliemann when he identified the site of Troy in the late 19h century. Once housed in the Berlin Museum, this fabulous treasure was taken by the Soviets when they reached Berlin in 1945, and eventually consigned to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. The text contains a biography of Schliemann, the history of the archaeological dig, and a historic and descriptive commentary on each object, including finely wrought golden bowls, jewelry, figurines, hammer-axes, and crystal lenses. Introduction by Irina Antonova. Translated from the Russian by Christina Sever and Mila Bonnichsen.