55 books for « vladimir obruchev »Edit

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‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albd122e4622f744e9c

‎Obruchev V.A. From Kyakhta to Kuldzhi. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev‎

‎Obruchev V.A. From Kyakhta to Kuldzhi. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev . Journey to Central Asia and China. Moscow-Leningrad Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1940 234 p. SKUalbd122e4622f744e9c.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albcb185ea6900d48ef

‎Obruchev V. Fundamentals of geology In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.‎

‎Obruchev V. Fundamentals of geology In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. . State Geolizdat 1944. 460 p. SKUalbcb185ea6900d48ef.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb6041a32d587e1761

‎Obruchev V.A. Sannikovs Land. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.A. Ze‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Sannikovs Land. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.A. Ze. Series: BPiNSF. M. Childrens Literature. 1982. 304 p. SKUalb6041a32d587e1761.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb60952509e4d29622

‎Obruchev V.A. Ore deposits. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.A. Rudnye‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Ore deposits. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.A. Rudnye. Part I (general). As a manuscript. M. Publication of the Moscow Mining Academy. 1928. 143 p. SKUalb60952509e4d29622.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb554c513811378b19

‎Obruchev V.A. Works in three volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Works in three volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. Great Library of Adventure and Science Fiction. M. Terra 1995 352s. SKUalb554c513811378b19.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albd86737b334db84b2

‎Obruchev V. Gold diggers in the desert. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev‎

‎Obruchev V. Gold diggers in the desert. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev. M. 1949g. 244chu. SKUalbd86737b334db84b2.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb6e005dc99913389d

‎Obruchev V. A. Central Asia Northern China and Nan Shan. Report on the journey‎

‎Obruchev V. A. Central Asia Northern China and Nan Shan. Report on the journey undertaken on behalf of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society in 1892-94. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. A. Tsentral'naya Aziya Severnyy Kitay i Nan'-Shan'. Otchet o puteshestvii sovershennom po porucheniyu Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva v 1892-94 godakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Volume I. Travel diaries concerning Eastern Mongolia Zhi-li Shan-xi Shen-xi Ordos Alashan and Eastern Nan-Shan provinces. Edition of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. St. Petersburg. Printing by M.M. Stasyulevich. 1900 XXXVIII 632 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb6e005dc99913389d‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR2,099.00 (€2,099.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albf5939e000bca3b3c

‎Obruchev V. A. History of geological research in Siberia. In four books three b‎

‎Obruchev V. A. History of geological research in Siberia. In four books three bindings In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. A. Istoriya geologicheskogo issledovaniya Sibiri. V chetyrekh knigakh v trekh perepletakh Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Book 1: Period one embracing the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Gmelin Pallas Georgi). Book 2: Period two (1801-1850) (Helmersen Hoffman Middendorf Chikhachev Shchurovsky Erman). Book 3: Period three (1851-1888) (Kropotkin Maak Meglitsky Chekanov Leningrad Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1933-1939 We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf5939e000bca3b3c‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,699.00 (€1,699.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albdf935e46dcfbec0e

‎Obruchev V. A. Geological map of Lena gold-bearing area. Description of sheets V‎

‎Obruchev V. A. Geological map of Lena gold-bearing area. Description of sheets VI-1 and VI-2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. A. Geologicheskaya karta Lenskogo zolotonosnogo rayona. Opisanie listov VI-1 i VI-2 Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Leningrad: Publishing House Geol. com. 1929. 171 1 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbdf935e46dcfbec0e‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,499.00 (€1,499.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb708dd9013b7d1e73

‎Obruchev V.A. History of geological research in Siberia. Vol. III (period 1851-1‎

‎Obruchev V.A. History of geological research in Siberia. Vol. III (period 1851-1888) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V.A. Istoriya geologicheskogo issledovaniya Sibiri. Vyp.III (period 1851-1888gg.) L. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1934. 354 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb708dd9013b7d1e73‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb17c35bfc8ea35bc4

‎Obruchev V. Plutoniya. (Extraordinary journey into the bowels of the earth). In ‎

‎Obruchev V. Plutoniya. (Extraordinary journey into the bowels of the earth). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruchev V. Plutoniya. (Neobychaynoe puteshestvie v nedra zemli). Third edition M. L. ONTI 1936. 344c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb17c35bfc8ea35bc4‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR499.00 (€499.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb8eed13f440e17cf5

‎Obruchev V. Gerasimov A. Giedroyts A. Bronnikov M. geologists. mining engineer‎

‎Obruchev V. Gerasimov A. Giedroyts A. Bronnikov M. geologists. mining engineer. Geological Research and Exploration on the Siberian Railway Line Volume 19 Napezh by Order of the Geological Committee St. Petersburg Type M. Stasyulevich. 1899. 137s. SKUalb8eed13f440e17cf5.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb7a6a1146f65efcfc

‎Obruchev V.A. Eastern Mongolia. Geographic and geological description. Parts 1 a‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Eastern Mongolia. Geographic and geological description. Parts 1 a. M.-L. Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1947. 351 p. and 1 map-on. SKUalb7a6a1146f65efcfc.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb0704f3087f14f2ed

‎Obruchev V.A. Selected works. Selected works. Volume 3. Geological survey of gol‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Selected works. Selected works. Volume 3. Geological survey of gol. M. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1961. 567 with illustration. SKUalb0704f3087f14f2ed.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : alb3c78dbde3a9b922b

‎Obruchev V.A. History of geological research in Siberia. Period Four (1889-1917)‎

‎Obruchev V.A. History of geological research in Siberia. Period Four (1889-1917). M.-L. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1937. 874s. SKUalb3c78dbde3a9b922b.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albef25e355afddd910

‎Obruchev V.A. Book Set 1. Potanins Travels (1953) 2. Origins of Mountains and Co‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Book Set 1. Potanins Travels (1953) 2. Origins of Mountains and Co. Miscellaneous 1947-1961. SKUalbef25e355afddd910.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Vladimir Obruchev‎

Reference : albf5a712931d9c2862

‎Obruchev V.A. Essays on Siberias Geology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruch‎

‎Obruchev V.A. Essays on Siberias Geology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obruch. Geological sketch of Pribaikal and Lena District. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1932. 128s. SKUalbf5a712931d9c2862.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich ‎

Reference : 5246347

‎Plutoniya. In Russian /Plutonia ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Plutonium. Moscow Leningrad: Detizdat, 1941 (Moscow). The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5246347‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD699.00 (€603.52 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich‎

Reference : 9223224

‎Rudnik Ubogiy. In Russian /Ubogyi mine ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Ubogyi mine. Moscow: Puchina, MCMXXIX 1929 (Vologda: type. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9223224‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD899.00 (€776.20 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich‎

Reference : 9223221

‎Geologicheskaya karta Lenskogo zolotonosnogo rayona. In Russian /Geological m...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Geological map of the Leningrad gold-bearing area. Leningrad: Geological Committee, 1929: type. Leningrad Regional Executive Committee. Geologicheskaya karta Lenskogo zolotonosnogo rayona. In Russian /Geological map of the Lena gold-bearing area. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9223221‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD1,299.00 (€1,121.57 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich‎

Reference : 8979526

‎Rudnye mestorozhdeniya. In Russian /Ore deposits ‎

‎"Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Ore deposits. Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1928-1929. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU8979526"‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD699.00 (€603.52 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich ‎

Reference : 5171370

‎Plutoniya. In Russian /Plutonia ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Plutoniya. Moscow Leningrad: ONTI. Chief Editor of Popular Science and Youth Literature, 1937 (Leningrad: Yevg. Sokolova type). The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5171370‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich ‎

Reference : 5171368

‎Eduard Zyuss. In Russian /Edouard Suss ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. Eduard Zyuss. Moscow: ed., type and zinc. Journal-newspaper association, 1937. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5171368‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Vladimirovich‎

Reference : 5853112

‎Po Vnutrenney Azii. In Russian /Inner Asia ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Through Inner Asia. Moscow: Geografgiz: the 6th Polygraph Book Trust, 1947. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5853112‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich‎

Reference : 5853085

‎Proiskhozhdenie gor i materikov. In Russian /Origins of mountains and contine...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Obruchev, Vladimir Afanasyevich. The Origins of Mountains and Mainlands. Irkutsk: Irkutsk Region Publishing House: The 12th Polygraphical Trust, 1947. Proiskhozhdenie gor i materikov. In Russian /Origins of mountains and continents . The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5853085‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD399.00 (€344.50 )
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