Jacqueline Grandjean, May Vervoordt, Axel Vervoordt, Emma Crichton-Miller
Reference : 61639
, Uitgeverij: Mer, 2023 Hardcover, 356 pages, ENG, 300 x 300 x 35 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9789464759600.
Axel and May Vervoordt believe in art?s intrinsic power to change lives and add perspectives to the past, present, and future. Their collection embodies this unique approach and includes more than 750 works, spanning geographies and periods and including pieces from archaeology to contemporary art. Their interests in questions about space, time, and concepts of the void form the basis of a collection that grew from an intuitive and untameable curiosity and genuine friendships with artists. Since the 1970s until today, living with art is a self-evident part of daily life for the Vervoordt family. A series of exhibitions staged at Venice?s Palazzo Fortuny from 2007 until 2017 allowed their approach to attain international visibility and recognition. At its heart, the Vervoordt?s aim is driven by the transformational capacities of sharing art with as many people as possible. A generosity that?s reflected within the pages of this book.
Wijnegem, MER - Vervoordt Foundation, 2011, 2011 softcover, 340 pages. : ill. text in English. illustr. FINE ISBN 9789490693176.
catalogue Palazzo Fortuny [Venice] This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'TRA. Edge of Becoming', which took place at Palazzo Fortuny in Venice in 2011. The title TRA was chosen for its strong and suggestive conciseness. It also includes the word ?art? (if read at the inverse). As preposition it signifies ?in-between?, ?inside?, and as prefix it has also the meaning of an action that goes ?beyond?, ?ahead of?. As a suffix, TRA is common to many Sanskrit words: mantra, tantra, yantra?TRA recalls the complex and problematic ensemble of cultural and symbolic meanings that are connected to the concept of threshold and door. It concerns a physical and mental place that defines the point of interrelation between inside and outside and vice versa. It relates to the idea of crossing, of being purified and renovated through a ritual or an initiation. It is the space (or empty space) between two dimensions that marks the moment of passage from a condition to another, a breach towards new experiences.This richly illustrated catalogue was edited by Axel Vervoordt and features essays by Francesco Poli, Rosa Mart nez, Axel Vervoordt, Eddi de Wolf and Tatsuro Miki, and includes in situ images of the exhibition.
, Flammarion, 2010 Couverture reliee , 245 pages, Grand format, 27.7 cmx22.2 cm. FR TEXT. ISBN 9782081245150.
Le Wabi est un concept japonais qui d coule de la simplicit et de l'authenticit et dont la beaut r side dans l'imperfection. Raffinement, noblesse sans sophistication, intemporalit et utilisation de mat riaux naturels d finissent la fa on dont Axel Vervoordt se l'est appropri . Dans ce livre, il a choisi d'entra ner ses lecteurs sur la voie de la s r nit en montrant ses r alisations d'esprit Wabi et le chemin qui l'a men cette nouvelle inspiration. Les photographies de Laziz Hamani permettent de ressentir la beaut de ces lieux et de plonger dans l'atmosph re Wabi.
P., Flammarion, 2017. In-12 cartonnage d'éd., 306 pp., plusieurs ill. hors -texte en coul.
Très bonne cond. - Frais de port : -France 4,95 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Axel Vervoordt, Foreword by Boris Vervoordt, text by Michael James Gardner
Reference : 62540
, Flammarion, 2019 Hardcover, 264 pages, ENG, 310 x 240 mm, NEW, illustrated in colours. ISBN 9782080203755.
Eighteen recently-designed homes demonstrate how Axel Vervoordt incorporates nature, art, and timeless interiors to create living spaces that encourage self-reflection, inspiration, and happiness. For a half century, Axel Vervoordt's vision has been defined by a continual quest for harmony, beauty, and the creation of interior atmospheres that are rooted in the past, connected to the future, and imbued with today's comforts. Here, the designer reveals his guiding philosophy and pursuit to uncover the profound sense of well-being that a home can evoke. These eighteen residences -from an urban New York penthouse or Moscow apartment to a waterfront estate in New England, and from a Tokyo dwelling to a Bordeaux wine ch teau or a Wabi farmhouse- reveal how art complements architecture and the elements of nature in an alchemy of Vervoordt expression. Portraits of each residence -including the Vervoordts' own homes in Venice and Belgium- feature sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape and a tour through the interiors. Each detail?from the materials used to the graceful placement of a well-chosen object?offer deep insight into the Vervoordt design approach and abiding principles for living and working well. A home should be an oasis, a haven that fosters a sense of well-being and joy. Axel Vervoordt demonstrates how -through the creation of timeless interiors- a home can convey a spirit of generosity, love, and emotion to all who cross the threshold.
, Flammarion , 2011 Hardback, 270x215mm, 256p, 350 colour illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9782080301451.
Interior design guru Axel Vervoordt shares his latest inspirations for the home. Axel Vervoordts intense curiosity has fueled his work as an interior designer, spurring him to explore and draw inspiration from cultures around the globe. He was first exposed to Eastern art and philosophy years ago, but today it has become the guiding principle in his work, particularly the concept of Wabi. Developed in the twelfth century, Wabi advocates simplicity and humility, the rejection of all that is superfluous or artificial. Through extraordinary photographs from Japan and Korea to Belgium and Switzerland, Vervoordt invites us to explore the elements that inspire him: natural materials and timeworn objects that evoke the essence of Wabi. Today, together with the Japanese architect Tatsuro Miki, Vervoordt carries the principles of Wabi into his remarkable interiors. As Vervoordt reveals how he infuses his current creations with a fundamentally oriental approach, interiors devotees will gain new insight from this tribute to the designers latest sources of inspiration for the home.
BE - , Vervoordt - MER / Vervoordt Foundation, 2011 softcover , 305 x 200 mm, 288 pages, 350 colour illustrations. English edition. ISBN 9789461170149.
De Japanse kunstenaar Sadaharu Horio ( Kobe, 1939) kan beschouwd worden als de belangrijkste performance-kunstenaar van zijn generatie. Zijn invloed op de Japanse hedendaagse kunstwereld is veelbetekenend. Per jaar houdt hij ongeveer 100 tentoonstellingen en performances. Tijdens die performances daagt Horio zijn publiek constant uit over hun visie op kunst, waarbij de handeling het uitgangspunt is en niet het resultaat, en waarbij hij de betekenis van het kritische artistieke denken versterkt. In zijn werk tracht Horio het moment te vatten en het vast te leggen in de tijd. Veel van zijn "actions" bestaan uit het kleuren van objecten, die hij in een strak dagelijks schema, als een ritueel aanvat. Zo verheft Horio zijn vaak banale handelingen tot een artistiek niveau door hen continu te herhalen waardoor ze hun alledaags karakter juist verliezen. Zijn werk is te omvatten als een niet-referenti le actie, Atarimae-no-koto genaamd, of de relatie tussen het alledaagse en kunst. Deze nieuwe publicatie is uitgegeven door de Vervoordt Foundation en omvat een essay van de Japanse curator Atsuo Yamamoto, die een historisch overzicht geeft van diens leven en werk, een interview met de Duitse kunstcriticus Heinz-Norbert Jocks, een groot overzicht met beeldmateriaal van Horio's belangrijkste performances en een selectie van diens werk uit de jaren 60 tot vandaag, met een complete biografie, foto's van Laziz Hamani en een dankwoord van Axel Vervoordt. /// The Japanese artist Sadaharu Horio ( Kobe, 1939) can be considered the most important performance artist of his generation. His influence on the Japanese contemporary art world is significant. He holds about 100 exhibitions and performances every year. During those performances, Horio constantly challenges his audience about their vision of art, in which the action is the starting point and not the result, reinforcing the meaning of critical artistic thinking. In his work, Horio tries to capture the moment and capture it in time. Many of his "actions" consist of coloring objects, which he starts as a ritual in a strict daily schedule. Horio thus elevates his often banal actions to an artistic level by continuously repeating them, so that they lose their everyday character. His work can be understood as a non-referential action called Atarimae-no-koto, or the relationship between the everyday and art. This new publication is published by the Vervoordt Foundation and includes an essay by the Japanese curator Atsuo Yamamoto, which gives a historical overview of his life and work, an interview with the German art critic Heinz-Norbert Jocks, a large overview with images of Horio's most important performances and a selection of his work from the 1960s to today, with a complete biography, photos by Laziz Hamani and a word of thanks from Axel Vervoordt.
, Flammarion, 2013 Hardcover with dusjacket 256 pages, 27 30 cm, illustrations in colour.., ENG. ISBN 9782080201591.
Following the best seller Axel Vervoordt: Timeless Interiors, this volume of twenty new interiors expands on the Vervoordt vision for creating exceptional homes that combine natural elements, antiques, and fine art. The art of harmonious living is extolled in this volume through twenty bespoke interiors designed by the Axel Vervoordt company. Each room incorporates natural elements?light, water, metal, wood?blended with a modern aesthetic and punctuated with fine art. The Vervoordt concept of the home is revealed through a refined balance between art and nature to create timeless living spaces. The range of featured properties includes homes by the sea as well as in urban and rural locations, demonstrating a breadth of styles possible within the essential Vervoordt design principles. Photography by Laziz Hamani brings into focus both the unique design details and the carefully constructed interiors that fuse to create each striking setting. These exceptional residences are rich with inspirational ideas to incorporate into your own home so that you can celebrate your living space in the singular Vervoordt style.
BE, Lannoo, 2019 Gebonden, 320 pagina's met kleurrijke afbeeldingen, 320x240mm.*volledig nieuw exemplaar! ISBN 9789401463423.
Een thuis zou een oase moeten zijn, een veilige haven die geluk en vreugde uitstraalt Al een halve eeuw cre ert de wereldbefaamde kunsthandelaar en interieurvormgever Axel Vervoordt met zijn bedrijf unieke woningen over de hele wereld. Hij vindt zijn inspiratie in verschillende culturen en tijdperken. Vandaag vloeien in de projecten van Vervoordt traditionele, wabi- en hedendaagse elementen samen. Deze elementen zijn tegelijk verankerd in het verleden en verbonden met de toekomst. Dit boek brengt zeventien uiteenlopende residenties samen, waaronder de allereerste Vervoordt-projecten in Japan, Rusland en India, maar ook stedelijke penthouses in New York en Londen, een wabi-schuur in Vlaanderen, een Venetiaans palazzo, een toevluchtsoord op Ibiza en een huis aan de kust van New England. Elk huis ademt een unieke en serene sfeer uit en verbindt op de typische Vervoordt-manier kunst met architectuur en natuur
Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki Design
Reference : 52011
, MER. Paper Kunsthalle , 2018 Softcover / 96 pages / 19 x 25 cm. ENGLISH ISBN 9789493045040.
DIVA will be inviting renowned designers and curators for a contemporary interpretation of the Wunderkammer, a chamber exhibiting a collection of art and curiosities, objects from every corner of the globe. The Wunderkammer stems from Antwerp's illustrious past, for until the middle of the seventeenth century the city led the way in the production and distribution of art and luxury goods. Silverware, jewellery, precious stones and exotic curiosities like coconuts, shells and coral were highly sought-after. Axel Vervoordt, after his famous series of biennal exhibitions at the Palazzo Fortuny in Venice, will take the lead. The catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Axel Vervoordt, Wonderkamer 1' at the new Diamond Museum Antwerp is the 2nd issue of an affordable series of DIVA 'magazines', opening and sharing the reclused world of luxury arts and crafts. Axel Vervoordt (? 1947, Antwerp, Belgium) has earned renown as a collector, antiquarian, interior designer and, most recently, curator. Counting among his clientele royalty, rock stars, financiers, tech tycoons and artists, he is one of the world's foremost tastemakers. Inquiries into the nature of being and concepts of time and space are what most compel him; he conveys his views through his inspired arrangements of objects and interiors. To some, expressing the lofty in the material might seem contradictory, but Vervoordt believes that, as in a Zen koan, truth can be contained in paradox and ambiguity.
Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki Design
Reference : 52010
, MER. Paper Kunsthalle , Softcover / 96 pages / 19 x 25 cm. Nederlands. ISBN 9789493045033.
DIVA will be inviting renowned designers and curators for a contemporary interpretation of the Wunderkammer, a chamber exhibiting a collection of art and curiosities, objects from every corner of the globe. The Wunderkammer stems from Antwerp's illustrious past, for until the middle of the seventeenth century the city led the way in the production and distribution of art and luxury goods. Silverware, jewellery, precious stones and exotic curiosities like coconuts, shells and coral were highly sought-after. Axel Vervoordt, after his famous series of biennal exhibitions at the Palazzo Fortuny in Venice, will take the lead. The catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Axel Vervoordt, Wonderkamer 1' at the new Diamond Museum Antwerp is the 2nd issue of an affordable series of DIVA 'magazines', opening and sharing the reclused world of luxury arts and crafts. Axel Vervoordt (? 1947, Antwerp, Belgium) has earned renown as a collector, antiquarian, interior designer and, most recently, curator. Counting among his clientele royalty, rock stars, financiers, tech tycoons and artists, he is one of the world's foremost tastemakers. Inquiries into the nature of being and concepts of time and space are what most compel him; he conveys his views through his inspired arrangements of objects and interiors. To some, expressing the lofty in the material might seem contradictory, but Vervoordt believes that, as in a Zen koan, truth can be contained in paradox and ambiguity.
, Flammarion, 2019 Reli -320 pages - 237 x 315 mm. ISBN 9782081496316.
Nous cr ons des maisons pour que les gens s?y sentent bien et y trouvent leur bonheur. Nous pensons que chaque maison est une oasis ; un lieu de silence dans un monde trop bruyant ! crit Axel Vervoordt. Marchand d?art install e Anvers depuis cinquante ans, la soci t Vervoordt.
, Flammarion, 2019 relie, 320 pages - 237 x 315 mm, ill Couleur. ISBN 9782081496316.
Nous cr ons des maisons pour que les gens s?y sentent bien et y trouvent leur bonheur. Nous pensons que chaque maison est une oasis ; un lieu de silence dans un monde trop bruyant ! crit Axel Vervoordt. Marchand d?art install e Anvers depuis cinquante ans, la soci t Vervoordt met en sc ne des demeures dans le monde entier, v ritables havres de paix en harmonie avec la nature, dans lesquelles elle fait dialoguer les poques et les objets. Ses clients appr cient son go t unique ! Dans ce nouvel ouvrage, elle nous fait d couvrir des projets men s bien aux tats-Unis, en Belgique, en Angleterre, en France, en Italie et en Espagne, ainsi que des premi res r alisations en Inde, en Russie et au Japon ! Sur chaque chantier, la soci t a mis en vidence la mani re unique qu?elle a de relier l?art, l?architecture et la nature en une seule pratique.
BE, Lannoo, 2018 Hardback, 312 pagina's, 200x160mm met afbeeldingen. . ISBN 9789401448598.
Voor het eerst duikt Axel Vervoordt in zijn verleden en leert de lezer zo zijn passie voor antieke objecten en kunst begrijpen. Het is een eindeloze wereldwijde zoektocht vol verrassende anekdotes. Doorspekt met een filosofie en een treffende boodschap, vertellen zijn verhalen over de periodes in zijn leven die hem gemaakt hebben tot wie hij is. Met humor en levenswijsheid vertelt hij over de mensen die hem beinvloed hebben, zijn talrijke ontmoetingen met artiesten, collega's, klanten en mentors.
Axel Vervoordt, Bernard Lietaer, Giulio d'Alessio, Ludovica Lumer, Spyros Papapetros, Eddie De Wolf, Gira Gratier, Francesco Poli
Reference : 54641
, [BE] AsaMER , 2015 Hardback, 300x210mm, 440 pages, ITALIAN edition have received the award of Best exhibition of the Year for PROPORTIO. . ISBN 9789491775932.
Expo: 9/5/2015 - 22/11/2015 - Biennial Venice 2015, Palazzo Fortuno, Venice PROPORTIO Presentata a Palazzo Fortuny, a Venezia, da maggio a novembre 2015 da Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation e Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Proportio un'esposizione presente nella nostra vita, nel complesso universo in cui ci troviamo. Attraverso un ventaglio di espressioni provenienti da ambiti diversi quali l'arte, la natura, la fisica, l'economia, la storia, la scienza, la musica, la medicina e altri ancora, lo studio della proporzione svela gli schemi e i modelli naturali ricorrenti nella creazione di tutto ci che costituisce il mondo materiale. Durante l'intero corso della storia umana a noi noto, civilt diverse hanno impiegato il sapere relativo alle proporzione. Le nozioni estremamente avanzate e complesse legate ai principi della geometria sacra e, in particolar modo, della sezione aurea sono confluite all'interno di esoteriche conoscenze spirituali e tradizioni religiose LIST OF PARTICIPATING ARTIST Marina Abramovic, Carla Accardi, Josef Albers, Carl Andre, Rodolfo Arico, Ida Barbarigo, Massimo Bartolini, Domenico Bianchi, Cristiano Bianchin, Alberto Biasi, Bae Bien-U, Alighiero Boetti, Otto Boll, Agostino Bonalumi, Michael Borremans, Sandro Botticelli, Lucia Bru, Markus Brunetti, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Pierpaolo Calzolari, Francesco Candeloro, Antonio Canova, Vincenzo Castella, Eduardo Chillida, Chang-Sup Chung, Niccolo Codazzi, Viviano Codazzi, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Hanne Darboven, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Raoul De Keyser, Riccardo De Marchi, Marta Dell'Angelo, Gabriele Devecchi, Maurizio Donzelli, Jan Dries, Arthur Duff, Luciano Fabro, Philippe Favier, Giorgia Fiorio, Henri Foucault, Anne-Karin Furunes, Alberto Giacometti, Ando Gilardi, Fernanda Gomes, Antony Gormley, Kees Goudzwaard, Gotthard Graubner, Aldo Grazzi, Franco Guerzoni, Chong Hyun Ha, Erwin Heerich, Michael Heizer, Samantha Holmes, Sadaharu Horio, Akiko Horio, Ryoji Ikeda, Norio Imai, Robert Indiana, Ann Veronica Janssens, Francesco Jodice, Ilya et Emilia Kabakov, Anish Kapoor, Ellsworth Kelly, William Kentridge, Anselm Kiefer, Kimsooja, Harry Kivijarvi, Susan Kleinberg, Wolfgang Laib, Edoardo Landi, Le Corbusier, Sol Lewitt, Richard Long, Nino Longobardi, Heinz Mack, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Christian Megert, Richard Meier, Fausto Melotti, Marisa Merz, Mario Merz, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio Morandi, Francois Morellet, Shuji Mukai, Rei Naito, Yuko Nasaka, Shirin Neshat, Louise Nevelson, Ben Nicholson, Renato Nicolodi, Mario Nigro, Gioberto Noro, Hans Op de Beeck, Marie Orensanz, Mimmo Paladino, Pablo Palazuelo, Izhar Patkin, Masaomi Raku, Kurt Ralske, Robert Ryman, Lucio Saffaro, Fred Sandback, Giuseppe Santomaso, Tomas Saraceno, MariaTeresa Sartori, Stephane Sautour, Nobuo Sekine, Conrad Shawcross, Yasuhiro Shimakawa, Kazuo Shiraga, Gabriel Sierra, David Simpson, Bosco Sodi, Ettore Spalletti, Dominique Stroobant, Takis, Antoni Tapies, Marco Tirelli, Gunther Uecker, Camiel Van Breedam, Koen Van den Broek, Dom Hans Van der Laan, Koen Vanmechelen, Grazia Varisco, Victor Vasarely, Jef Verheyen, Nanda Vigo, Bill Viola, Rachel Whiteread, Maaria Wirkkala, Hyong-Keun Yun, Gianfranco Zappettini and Raphael Zarka.
MER/Paper Kunsthalle, 2007, in-4, hardbound, 344p. Very good condition. Marina Abramovic, El Anatsui, Arman, Antonin Artaud, Francis Bacon, Erzsebet Baerveldt, Hans Bellmer, Alighiero Boetti, Christian Boltanski,Michael Borremans, Louise Bourgeois, Andre Breton, Peter Buggenhout,Alberto Burri, Cai Guo-Qiang, Enrico Castellani, Loris Cecchini, Tony Cragg,Yael Davids, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Giorgio De Chirico, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Marlene Dumas, Jan Fabre, Robert Filliou, Fischli & Weiss, Lucio Fontana, Mariano Fortuny, Alberto Giacometti, Gotthard Graubner, Thomas Grunfeld, Anish Kapoor, On Kawara, William Kentridge, Kimsooja, Yves Klein, Bertrand Lavier, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Man Ray, Piero Manzoni, Gordon Matta-Clark, Marisa Merz, Sabrina Mezzaqui, Tatsuo Miyajima, Jorge Molder, Sadamasa Motonaga, Klaus Münch, Saburo Murakami, Roman Opalka, Orlan, Pablo Picasso, Otto Piene, Markus Raetz, Robert Raushenberg, Charles Ross, Medardo Rosso, Thomas Ruff, Claude Rutault, Richard Serra, Shozo Shimamoto, Fujiko Shiraga, Kazuo Shiraga, Thomas Schutte, Curt Stenvert, Dominique Stroobant, Shiro Tsujimura, Antoni Tapies, James Turrell, Gunther Uecker, Emilio Vedova,Jef Verheyen, Andy Warhol, Adolfo Wildt, Tsuruko Yamazaki
ISBN 10 : 9076979472 / ISBN 13 : 9789076979472.
, AsaMER, 2014 Hardback, 320x240mm, 122 pages, English edition, Fine copy. Including an index. FINE ISBN 9789491775413.
Tsuyoshi Maekawa ( 1936, Japan) is one of the few remaining members of the Gutai Art Association, Japan's most important avant-garde (1954-1972), which has been receiving a lot of international attention the last few years. This book is the first monograph about Maekawa. It brings together many historic images and documents of the Gutai period, found in the archives of the Ashiya City Museum of Art. The work of Tsuyoshi Maekawa ( 1936, Japan) is an ode to matter. From the beginning he chose jute as a his main material. As is common to the art of all Gutai artists, his practice entails an authentic and personal approach with great respect for the material in all its purity. Matter is his true vehicle of expression and represents nothing other than itself. The artist is entirely at the behest of the medium. The tactility he manages to convey is deeply moving. The catalogue contains many unpublished historic image of Maekawa's Gutai period as well as an interview with the artist by Koichi Kawasaki and an essay by internationally renowned Gutai connaisseur Shoichi Hirai
, AsaMER, 2017 Hardback, 320x240mm, 152 pages, English edition, Fine copy. Including an index. FINE ISBN 9789492321442.
Maekawa II presents the work of Japanese artist Tsuyoshi Maekawa ( 1936) during the 1970s. In contrast to Maekawa I, which highlights his art of the previous decade made within the directives of the Gutai Art Association, Maekawa II sheds light on the artist's unremitting efforts to overcome the sudden death of Gutai's leader Jiro Yoshihara in 1972. In this volume, the ceaseless innovations and impulses Maekawa instigated in his post-Gutai practice are brought to the fore. They show the profound exercises and manipulations of sewed and dyed burlap that he shaped into oftentimes highly tactile squares, lines, triangles, and a multitude of colourful yet sober wavy patterns; at times stretched over boxes or loosely draped over walls. The result is a singular exploration of fabric, texture, colour and the possibilities of the canvas at its roughest core. Tsuyoshi Maekawa ( 1936, Japan) is one of the few remaining members of the Gutai Art Association, Japan's most important avant-garde (1954-1972), which has been receiving a lot of international attention the last few years. This book is the first monograph about Maekawa. It brings together many historic images and documents of the Gutai period, found in the archives of the Ashiya City Museum of Art. The work of Tsuyoshi Maekawa ( 1936, Japan) is an ode to matter. From the beginning he chose jute as a his main material. As is common to the art of all Gutai artists, his practice entails an authentic and personal approach with great respect for the material in all its purity. Matter is his true vehicle of expression and represents nothing other than itself. The artist is entirely at the behest of the medium. The tactility he manages to convey is deeply moving. The catalogue contains many unpublished historic image of Maekawa's Gutai period as well as an interview with the artist by Koichi Kawasaki and an essay by internationally renowned Gutai connaisseur Shoichi Hirai