BE-, Pandora, 2013 Hardback, 250x250mm, 132p, throughout colour illustrations, English edition ISBN 9789053253656.
The evolving role of port authorities can be traced through the architecture of their haedquarters. Prestigious city palaces tended to mark the vested power that fitted the historical, all-encompassing role of port authorities, whereas contemporary architecture displays a more functional and business-oriented profile. Other port authorities established themselves in former warehouses or passenger terminals, thus connecting with the industrial heritage of their ports. Whatever period they date from, port authority headquarters are generally landmark sites in the architectural landscape of port cities. Their interiors quite often boast original design features and remarkable art collections. The Port Office tells the story of European port authorities through the architecture, art and design of their head offices, thus illustrating the rich diversity of European seaports
Antwerpen , Pandora Publishing, 2018 Paperback,251 pagina's met prachtige illustraties in kleur. een fraaie gids !!. ISBN 9789053254356.
Harbour life presenteert het volle leven aan de Antwerpse haven. dat is veel diverser dan je zou denken. de haven is uiteraard bevolkt met dokwerkers, loodsen, scheepsagenten en douaniers. Maar je ontmoet er evengoed cafebazinnen , priesters, natuurbeschermers en erfgoed bewakers. Harbour life laat je kennis maken let hun boeiende wereld. 33 mensen vertellen hun persoonlijke havenverhalen. Toeristische gids met 4 wandelroutes en fietsroutes in het Antwerpse Havengebied en binnenstad, met portretten en interviews van mensen die een bijzondere band met de haven hebben. met aandacht voor bijzondere restaurants, typische cafes, fun facts, winkels en tal van infographics. EEN MUST VOOR ELKE toerist, wandelaars, Antwerpenaren en u !
BE-, Pandora 2013, 2013 Hardback, 250x250mm, 132p, throughout colour illustrations, English edition ISBN 9789053253656.
The evolving role of port authorities can be traced through the architecture of their haedquarters. Prestigious city palaces tended to mark the vested power that fitted the historical, all-encompassing role of port authorities, whereas contemporary architecture displays a more functional and business-oriented profile. Other port authorities established themselves in former warehouses or passenger terminals, thus connecting with the industrial heritage of their ports. Whatever period they date from, port authority headquarters are generally landmark sites in the architectural landscape of port cities. Their interiors quite often boast original design features and remarkable art collections. The Port Office tells the story of European port authorities through the architecture, art and design of their head offices, thus illustrating the rich diversity of European seaports